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Top Ten Ways To Make Someone Feel Uncomfortable Around You:

1. Look at them, then quickly look away and giggle akwardly.

2. Use ..."s then capitol letters when texting, AIM-ing, facebooking. Example: Hi....YOU

3. When they are talking to you, start saying random things.

4. Type random letters, then have there name appear. Example... dfhugifodsgvbsghnufdsy SARAH jknspgyv

5. When talking face to face, widen your eyes, scream, and run from nothing.

6. Say excuse me randomly.

7. Answer a question that was never asked.

8.Tell them you have a secret identity, but  never tell them what it is.

9. Start circling around them.

10. Look around and start making animal noises.

Credit to KKim777 for help...and of course me:)
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Top Ten Ways To Make Someone Feel Uncomfortable Around You: 1.

6 faves · Nov 14, 2009 11:48am






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