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So your a teenager.
You can do everything kids can do. You can bounce on a trampoline,
wear your hair in ponytails, you can ask questions and eat skittles without
thinking about your problems. You can always go to your Mum for advice
and get excited when someone new comes to school. You can be nice to
your litte sister, let her hold your hand instead of telling her to walk a few
metres behind you. <3 You can laugh at stupid pranks and sing whenever.
You can love anything with your whole entire heart too //////////////////////
You can play air guitar, just because it looks awesome when you flick your
long hair about. You can hug your Mum, for the randomest reasons ever.
Run about with your friends but always remember to be careful who your
messing with. You can wear your favourite tee, the one with the dinosuar
on it. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ or even pretend you are a purple dinosaur just remember,

Have fun while you can <3

* all mine *
You see that ok?

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So your a teenager. You can do everything kids can do. You can

6 faves · Jun 20, 2010 12:22pm






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