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Member Since: 20 Sep 2009 02:49pm

Last Seen: 8 Jan 2012 03:50am

user id: 89530

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hey there :) i'm haley, and to sum up my life in a few words....
 i blow the candles on january 24th every year since 1996, which makes me 14. i live in a pretty pimp city somewhere in michigan, the state i've lived my whole life. my friends call me by my legal name, Haley, as well as Italian. my obsession? music. it keeps me breathing, as well as my much-loved friends. my drug? mountain dew. texting? it's pretty much my favorite pastime as well as Facebook.
if ya wanna know more, leave me a comment and i'll get back to you :D

like what you see? leave me a comment and i'll get back to you :D

follow? i♥these people. ilove2ndtolast

of course, there's more later XD
christofer drew <3 forever and not a day less.
LoveMyProfile.com - Profile Counters
View my profile, and I really hope you like it. The amazing layout was made by my friend Kelly, aka DoveYou. I made the fanart that you see as my pic. If you want fanart, just ask me with what you would like on it. [: If you want to look at my quotes, I would love that. Favorite? Much appreciated. Follow? Even more appreciated. Comment? Keep them nice. I don't want any haters. :)
I really like this quote and I think you should read it:
  1. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2010 6:26pm UTC
    Well I guess it didn't go over so well [[on my part]]
    But, if you said you don't like me, then why
    do you keep looking at me?
    Why do you always want to sit by me
    and talk to me?
    I want to know this and more.
    I need answers. I need you to start talking.
    I need you.
    I know boys don't mature as fast as us girls do,
    and I learned that the hard way.
    But can't you just talk to me straight and answer my questions?
    mine. sorry, ventingg :// if you have any advice let me know.

  2. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2010 5:02pm UTC
    i'm nervous,
    i'm scared.
    but it has to be done.
    if you won't make the first move,
    then i will.
    what i do could change it all
    or destroy me.
    but it has to be done.
    we'll know the truth soon.
    i'm having regrets but i know,
    it has to be done.

  3. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 6:54pm UTC
    Call me Mr. Facebook,,
    I can make your grades drop :)
    lol. creds to my friend sandra :D

  4. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2010 6:14pm UTC
    i love him
    now if only
    could see
    it and
    feel the
    same way...

  5. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 6:52pm UTC
    In love with you,
    bu t y o u ' r e n o t...
    freakin story of my life.

  6. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2010 7:09pm UTC
    is that all I am to you,
    just a *friend*?
    You're way more than
    that to me. </3

  7. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2010 6:06pm UTC
    When the leaves came tumbling,
    You were just my friend
    Then the snow >>started f
    and I couldn't help but go along,
    (_.·´¯`·» so now I'm falling for you ♥

  8. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 9:06am UTC
    I hope you know,
    you're never going to have a chance with her.
    She told me so.
    But there's a girl right in front of you,
    who is willing to give a billion chances to you.
    The sad part is,
    you don't even know.
    kinda lazy with formatting, sorry.

  9. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 2:41pm UTC
    If I told you the truth, how I feel about you...
    Would it decrease
    [[my chance of being with you]]?
    //Would it ^increase^?

  10. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 2:33pm UTC
    You x know x that
    if I could,
    I would
    his xthoughtsx
    about me -->right now.

  11. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2010 8:31pm UTC
    How could i be so stupid?
    [You] were <holding> onto my hand,
    But [I] pulled it back three seconds later.
    I've got so many chances to talk to you,
    But I only say something /h/a/l/f/ the time.
    I a m s o i n l i k e w i t h y o u ,
    But you SAY you like someone else.
    Do I even have a _chance_?
    Should you know the t r u t h?
    So .m.a.n.y. things that go through my mind...
    &And& they all involve you.
    All of these chances that involve you,
    And I almost never take them.

  12. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2010 10:06am UTC
    When you fall;;
    Make sure that you only f
    Into the arms a
    Of someone who loves you l
    And takes the time to [see]
    If you're falling
    So they can catch you
    All minee, please don't jock
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  13. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2010 5:53pm UTC
    i get a call
    and it's
    you ♥
    All minee, no jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  14. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2010 8:01pm UTC
    just looking at him made me feel like the happiest girl alive...
    All minee, no jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  15. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2010 2:41pm UTC
    ♥ If you saw all the hearts ♥
    ♥ I draw in a day, ♥
    ♥ What would you say? ♥
    All minee, no jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  16. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2010 2:37pm UTC
    Not only do I want you;
    But I want me to be yours♥
    All minee, no jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  17. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2010 2:33pm UTC
    Memories of You
    Of course,
    If I still
    Remember that day
    Where I first met you
    Where I first talked
    to you;
    Then I think you're
    the one.
    Of course,
    If I try my best to
    remember every
    moment in your presence,
    I'd think I'm in love.
    Of course,
    If I'm lucky to
    Remember most of them,
    I'll say I'm in love with you ♥
    All minee, no jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  18. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2010 2:28pm UTC
    I Don't Think...
    There's ever been a
    second I don't smile
    or laugh around you.
    I don't think
    I've gone a day
    without drawing
    at least one heart about you.
    I don't think
    I can go a
    day without
    seeing you.
    I don't think
    There's been a time
    where I sing
    a love song
    and didn't hope
    you heard me ♥
    All minee, no jockinn[:
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  19. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2010 1:52pm UTC
    Want him to love you?
    Sorry hun, I wish there was an app for that too.
    All minee, sorry if it was already here. No jockinn
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim

  20. likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2010 7:05am UTC
    O?n?e Q?u?e?s?t?i?o?n
    I can't really tell
    if you feel the same way
    Sure, you treat me
    a little better
    than you used to
    You help me out
    More than the others
    And everyday,
    I catch you
    Looking at me
    At least once
    You make me
    laugh even more
    each day
    And today, something you said
    Made me feel ten times happier
    What do you really think of me?
    All minee, please don't jock
    <33 likexthexleavesxixfellxforxhim


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