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  1. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 5:43pm UTC
    Almost there ..
    Chapter 2:
    Aria's POV;;
    There was barely any sun left as we pulled into our new driveway. I could just make out the new house. It was pretty big compared to our high class apartment back in the city. The house had many windows, considering it was a beach house. Literally, the back yard was a beach.
    "Here we are girls!" Our mom exclaimed excitedly. The twins sqealed and ran out the car door. My mom followed, eager to check out the house. I strayed behind for a minute though, not sure if I was liking this whole thing.
    Okay so maybe it wasn't that bad. I had the biggest room, besides the master bedroom. It had a lot of windows that in the day, light would flood through. It overlooked the beach, which had soft looking sand and gently rolling waves. I kicked off my wedges, smoothed down gray crop top and ran down the spirl stairs, eager to get my toes in that water.
    At the beach, I splashed through the water. I hadn't been to a beach in years. The water felt so good after being in the stuffy car all day. After wading through the water for a little bit, I kicked my way through the sand and started to make my way back to my house. It completley dark now and I didn't want to be alone in the dark at a place I barley knew as home. Walking through the sandy trail that led to my new house, I glanced at the small home next to mine and did a double take. Is there someone on that roof? I asked myself squinting through the darkness. It moved. Yes, definitaly a person. Their head was tilted up looking at the sky. I too looked up and was amazed by the view. The stars were spread accross the sky as far as you could see. They dusted the night like a blanket. I wonder if we had a roof I could sit on. When I got back to the house, I, who had barely said a word all day ran inside and looked at my family;
    "Have you seen the sky?"

  2. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 7:12pm UTC
    Almost there ..
    Chapter 2:
    Aria's POV;;
    My alarm clock blared in my ears. I groaned and rolled over, ready to smack the snooze button with as much force as I could handle at 6 in the morning, but then I remembered what day it was. September 2nd. Monday. The first day of school. I jumped out of my queen sized bed and made my way to the bathroom through the morning grogginess I always seem to have getting ready for school.
    The last week was a little tough, having to get used to everything and all, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I went to the beach almost everyday and watched the twins while my mom unpacked.
    After getting out of the shower, I had butterflies swarming in my stomach. What if people didn't like me? What if I'm an outcast? I pushed the thoughts away and walked to my walk in closet. Before I could even start to pick out an outfit, my mom burst into my room.
    "Hi sweetie. Thought I'd help you out with the whole clothes situation."
    She exclaimed smiling and handing me a J-Crew bag. Inside there was a tan pleated skirt and a streatchy looking knit sweater. There were also a pair of black Stilleto looking heels.
    "Thanks mom. I love it." I lied.
    "No problem. You've gotta look cute but classy on your first day of high school." Mom winked walking out of my room in her Juicy sweat suit.
    I gave the outfit a disgusted look then pulled it on. I let my hair air dry and fall naturally down my back with it's golden waves that had been highlighted naturally from the summer sun. Before I left my room, I grabbed my white short shorts, and American Eagle purple crop top. Hah, so much for classy mom. I sneered also stuffing my white flip flops into the bag. I'm so sick of being known as the "preppy cute" girl. I wanted to be known as daring. I put on some black eye liner and left.
    After changing in the pool shed behind behind my house, I ran for my bus. The crop top just barely showed my stomach and the shorts could be classified as booty shorts but whatever. I just wanted to be noticed.

  3. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 5:39pm UTC
    Almost there ..
    Chapter something...:
    Aria's POV;;
    I stood alone at the front of the cafateria, tray in hand but no where to sit. My heart raced. There was no way I could be the outcast. I came here to get away from my old life, not relive it. I tried to act cool but looked around semi-frantically. I saw the girl that I talked to earlier, with the crazy brown hair and brown eyes. Meghan I think her name was. I squeezed my eyes shut and walked up to her table. She had on this fake smile as she talked to a girl with pin strait bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a push-up bra that made her boobs almost go up to her neck. There was a guy that her eyes kept darting to, even though she was talking to the blonde.
    "Um, hey Meghan." I said kind of awkwardly, not wanting to interupt her conversation. Meghan looked up at me and almost looked relieved.
    "Oh, hey....." She seemed to be trying to remember my name
    "Oh, right." She half smiled.
    "So.. is it okay if I sit here today, I don't know anyone yet and-" I was cut off.
    "Yeah sure, sit." I plopped down in an empty seat.
    "So Aria, this is Cory," She gestured to a guy with flippy brown hair and tan skin. He gave me a little wave. She introduced a couple ranom people that were sitting with them and finally, "and this is Charlotte." She said through gritted teeth.
    I smiled at Charloatte and she smiled back. I noticed Cory's arm was lazily slung over the girl's shoulder. So that was it. Meghan liked Cory but he had a girlfriend. So maybe this school wasn't too different from my old one afterall.

  5. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 6:36pm UTC
    Almost there ..
    Chapter 9:
    Aria's POV;;
    "I'm home!" I called into my dark house as I brushed off the sand from my feet.
    "Hello?" I called again. When there was no response, I shrugged and started my trip down the hall and to the staircase, but before I could run up the spiral stairs, a certain box that hadn't been unpacked yet caught my eye. It's seal was ripped opened and it had a fragile sticker on the side. I looked over my shoulder and crept up the the box. I hadn't even seen this one yet. I slowly opened the lid and peered inside. It was just a bunch of old looking envelopes and crumpled, torn paper. I felt my eye brows pull together as I carefully picked up a envelope. It had something scrawled accross the top in black ink. I squinted through the darkness.
    It was my name. Confusion surged through my head. I carefully lifted the flap, noticing my hands were shaking for some reason. I pulled out a piece of old lined paper and unfolded it. It was a page long. My eyes widened as I read it. At the end it was signed, "Your Father, John." My father? Now I was really confused. I hadn't even met him. As soon as he heard the word "baby" he ran away as soon as he could, leaving my mom alone and pregnant with no family to lean on. The letter read how much he wished he could have been there for us and how much he thinks about my mother and I. I put that letter on the ground and rifled through the box. It was full of them!
    "Aria, Happy birthday...."
    "Merry Christmas..."
    "Just was hoping I could hear back from you..."
    I was stunned. Why would my mom want to keep this from me? Why would she not want me to talk to my own father? I felt hot tears start to roll down my cheeks. They landed on the note I was staring blankly at.
    "Aria?" A voice said behind me. I turned around to see my mom standing behind me. She looked at what I was holding. Her eyes widened. "Wait before you say anything just listen...." She began.
    All I did was shake my head and stand up.
    "Why? Why would you want to keep me from him? I don't think you know how much I think of him" even though I didn't say what or who we were talking about we both knew.
    "Aria listen. You don't understand."
    "No you listen." I said, my vision blurry from the tears that were streaming down my face. "I hate you." I yelled. All of the sadness and confusuion about my family that was bottled up just burst out of me in tears. I ran upstairs, not even caring what was going to happen next.

  6. GlitterStories GlitterStories
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 7:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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