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This Summer;
I hope I fall in love. I wanna spend my summer with a beautiful boy, who has a beautiful heart. I want to him love me back. I want to spend every day with him, holding hands, walking on beaches and slowly falling in love. I want to know as much as possible about him, and for the first time, I'll open up my heart. I'll tell him all he wants to know and it'll be as if I've known him all my life.
Summer love; thats what i want. I want a love that I'll remember all my life. I want it to be the best 3 months of my life. And when the summer ends, and we also end, I want to share a beautiful goodbye with him. I don't want it to hurt, or I don't want us to end badly. I want to walk away as strangers, just like when we'd met, and all I want to feel are the memories, and the amazing feelings I felt.
I want to love and be loved in return; simple.
 When we go apart, I don't want to feel anything for him - I just want to end us like we started off; as strangers. The only difference will be that when we first met, we wouldn't have known what it felt like to love.
We wouldn't have had the perfect moments that forever will scar our lives. Forever.

But life doesn't work that way.
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This Summer; I hope I fall in love. I wanna spend my summer with

3 faves · Apr 21, 2010 3:13pm






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