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Hi, My Name Is Kim.
I am so athletic its insane. I love to brag about myself and I depend my whole life on my friends. I think I'm too manly. I make bad desions sometimes. Some days I feel left out because I'm so different. I've lied sooo much and I regret all of it. I lost the most important person in my life and its all my fault. I say "I love you" to all of my best friends. I have realllly high self-esteem and I don't care what people think. I'm addicted to the computer. I like to fly kites and go to Narnia. People think I'm weird. I watch ESPN Sportscenter everyday, and yess imma girl. I've never worn makeup in my life. I love to talk. I play with my Pokemon sometimes. I've made fun of people. I've been made fun of. I don't swear and hate when people do. People think I'm average. I'm obsessed with Nike and I wear it every single day. When I listen to The Elements Song it calms me down. I like to argue even though I lose most of the time. I don't get straight A's. I'm a very loud person. I own too many pairs of sweatpants. I can be reallly hyper or really serious at times. I procrastinate. I love to cuddle. Mia Hamm is my hero. I lovee soccer and my team is amazing. I think that everybody has a meaning in life, no matter how big or small. I sometimes cry just to let it out. miss my best friend. I get most of my clothes at sports stores. I've spent my whole life lying. I can be a total flirt. I love school. I get inspired easily. I play with an electric eraser. I've punched another person. I've been punched by another person. I love people with diffrent accents. I've cheated on a test before. I laugh uncontrolably and have a huge sense of humor. I try to be funny but I'm not.
I'm Not Perfect, Nothing Is. Deal With It.
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Hi, My Name Is Kim. I am so athletic its insane. I love to brag

2 faves · 1 comments · Dec 8, 2009 7:29pm






_FeeltheRomance_ · 1 decade ago
HAY!!! what is this???? copier!!!!!!!! XP
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