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Member Since: 23 Jul 2011 06:14pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 198515

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I am chilln with my friend who is completly awesome and made me this witty!!! :)
MAKE A SILLY SENTENCE 1. Choose your birthday: January- I ate February- I farted on March- I sharted on April- I pooped on May- I cooked June- I kissed July- I miss August- I hugged September- I peed on October- I kidnapped November- I juiced December- I licked2. Your sock color/ pattern: Blue- George Bush Green- Taylor Swift Orange- A dog Yellow- A Blanket Red- Rebecca Black Purple- Barney Pink- The Teletubbies Grey- Hannah Montana White- A clock No socks- The Backyardigans Polka Dots- Polish Pickles Stripes- Dora Other- Leg flabbbbbbbb3. Your birth date: 1- because an elephant stepped on me. 2- because stupid Americans fart at sunset. 3- because I was scared a serial killer was going to take my Lucky Charms. 4- because a pillow ripped out my eyeball. 5- because a bird pooped on my ankle! 6- because my girlfriend cheated on me with an orangutan. 7- because the Wizard of Oz stole my uni-brow. 8- because Tweety counted in Chinese. 9- because Dora turned 82. 10- because my computer grew wings. 11- because I took off my uni-brow and put it on my upper lip. 12- because my platypus fell in the toilet while drinking lemonade. 13- because my ear wax turned into a hairy monster. 14- porque mi violín tocaba la trompeta, mientras que el break dance a la música salsa. 15- because your not spanish. 16- because I tripped over a running fish. 17- because my nostril set on fire. 18- because I flashed you. 19- because I licked your pianist. 20- because I licked my elbow. 21- because I like exercising with llamas. 22- because Spongebob and Dora had a baby named Orabob. 23- because I like to oat oat oat opples and bononos. 24-because teddy bears come to life. o.0 25- because my toe nail ate my soup. 26- because I want a furry orange! 27- because no one likes a tail tattle. 28- bceasue you can siltl raed tihs eevn tohguh it is all srcmalbed up! 29- because sitting on people is bad for your colon. 30- because your not a swing. 31- because the doorknob Googled how to repel hand germs. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 comments5 add to faves3329782Makayla32800 20 Jul 2011 at 2:40pmfunnyfacebook / stumbleuponget code



1. Choose your birthday:
January- I ate
February- I farted on
March- I sharted on
April- I pooped on
May- I cooked
June- I kissed
July- I miss
August- I hugged
September- I peed on
October- I kidnapped
November- I juiced
December- I licked

2. Your sock color/ pattern:
Blue- George Bush
Green- Taylor Swift
Orange- A dog
Yellow- A Blanket
Red- Rebecca Black
Purple- Barney
Pink- The Teletubbies
Grey- Hannah Montana
White- A clock
No socks- The Backyardigans
Polka Dots- Polish Pickles
Stripes- Dora
Other- Leg flabbbbbbbb

3. Your birth date:
1- because an elephant stepped on me.
2- because stupid Americans fart at sunset.
3- because I was scared a serial killer was going to take my Lucky Charms.
4- because a pillow ripped out my eyeball.
5- because a bird pooped on my ankle!
6- because my girlfriend cheated on me with an orangutan.
7- because the Wizard of Oz stole my uni-brow.
8- because Tweety counted in Chinese.
9- because Dora turned 82.
10- because my computer grew wings.
11- because I took off my uni-brow and put it on my upper lip.
12- because my platypus fell in the toilet while drinking lemonade.
13- because my ear wax turned into a hairy monster.
14- porque mi violín tocaba la trompeta, mientras que el break dance a la música salsa.
15- because your not spanish.
16- because I tripped over a running fish.
17- because my nostril set on fire.
18- because I flashed you.
19- because I licked your pianist.
20- because I licked my elbow.
21- because I like exercising with llamas.
22- because Spongebob and Dora had a baby named Orabob.
23- because I like to oat oat oat opples and bononos.
24-because teddy bears come to life. o.0
25- because my toe nail ate my soup.
26- because I want a furry orange!
27- because no one likes a tail tattle.
28- bceasue you can siltl raed tihs eevn tohguh it is all srcmalbed up!
29- because sitting on people is bad for your colon.
30- because your not a swing.
31- because the doorknob Googled how to repel hand germs.

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember.

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