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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. SoccerxISxLifex3 SoccerxISxLifex3
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 12:06pm UTC
    Take me for who i am
    or watch me as i go.<3

  3. LucozadeFreak LucozadeFreak
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2009 6:00pm UTC
    So H e r e ' s t o t h e g i r l s ,
    Who still love him,
    But would do anything NOT to.
    Here's to falling a s l e e p
    Listening to that song that reminds you of h i m .
    Here's to hearing about his new girlfriend,
    E v e r y s i n g l e w e e k.
    Here's to staying friends,
    Even though it kills you.
    Here's to thinking your FINALLY over him,
    And then here's to that one thing,
    That proves your not.
    Here's to spending hours getting ready just for him to notice you
    Here's to wanting to slap him across his f a c e,
    And here's to wanting to kiss him
    All at the same time.
    And here's to the girls
    Who know what I'm talking about.
    MY EDIT :]

  4. take_my_heartxox take_my_heartxox
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2009 9:04pm UTC
    have you ever wanted to die?
    not actually die! but just to see what the w o r l d would be like without you. would _________________________` people be sad?
    would people miss you? would your friends miss
    -> having their weekly sleepovers without you? would your t e a c h e r s notice your empty desk? would your parents be depressed? would they be c-r-y-i-n-g for months on end?
    or would they get ( over it ) in a f e w d a y s ?
    would your dog miss you? would it feel like there was a hole in the world where you should_have been? or would the world - - - - - - - - - - - - > not even notice?
    would it keep turning, as it does,
    and would days go on?
    would he still wake up in the m-o-r-n-i-n-g and go to sleep at night? would he be still thinking of her, or would his mind change to you for once? would he even care that you were gone? and most importantly:
    would he miss you if you were gone?

  5. DancingWithAngels_ DancingWithAngels_
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2009 2:44pm UTC
    See that girl over there?
    T h e o n e t h a t j u s t t r i p p e d u p t h e s t a i r s ?
    That's my best friend(:
    i ' m | s o | p r o u d
    total credit to me.

  6. ChiquitaBaby ChiquitaBaby
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2009 2:40pm UTC
    are going to be the generation of old people in the nursing home
    Major arthritis in our thumbs
    //from texting so much//
    //from all that loud music//
    Near Blindness
    //from looking at Tv, Computer, and cell phone screens//
    //from those god damn heavy backpacks//
    and really,
    short attention spans
    //from not focusing during a forty five minute class period without thinking about him//
    Fave this is if you know this will be you in 70 years :)

  7. Peace2theLove2theHappiness Peace2theLove2theHappiness
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2009 2:44pm UTC
    ⇒It took only one glance
    For me to give love another chance
    It took only one kiss
    To show me that true love exists
    It took only one guy
    To make me want to fly.
    & it took only one smile
    To show me that life is
    Worthwhile <3
    all mine<33

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. Cheerx4life2007 Cheerx4life2007
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2009 2:50pm UTC
    &I Know That;
    this is my last chance ; so I'm
    praying to god that it'll work </3

  10. Peace2theLove2theHappiness Peace2theLove2theHappiness
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2009 2:55pm UTC
    I turn on the music so the thoughts fade away
    But it isn’t quite working
    Because our song starts to play.
    I try to keep the tears away
    I’ll sing along and try to be strong
    And remember that I’ll see you someday
    But that day is just too ⇒ far away
    All mine<33

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. xmaryyx xmaryyx
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 9:29pm UTC
    If you don't believe in yourself,
    no one else will.

  13. xosummerlovexo23 xosummerlovexo23
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 10:03pm UTC
    When Two Bestfriends Take A Walk . . .
    ([ and stop at a hot guys house ])
    me : ( starts singing "you belong with me" by taylor swift )
    kaitlyn : ** laughs histerically **
    me : keeps singing (;
    kaitlyn : ** falls to ground laughing so hard **
    me : * points at the house * " YOU BELONG WITH ME!!! "
    ... door opens ... && boy stares at me
    me : RUNN!!
    both : laugh && run away :D
    yepp, we''re bestfriends (:
    lmfao, true story (:
    quote made by me and kaitlyn :D
    comment/ fave
    took forever :P

  14. nileyworldtv nileyworldtv
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 10:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. liveeeelifeee liveeeelifeee
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2009 9:19am UTC
    & When you feel like giving up;
    Remember why you hungon for so long.*
    I've seen something like this on here before...
    So credit to whoever(:!

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. xxkaslowxx xxkaslowxx
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2009 5:44pm UTC
    people think im a______
    "Good Girl"
    because i dont get grounded
    The Truth is
    that i dont get grounded cause i never
    get caught (:

  18. Broken4ever Broken4ever
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 7:30pm UTC
    What If
    i died tomarow...
    would you miss me here.
    what if i cried tomarow..
    would you shead your

    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 9:13pm UTC
    today i found out that,
    my brother's gym teacher's name is Edward Cullen.
    OMFG... this actually happend.
    i laughed for about 5 hours XD

  20. Rachelle_Anabella Rachelle_Anabella
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2009 10:04pm UTC
    * we can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks.
    * Our friends don’t say hello to us by punching us on the arm.
    * Yeah, PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week.
    * If we’re on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we’ll get lifeboats first.
    * We get the bigger apartment on Friends.
    * Girl talk. you know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.
    * We never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us.
    * Dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer.
    * We don’t have to shave our faces.
    * We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.
    * justin, carson, ryan, freddie, orlando, brad. need i explain this one?
    * We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys.
    * We don`t have to dowse our food in tabasco sauce just to look tough.
    * That whole circumcision thing!
    * When we get married, we get to keep our own name or choose the one that we like better.
    * We don`t have to deal with sideburns. what`s up with those anyway?
    * At least one girl always survives in horror flicks.
    * We never have to wear tighty-whities.. or jock straps!
    * Even if we are ugly, we have make up to fix it.
    * We can take stuffed animals to bed no matter how old we are.
    * Nose hair, ear hair, back hair - so not a problem for us.
    * Slumber parties! guys just don`t know how much fun those are.
    * We don`t have to worry about getting hurt, um, down there.
    * That special bond we have with our moms-some day.
    * We don`t feel the need to slap our teammates butt when she makes a good play.
    * Nobody makes fun of us for liking the backstreet boys or n'sync. well, almost nobody.
    * pick up lines. they`re not something we need to practice.
    * We can get away with wearing platform shoes without looking goofy.
    * We give really good advice.
    * On tv shows we`re always the ones that have the coolest super powers.
    * dollhouse, delias, XOXO, wetseal, abercrombie, etc.
    * we can put cottonballs between our toes, paint our nails, and not feel the least bit silly.
    * daria and lisa simpson are girls.
    * bevis and butt-head aren`t.
    * the coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been written about us.
    * We don`t have to sit on our wallets.
    * Our wallets have a place for change.
    * It is entirely possible that we will marry Ashton Kutcher someday.
    * Our lives do not revolve around ESPN or sports center.
    * it`s not required that we learn how to spit when we`re young.
    * We are called tomboys, boys are called girly.
    * We have nicer handwriting than guys. well, it`s true.
    * We don`t have to stuff boxers in our jeans.
    * Female pro athletes aren`t overpaid egomaniacs.
    * Girls with guy first names (like joey) sound cool, but it doesn`t work the other way around


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