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Through the Green Glass Door
Chapter 5

 Apparently my dad already notified my old school of my departure, and registered me into Jacob Ellis Middle School, which was in New York City. Wonderful. I have to be the “new kid in school.” It’s not that I didn’t like attention, I actually kind of like it. I just didn’t want people to judge me so quickly, since I’m new. I was to start school on Monday; it’s Thursday today. Dad was taking me clothes shopping, and school supplies shopping today. Surprisingly, he didn’t follow me around everywhere while I shopped. Instead, he kept his distance, and browsed around.I was looking at a rack of shirts, occasionally my minds drifting off. I saw one that I really liked, but it was $30.00. I don’t think that Chris would pay for it, so I put it back. Instead, I stuck to shirts that were $20.00 or less, trying to keep it on the reasonable-priced side; I got that from my mother. I picked about 20 shirts, enough to get started for now. I put the shirts into the carriage, and strolled along to the pants section. There, I found about 10 pairs of blue jeans, all different shades and styles. I also got a pair of black dress pants. I tend to stay away from skirts, dresses, purses; anything girly, really. I’m not that much of a “girlie-girl”, but I’m not a tomboy.I got 2 pairs of sneakers, and 3 sweatshirts that could literally match anything. I brought my carriage of clothes over to my dad. His eyes lit up as he saw that I was satisfied with where we went. “Find everything okay?” He asked, with a smile.“Yeah.” My number one answer to his small talk. We walked to the register, and the cashier started checking out my items. The total came to $394.99. I didn’t say anything; I just watched him pull his platinum credit card out of his wallet, and hand it to the cashier. She scanned the card, and handed it back to him, with a smile. As we walked out of the store, I tried making conversation with him. “Thanks, Dad. You didn’t have to do this for me.” “That’s okay Jayne. I had extra money in my pocket anyways. I’m happy I found some way to spend it.”I loaded the bags into his trunk, and we headed to Staples for my school supplies.

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Through the Green Glass Door Chapter 5 Apparently my dad already

0 faves · Apr 23, 2010 6:11pm




