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Real conversation between me and my lil brother:

Me: I hope that i dont get the swine flu that would suck

lil bro: Me eather

Me: What if you do get it

lil bro: but i dont want to

Me: but what if you do

lil  bro: i would not go to school

Me: well duh its contagous

lil bro: i know that but i really dont want it

Why not you would get out of school

lil bro: because i dont want to turn into a pig!!

Me: idiot...

If you didnt laugh at this then you should have
been there to witness the look on his face....
...P R I C E L E S S...

made this during school while i was bored in keyboarding...
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Real conversation between me and my lil brother: Me: I hope that

2 faves · Oct 14, 2009 10:21am






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