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please tell me i'm not the only one who....

*cant stop thinking about him.
*wonders if he thinks about me too. 
*gets jealous that he talks to other girls.
*talks to other guys in front of him so he feels the same way.
*loves getting notes from him even if they just say 'hi'
*sad that he's leaving eight seconds before he says he has to go.
*has no classes with him but yet, he's in my head every single one of them.
*figures out how many periods til you see him in the hallway again.
*gets sad when he's not in school, you would rather not talk to him than not see him at all at school.
*first and last thought of everyday.
*makes me randomly smile like an idiot

*feelings that just cant be explained.

                    ..ilovehim?  (:

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please tell me i'm not the only one who.... *cant stop thinking

7 faves · 1 comments · Apr 15, 2010 3:25pm






yummy247x · 1 decade ago
this is how i feel!
why does every quote say im in love?
what is love does any body wanna tell me :\
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