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  1. eminem_lover_7 eminem_lover_7
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 8:34pm UTC
    Love sucks so why do we want it?

  2. eminem_lover_7 eminem_lover_7
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 8:27pm UTC
    You cant stop the future
    You cant rewind the past
    All you can do is press play
    And let it all play out

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. meganspoppin meganspoppin
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 11:42pm UTC
    &+ maybe this whole kaylee marie incident
    has taught us a few things.
    There's still good and caring people out there.
    People do care and they want to care
    and they can come together for a cause, a person, a complete stranger.
    We all came together and put our own problems aside to support her.
    Now that we realize this is fake, realize that there's actual people out there that actually have cancer, that are actually struggling to survive.
    So take some time every night to pray for them, their lives, their families.
    Because now we know,
    we really do care.
    And after all,
    the most precious thing we have is time.
    wrote this for sluether.
    if you still don't believe its a fake
    go to sluether
    and the slueths will set you straight(:

  5. cutegurl279 cutegurl279
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 8:39pm UTC
    I was driving home listening to classic rock on the radio. A hardcore biker guy pulled up next to me, heard my music, and nodded in appreciation. Two seconds later, the light turned green, and some impatient guy behind me honked. The biker flipped him off for me. I felt like he had my back.
    Super lazay
    with colors:)

  6. Thats_Legit_17 Thats_Legit_17
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 12:43am UTC
    There was this girl,
    we used to go to school together.She was a grade above me.An eight grader at the time.She was
    one of those girls who was perfect, on the outside. She cuold dance, sing, had the most amazing
    boyfriend.She was in school plays everytime one came out.She was in drama club, she was so
    smart, pretty and sooo nice.She seem[ed] amazing on the outsid. But she had a past that tore
    at her everyday.She was abused sexually by her dad, and physically by her mom.They never
    cared about her love for acting, or how amazing her grades were.they were horrible to sum it
    up.As if they didnt love her.She felt she wasnt good enough. like it as her fault her parents did
    that.But one day it was too much, she couldnt handle the fights, the helplessness, and the
    pain.It was her dads birthday, soemtime of july 2008.Her and her family were going out to
    dinner for the dad.She told her mom she was going to her room to get ready.Apearently the
    night before..was one of the worser ones.She went up to her closet, and stragety truck,she
    hung herself.Our school was devistated.The school play this year..wasnt the same.drama
    club, seemed dull.So i just wanna tell you..before you go shootin off your mouth about
    "how bad your life is" cause he doesnt like you or you think your ugly or pretty, think
    about what other people go threw.and remember all you girls out there are geourgou,
    inside...and out(<3)
    this was pretty hard to type.
    its been a year now.school
    wasnt the same this year:/
    you dont have to fav, i just
    wanted to get this out there.

  7. morganashley morganashley
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 5:39am UTC
    my goal was to kill the sexiest person alive.
    but then i remembered...
    is a crime.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. iXloveXyou150 iXloveXyou150
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 9:32pm UTC
    Come Join N.S.S.
    {National Sarcasm Society}
    .::Like we need your support::.

  10. DanceeXoLoveeX3 DanceeXoLoveeX3
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 9:32pm UTC
    God's Last Name;;
    [ Is Not "Damn It" ]

  11. 5678dance 5678dance
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 8:17pm UTC
    Remember that first day in middle school;
    walking through the hall was the scariest things ever.
    would i remember my locker combo?
    would i make friends?
    would i make enemies?
    what if they dont like me?
    I'll never forget the nerves going through me.
    now i walk in there like its nothing. i am going to
    miss middle school so much.
    next year we have to start all over.
    we are the little fish in a big pond.
    credit to kaleighx3
    loved the quote!

  12. woahhitsaflut woahhitsaflut
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 8:22pm UTC
    And then he let go of my hand,
    |a n d t u r n e d a r o u n d & h e g a v e m e a f l o w e r
    |then he whispered; "it's [beautiful],
    ` - - - ->just like you ."

  13. Someday12 Someday12
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:21pm UTC
    do you feel like a man
    when you p u s h her around
    do you feel b e t t e r now
    as she falls to the ground
    - face down red jumpsuit apparatus-
    - comment fav follow! -
    took awhile hope you like(:

  14. dangletsbangxxx dangletsbangxxx
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. xoemvermox xoemvermox
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 6:31pm UTC
    "I learned that life happens really fast
    and you're not going to be ready
    for everything, so I try to keep my
    eyes open and know that anything
    can happen at any time."
    - Ryan Shecker (:

  16. sluether sluether
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 5:44pm UTC
    we had so much evidence, it could not fit in a quote.
    favorite and comment this quote if you support us.

  17. XoQueen_of_KingsX3 XoQueen_of_KingsX3
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:10pm UTC
    If I can't hear your Heartbeat,
    Y o u r t o o f a r a w a y .

  18. brunettie brunettie
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 10:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. dance2272star dance2272star
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2009 7:39pm UTC
    When I was younger,
    My older sister dared me to eat a leaf off of a three-leaf-clover. I accepted the dare and proceeded to munch on the leaf. After I finished swallowing the last of it, my sister informed me that the leaf was poisonous. I then blankly stared at her in shock. She continued by saying that I would die in the next 24 hours. I was so scared that I ran inside up to my room and locked the door. I refused to tell my parents about the situation because I was afraid of getting in trouble for eating a leaf. I sat in my room for the rest of the night in silence, preparing to die. Turns out I didn't die, obviously. I had never told my parents until today, when I built up enough courage. I told my father the story and got a reaction that surprised me. My father laughed at me and made fun of me for believing my sister that I was going to die.
    •Boy, does he help me with my self esteem issues•

  20. morganashley morganashley
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 2:08am UTC
    hey guys.
    my best friend was
    just diagnosed with lukemia... ):
    so, for every heart/favorite i get,
    i'm going to donate a dollar to
    any cancer foundation that i can.
    this is not a joke you guys...
    i wouldn't joke about this...
    i'm sort of trying to
    raise awareness as well.
    so please!
    favorite this quote?


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