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  1. release release
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 2:55pm UTC
    things that fall
    the sun
    and I,
    for you
    i don't know who this one is by.

  2. release release
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 11:28pm UTC
    i wish someone would
    randomly tell me little facts
    about myself. not ones that i
    have already told them but
    ones they have picked up by
    themselves because they care
    enough to notice the little
    things i do.

  3. release release
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 1:06am UTC
    i get
    sad because
    you are and i am
    over over
    there here
    when we should
    be together

  4. release release
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 12:07pm UTC
    i worry (a lot)
    when i think (of other girls)
    about how they (shine)
    sparkle and radiate beauty
    and about how i could be (brighter)
    (and) nothing hurts worse than thinking about
    not being with (you) my love, my heart
    because i know you (deserve the) best
    you are my (sun), moon and stars

  5. release release
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 12:13pm UTC
    i don't want to be called perfect,
    or beautiful or special.
    we have overused those words
    to the point their meanings
    no longer hold the eloquence
    they used to.
    instead i want to be called
    or alluring
    or unparalleled.
    i want to be called something
    like that so then
    i know i'm not
    average to them.
    i'm not 'perfect'
    because that would
    be too easy of a
    word to think-up.
    i want to know that they
    have spent their time
    thinking of me
    wondering about me
    and imagining me.

  6. release release
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 12:15pm UTC
    maybe that's why the stars are so bright
    because they look down at you
    and they think
    "she looks like she needs some light"
    beacuse they know things are dark
    and they want to help
    so maybe a bit of light
    isn't that bad of a thing at all

  7. release release
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 12:18pm UTC
    i bet you're the prettiest
    at 12 am,
    when you're scared,
    and sad,
    and you just need someone.
    this is when you're
    the prettiest
    because it's when you're
    the most honest.

  8. release release
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 11:35pm UTC
    i am pieces of quotes
    from my favorite books
    stitched together by
    song lyrics
    and i am glued together by
    midnight conversations
    and the sweet taste of coffee
    and i have this tendency
    to fall apart suddenly
    and i need you to somehow
    be okay with this
    because i am created by
    the souls who are brave enough
    to gather all my tattered pieces
    and put me back together
    and oh god i would love to be whole again.

  9. release release
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 3:44pm UTC
    you deserve flowers on your doorstep
    and coffee in the morning
    you deserve notes on your dashboard
    and ice cream sundaes at 3am
    you deserve honesty every day
    and to be kissed every hour
    you deserve to be reminded
    how beautiful you are
    and if you let me
    i'll show you every day
    i promise

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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