Witty Profiles

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1. male friend: scott or ryan(he used to be atleast)
2. female friend: everyine!
3. Vacation: flordia
4. age: 12!
5. memory: when he kissed me!

1. Time of day: middle of the day
2. Day of the week: weds
3. Food: tomato
4. Memory: summer
5. Subject: religion

1. Person u saw: everyone! hahha
2. Talk on the phone with: katelyn
3. Hugged: umm idk everyone! hahhaha
4. IM: nichole ughh!

1. Kiss: ryan, he just broke my heart!
2. Car: not old enough
3. First school: gabriel
4. Job: w/e hahaha

1. What are you doing now: this?
2. Tonight:idk!
3. Wearing: cheer jacket, jeans, t-shirt
4. What did you eat for lunch: cheez-it
5: Better than yesterday: noo he txted me yesterday and not today
1. Is: friday
2. Got any plans: i think im going to a dance
3. Goal: to not think about him and have funnn
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: drama
5. Do you have work: nooppee!

1. Number: 12
Song:  perfectly good heart...explains sooo much
  3.color :navy blue...on him
 4.season: spring or summer
    5. state: flordia

1. Are you in love?: kinda but he doesnt love me back:(
2. Dating someone: nopeee
3. Missing someone: more than you can even understand! 
4. Mood: haapppy, annoyed, worried.......
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_______Bests________ 1. male friend: scott or ryan(he used to

0 faves · Nov 5, 2009 6:17pm




