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 There is this girl named Courtney and shes pregnant. one of the most happiest times of a young womans life. but now, its just a horror and a huge problem. The thing is is that Courtney is just 13, the one age where you have to find out rights from wrongs and do’s and dont’s. But Courtney had to find out the hard way. She now has to hide the baby from her parents and everyday got worse and worse. Parents kept wondering why she isn’t acting the same but she just says shes going through a hard time. Not only is Courtney about to have a baby she can hardly spell her own name, she not only hardly knew her mom but her dad was a drugie pumping more and more drugs into his system. Once her boyfriend found out she got pregnant he hopped and never saw her again. In the next month she felt as her water broke and had her baby on the bathroom floor! She didn’t know what was going on except she just wanted it all to endd. All she knew is that she couldn't keep the baby and had to get rid of it one way or another. Murder? Adoption? She didn’t know which one to do. So she rapped the baby and threw him into the garbage and as she started to run she heard as the baby called and cryed out to her, she felt the extreme pain of realizing what she just did. So she ran back and picked him back up and ran away. Now she needs to make money some how and her parents wouldn't take her back in unless she got rid of the baby. She knows she couldn't do it so she kept the baby and tried getting a job. Failed. So she next tried selling drugs but ended up getting jumped and getting everything stolen. She didn’t know what to do so she went to prostitution then made all the money she needed but still felt the empty hole inside. So she opened up to one of the people, Joseph, who was paying her to know if she wanted to stay and help her out and get together. He accepted but cheated on her countless of times, robbed her, hurt and hit her, and eventually murdered and killed her and her baby. Taking everything he could then ran, ran far away. And never got caught. This. Is the sad story of Courtney. May she rest in peacee with the one that truly meant something to her, her everything. Her baby boy Jessie.

If you do not repost this, That man, Joseph, will come and kill you too and the one who means dearly to you. 

Hurry and repost!
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There is this girl named Courtney and shes pregnant. one of the

0 faves · Feb 19, 2010 11:42am




