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In Life y0u will learn:
° Kisses d0n't always mean something
° Pr0mises can be br0ken
° S0mtimes g00dbyes r f0rever
° Listen t0 y0ur enemies....they tell u y0ur faults
° Keep y0ur friends cl0se and y0ur enemies even cl0ser
° L00ks can be decieving (pers0nality is better)
° B0ys make pr0mises...But it takes a real MAN t0 keep them.
° D0n't wish up0n a star...reach f0r 0ne...
° Fight f0r what u believe in...d0n't let anyb0dy ever disc0urage u...
° Dance like n0b0dy's watching.....and live like there is n0 t0m0rr0w
° Keep the picture it never changes 0nly the pe0ple in them d0...
° Let them n0tice u...n0t u n0tice them...
° The next time u think u r perfect...try walking 0n water
° It takes tw0 pe0ple to lie...0ne to lie...and 0ne to listen.
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In Life y0u will learn: ° Kisses d0n't always mean something

0 faves · May 6, 2006 6:26am




