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True Story...;
You ask me out; I say No, because my mother told me to.But It made you upset, So i told you yes.Your on my bus.In the morning me and you were always the first ones off, because we were safetys.We walk to the curb,and we give eachother a hug.At the end of everyday you sit with me on the bus,My head fits perfectly into your shoulder.No matter what we would always be together.---->You break up with me.</3:I cry. A few days later, we go to Great-Adventure for our school safety trip, You ask me out again on the bus,and I say yes. It was the first time for both of us going on El Toro, we hold hands the whole time<3. At recess, I'm the only one from my class that you let me play kickball with...--->You break up with me. A few days later, you text me and  ask me out again.I say yes. Over the weekend, I go to my friends house. We invite you,and you come. We swing on the hammock for hours.Holding hands,feeling like i'm in heaven. We go inside,My friends play guitar hero.Me and you are on the couch,and I cuddle with you.iLoveYou.;We break up</3
You ask me out again, I say yes. I never thought it would happen again.When I am in your arms, there's no better feeling. We hangout,and we fight, But i NEVER told you I loved you.You were my everything.But then you dump me, for a aneraxic-druggie....
You ask me for advice on how to ask out my Best Friend, out of no where. We start to talk alot. My status's are "Why did I ever Let you Go?",;" I wish I never let you go..." Yet you still don't know how I feel. Don't come crying to me when my Best Friend rejects you....Because I'm gonna be the one running into your arms.

. . .I L O V E  Y O U < 3

& still you can't see it.</3

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True Story...; (Flashback;5thGrade) You ask me out; I say No,

3 faves · May 2, 2010 7:50pm






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