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  1. OreoLover OreoLover
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    me: *stalking cushes facebook page*
    me: *accidentally likes crush's status from 2 years ago*
    me: *deletes account*
    me: *sets computer on fire*

  2. MyNamesDillon MyNamesDillon
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    sometimes when i say "I'm okay", i want someone to look me in the eyes , hug me tight, and say " I know you're not."

  3. she_is_love she_is_love
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 3:41pm UTC
    I'm sick of
    not seeing your name
    on my phone

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 8:01pm UTC
    I'm naming my remote "Waldo"
    for obvious reasons.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. MyMindBook MyMindBook
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. forever_mine_123 forever_mine_123
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 6:58pm UTC
    How can people hate gays when Ellen Degenres exists?

  8. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 4:18pm UTC
    I just want the best for you,
    I want you to be happy.
    I want you to be happy every second you breathe.
    I want you to always have a smile on your face,
    and hear you laugh almost every minute.
    I want you to have a bright future,
    surrounded with the people who love,
    and care about you so much.
    I want the best for you,
    and if you’re happy,
    then I am too.

  9. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    No one really
    As much as you cry and pour your heart out
    to so much people, no one understands you,
    at least not in the way you want them to.
    No one knows how you feel
    unless they went through exactly
    what you’re going through right now.
    It’s all just sympathy
    and over said sentences of comfort like
    ''It’s going to be okay.''
    And what’s worse is
    only a few people care enough to try.

  10. sorry_for_loving_you sorry_for_loving_you
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 10:59pm UTC
    im single because i know that i
    deserve better than to be cheated
    on, broken up with, and taken for
    lol just kidding im single because i look like a mutated turtle...

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. *trop chic* *trop chic*
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 1:57pm UTC
    *Me & my sister looking in the mirror*
    Sister: Look in the mirror.
    Sister: I see a strong, confident young lady.
    Sister: Oh look, you're here too.
    Me: ...
    nmq, from Tangled

  13. sammy* sammy*
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 5:17pm UTC
    what if lighting isn't lightning,
    and it's aliens taking pictures of us?

  14. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 4:08pm UTC
    ''What's wrong?''
    ''Nothing,'' I lied.Everything, my
    mind screamed for help as a tear
    rolled silently down my cheek.
    ''Are you sure you're ok?''
    ''Trust me, it's nothing.I'm just

  15. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    “Sometimes you wish people would
    just see themselves the way you do.”
    — Mark Sloan

  16. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    We all carry around
    something within us
    that we don't want others to see.

  17. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 5:25pm UTC
    have you ever
    ------ -- ---- ----

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. y0ungw1ldfr33 y0ungw1ldfr33
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 6:02pm UTC
    Attractive person: Hi!
    Me: Who paid you?

  20. BehindMyMask BehindMyMask
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    As I stood in the mirror today,
    Screaming all my imperfections outloud
    It took nearly everything in me
    Not to punch the mirror


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