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                       answers and questions from a real guy

ok well i got asked a question do boys go thru the same things girl go thru after a break up and honestly if we really like you yes we do but we hide it really well because as we grow up were thought that were men and men dont show emotion so even if you broke my heart in amillone peices im going to come to school play basketball and flrit with other girl just to prove to my friends that im a men i know it stupid but that how it is most of the time ....tht my answer

now to advice here my question me and my girlfriend broke up and i was reading her page after we broke up she stop talking to me and ignored me in school but her page says she missed me and still cared my question is why couldnt she just tell me she still loved me i never stop loving her but i thought she didnt care anymore that why i moved on why cant girls just tell us guys how you fell we cant read minds

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answers and questions from a real guy ok well i got asked a

0 faves · 3 comments · Feb 20, 2010 7:50pm






soccerchica56 · 1 decade ago
I agree with them. She probably afraid maybe that she might get hurt again. It's hard for girls to tell their ex boyfriends that they still love them because no one likes getting rejected. & Maybe she didnt tell you that she still loves you because she's trying to move on. Girls don't want to wait around on a guy that they have no clue if he feels the same way about them. Idk hopes this helps a little
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Floridalifex33 · 1 decade ago
well she probally doesnt think that ur interested in her anymore.. and she doesnt want you to reject her. or make fun of her. all she wants is your love and respect. hope this helped. bc u sound like a really great guy.
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zyxwME4754 · 1 decade ago
she prob doesnt want to talk to you bc you dont seem upset. she doesnt want to feel like the weak one. and also why are you looking at her profile??? i hope she knows you have an account on here, cuz i know i wouldnt want my boyfriend or ex boyfriend or someone i like creeping on my profile... but thats just me...
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