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Quote #1522130

0 faves · 4 comments · May 29, 2010 8:52am






live_laugh_love_xo · 1 decade ago
well if he would do that to you,
you probably dont want someone like that in your life.

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baeqirlxO13 · 1 decade ago
This sounds like my love story ; lol. well Brett is probably confused because i have to admit, don't we all get confused? I know it's really hard when people say to get over him, he doesn't treat you right. i know it's hard to just take that advice and try to change feelings so quickly. it isn't going to be easy at all. i know from experience. But, over time it really does get easier and you will be able to forget about Brett. Believe me! For now i think maybe you should forget about boy for a little and just have fun with your friends. That way you don't have to worry about them for a while!
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Drawing_Hearts_In_the_Sand · 1 decade ago
Maybe you should take a break for a little while. It sounds like this Brett guy is a heart breaker and it doesn't sound like he treats you very well. Albert sounds like a better guy to be with, but take a minute to step in his shoes. You two had a good relationship going until all the sudden you break up with him for another guy. He probably doesn't know if you can be trusted again. Time will only tell. Talk to both of them and decide what's truly best for you.
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bhappi101 · 1 decade ago
maybe you love him but your not in love with him. I think that he is just going to keep breaking your heart. Albert sounds way better
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