Witty Profiles

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wait for the boy....
who calls you beautiful, instead of hot.
who kisses you in front of his friends.
who shows you off to everyone.
who calls you just to see how your doing.
who takes care of you when your sick.
who says you look best when your in sweats, have no makeup on, and your hairs up.
who tells you he loves you, and sincerely means it. 
who kisses you in the pouring rain.
who cuddles with you when you watch movies.
who pays for you when he takes you on dates.
who tells his friends, " that's her" when you walk by.
who makes you feel invincible at your weakest points.
& who you know is truly the one for you.

idk why but i love quotes like these, only made a few of them up so not all my credit.
click the heart ? :)
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wait for the boy.... who calls you beautiful, instead of hot.

5 faves · Nov 22, 2009 1:42am






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