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The snow began falling,
and my head was pulled up against his chest. "I'll talk to you later," he mumbled against my hair.
Dissapointed, I nodded, and stood on my tippy toes to recieve a kiss. He began walking towards his
car, and I realized I was being stupid. "Wait, you said you had a question for me." Did my voice
shake? Could he tell I was nervous? Quickly, he spun around and dashed back up to the deck where
I waited for him. He put his arm around me and hugged my close to his chest. "Shelby," he began,
"I know we've been "seeing each other, and now that my job is almost over I wanted to know...will
you "go out with me?" For a second, I just stared out at the big clumps of snow falling from the sky,
wondering how did a guy like him ever come into my life? Turning to face him, I grabbed his hand.
"Are you asking me because you want to be with me-"- "Yes, I want to be with you." He interupted
in a rush. I kept going anyways. "-Or because people keep bugging you about it?" I was afraid to
make eye contact, afraid of what I might see in his eyes, so I focused on his brightly colored shoes,
begging for him to never dissapear. "I want to be with you." His voice was strong, steady, and sure.
"Okay...yes." I felt shaky. Once again, he pulled me into his embrace. And with the snow falling
all around us, he lowered his mouth to mine, and sealed it with a kiss

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The snow began falling, and my head was pulled up against his

8 faves · Feb 27, 2010 10:17am






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