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&+ You'll never know,
how much i still care.
how much i love your smile, the twinkle in your beautiful brown eyes.
how much i wish you still loved me  and not her.
how much i wish it was still like back then
how much pain i go through everyday seeing you.
how much i wish you were back to how you used to be.
not like how they made you, how you were back then, when we were
best friends.

and i wish you could see this, know it was me and finally know the truth how i feel
lazy with the colors...i was just thinkin about him and had to vent:/
if it sucks, oh well. i really dont care. im just venting.

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&+ You'll never know, how much i still care. how much i love

4 faves · Jun 15, 2010 4:46pm






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