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Sometimes I wonder

Is it Worth It?
Is it worth being here?
Is there anyone to care?

Most people end up hating me.

My best friends like each other more than me. Im probably their least favorite "Best Friend" of all of them.

I feel like a nuecens.
Idc how u spell nucense. W/e. i just do. Im lost when my friends are hurting, and i dont know how to help. Usually, i sy things to make them feel better, but it makes them feel worse.

Im just lost. I wonder, what would this world be like with out me? probaby no different.

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Sometimes I wonder Is it Worth It? Is it worth being here? Is

2 faves · 2 comments · Jul 1, 2010 4:22pm






allxofxthexabove11 · 1 decade ago
just wait things will get better!!!!
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advice_here · 1 decade ago
no, don't think bad of your self! if your best friends don;t like you, then you should either ask why or just you find better friends than that. i was once in that position, and it didn't feel good. and they probely have been friends forever and just can't get enough of each other. i hope i helped!
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