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I hate it when
people say that you can't get your heart broken.
Okay, yeah, maybe not physically, but emotionally you can.
I mean, have you ever liked a guy?
and then he lied to you, led you on, or played you?
Or have you ever gone out with a guy?
he comes off so sweet, so innocent,
and then bam, he dumps you for the next best thing?
I mean, you have to like this guy alot, cuz thats when it hurts
the most. But i know, that
being told a bunch of lies, and then being stupid enough
to fall for them, doesn't exactly make you feel great.
it doesnt even make you feel upset either.
cuz if you like this guy alot, you'll no that he destroyed you.

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I hate it when people say that you can't get your heart broken.

6 faves · Oct 2, 2009 5:54pm





break up

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