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Through the Green Glass Door

Chapter 2

I woke up only to find a soaked pillow of tears, and Marissa’s cat, Trish, lying on my stomach. I looked over to Marissa’s clock: 5:37. I only had a little over an hour in my hometown, until I moved away with my dad.
When I was 4 years old, my parents got into a huge fight. I don’t remember what it was about, and my mother would never give me the slightest hint of what happened. But, all I know is that their fight ended up into a divorce; and I went to live with my mother, in the town of Northfield, Massachusetts.

is rather a small-populated town; with only a little more than 3,000 residents. I liked this town. It was a rather petite, quiet town, and almost everybody knew each other. There wasn’t a lot of danger going around, as there is in the big cities. I lived in East Northfield, which lies on the east side of the Connecticut River. The main way to get to West Northfield was by the Bennett’s Meadow Bridge. I was used to the quiet, minus the football games. It was usually not too cold outside. I’d say it’s rather on the warm side, in my opinion. But then again, I usually don’t get cold too easily. If you drove through this town, you’d see a lot of people walking about the streets. We take advantage of the warmth whenever we can. It rained about once every two weeks, and during those times, I liked to stay inside. I was never a big fan of water, or swimming, as a matter of fact.

Now, it was
6:03. Marissa was still sleeping; but I didn’t mind. I kind of liked just laying in silence. It really relaxed me, since usually I’m stressed out a lot. Only 57 more minutes in Northfield. That thought really put me into a depressed mood. I didn’t want to move away, but I had no choice. I didn’t have any relatives near Northfield, nor in Massachusetts. The closest relatives I have lived in West Virginia, and that was still a long distance away. I guess I’d have to settle with my dad, in the busy streets of New York City.

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Through the Green Glass Door Chapter 2 I woke up only to find

0 faves · Apr 23, 2010 5:49pm




