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today,  after  school,

my younger sister, who's in third grade, brought home a friend to hang
out with for the day. they were talking about who they liked, and who / /
they're best friends are. my sisters friend says,  "sammy's my best guy
friend, ever, but i like like him too." which i respond with, "oh, that is so
cute! does he go to your guys school?" she says,  "no, he doesn't go to
school  that often..he's in the  hospitable  most of his time.  he's  sick..
he got diagnosed with cancer this fall." i was shocked, "really? how old
is he?" she says "he's my age, he's nine." i felt horrible. "i'm very sorry,
what type of cancer?"  she looks away and says, "i don't know, but all i
do  know is he has to  s h a v e  his hair,  and he had to get his leg  cut
off,  because the cancer was spreading all over his leg." i felt extremely
bad now.."i'm sorry to hear that.."  i said to her. then the next thing she
said, touched my heart."alot of people stare at him funny, just because
he doesn't have a leg.   and people call me weird  because i  hang  out
with him. but i don't care what they say,because i love him,  and when
you love someone,    you love all of them.you don't skip over the parts
that make them ugly,   or unwanted. you cannot just leave all the bad
things out. if you really do love them, like i love sammy, you find their

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today, after school, my younger sister, who's in third grade,

4 faves · Mar 9, 2010 4:30pm






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