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Summer Love Awaits 8

The text message said " Hey girl:) Do you wanna come over for the night? You can bring Kali, too." Ohhh, I love Andy. He always knows how to help me when I'm down. Although..he doesn't know I like Stephen yet.
Wait? I don't know! Do I like Stephen? I feel like I hate him, but I still really like him. After I saw him with another girl, I felt like I wanted to punch him though. Stephen hasn't even texted me to see why I didn't go to our "date."
What a jerk. Anyway, me and Kali started packing our stuff so we could go to Andy's. My mom won't care, she actually trusts me with boy-girl sleepovers.
As I went to leave, on my steps, there was a message. On the message this time, there was no writing but only a heart. I really want to find out who these messages are from...

should I keep going?

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Summer Love Awaits 8 The text message said " Hey girl:)

3 faves · Jun 4, 2010 6:47pm






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