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|_| after a million flirtion signals | talking about us going back out | ignoring the breakup | months of missing you | all the i love you texts | the cute quotes | venting to you everyday | going to you for every little problem i have | all the drama | the emotion and tears you listened | hugging | all the " its " we never did | staying up late texting then not beening able to wake up for school in the morning | on the phone for hours trying to beat records | talking to your friends on xbox | helping you pick which weapon to use | giving answers to homework | trying to make it obvious i like you | making sure i look perfect in the morning for you | and answering your texts back in a matter of spilt seconds | smoking pencils  |_|
~ i  hope  you  know  you  just  made  me  the  happiest  girl  on  earth  ~
all because you finally said
{ you like me }
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&+.he.just.told.me.he.likes.me.! |_| after a million flirtion

8 faves · Dec 21, 2009 5:40pm






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