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Secret # 6.

i think im fat.
im constantly called skinny, and my friends always say im tiny but i dont believe them.
im kinda tall, and i think i use that as an exucse.
my doctor says im underweight, but i think shes looking at the wrong scale.
i try to exsercize, but it doesnt work.
i try not to eat, but im always hungry.
i do so many sports, but it just doesnt work for me...
i dont know what to do.
i dont trust anyone who tells me im skinny.

and im just-

im SO insecure.
even when i tell myself im not.

i know im lieing to myself.
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Secret # 6. i think im fat. im constantly called skinny, and

2 faves · Jul 25, 2010 1:30am






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