Witty Profiles

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There are things you'll never understand, things you'll
never be able to comprehend. But I ask that you don't
judge me by who you think I am through my words,
but by who I've proven myself to be through my actions.
I'd like to give you an inside look into my life and who I
live with day to day. The people who have been there
through everything, and the people who have joined
the journey for only a period of time. The activities
I'm involved in and the people I've met along the way.
The adventures I've gone on, and the struggles I've faced.
Be prepared: My story isn't a fairytale, and I've faced
many hardships. But my life is perfect through my eyes,
and I am so lucky to have what I have.

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There are things you'll never understand, things you'll never

3 faves · May 6, 2010 3:58pm






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