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boyfriend: hey baby, i missed you </3
girlfriend: i missed you too<3 how was playing with your cousin in the snow?
boyfriend: haha it was pretty amazing. i helped him make a snow man. and he said " this is you" and i was like "really buddy?" and he's like "yeah!" and then im like ok lemme complete it, so i drew a heart on the second level and i wrote your name inside it. just for you baby and to make the snowman know that he cant be comeplete without completing me (:
girlfriend: aww, baby that's so sweet (: 
boyfriend: and even thoughthe snowman is eventually gonna melt, my love for you never will ♥

really happenedd ;) ily A♥

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boyfriend: hey baby, i missed you </3 girlfriend: i missed

0 faves · Feb 25, 2010 7:31pm




