Witty Profiles

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 the witty girl survey♥

[]i love justin bieber! 
[]nope, jonas brothers rock my world!
[x]i like both JB
[]they both suck . ;$ don't be mad i just don't listen to neither jb.:D 
[x]taylor swift is amazing 
[x]i freakin love LADY GAGA (=
[x]my nails are painted right now =D
[]i have lots of gay friends! 
[]i'm bisexual.
[x] im a beatles fan!. yea so what? :D
[x]i hate chocolate
[]^^^ are you kidding? chocolate is amazing
[]i'm team jacob
[] hell no! team edward!
[x]ewww i hate twilight!
[]i think taylor lautner is sexyy 
[x]i make quotes based on what really happens in my life
[]my quotes are mostly song lyrics
[x]i'm religious. [but not obsessed.O.o .:P]
[x]i ♥ michael jackson
[]megan fox is HOT (shes soo prettty)
[x]i straighten my hair everyday.
[]i have a boyfriend 
[]nope, I have a girlfriend ;)
[x] i'm single and loving it!
[]i'm single and not loving it
[x]i have lots of blonde moments
[]blue is my favorite color
[]the notebook has never made me cry 
[]i saw new moon when it came out
[x]i can not eat un-buttered popcorn because it tastes weird
Next Quote >

the witty girl survey♥ []i love justin bieber! []nope,

0 faves · Feb 27, 2010 2:30pm




