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30 days, 30 letters
Day 1- my best friend

Dear Jess, Sam, Taylor, Juliana, Steph and Melissa,
          Okay so I know I already wrote you guys a whole thing which if you havn't seen, scroll down a bunch. But I love you guys so much. I can trust you with my secrets and don't have to worry about a single soul finding out, and once I tell you, I have no regrets. You guys literally know me inside and out. You guys have helped me with boys; you gave me courage to talk to my crush, with advice on what to do and say, and you helped me become a better person and do big things I could never have done by myself. I'm so lucky to have you guys and I know whenever I need you you'll be there. Thanks. I hope I'm as great as a friend to you as you are to me, and just know I'l be there for you whenever you need me. Cuz friendship is a two way street.

Love you to pieces,
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30 days, 30 letters Day 1- my best friend Dear Jess, Sam, Taylor,

3 faves · 1 comments · Jul 18, 2010 8:00pm






Mackie42 · 1 decade ago
This is just a really, really nice letter!
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