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  1. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2009 2:50am UTC
    Teenage Awkward Stages
    it was the last month of middle school and soon Emma, Kayla, Christine, Noel, Lara, and Mia will be enjoying summer and new high school students.
    Emma and her boyfriend, Bryan, just broke up because of a rumor going around spread ny her "best friend" who also seems to flirt a little too much with Bryan. But soon Emma finds out that he likes her again.Things start to go back to normal between them to and they find out they still have feelings for each other.
    Kayla met a hot skater guy at the mall named Jake and before they knew it they fell in love with each other. But Kayla had no idea that her dream guy, Jake, had a girlfriend. things got pretty messy. but then things got even more messed up when she had to chose between her to guy best friends.
    Christine also met a hot guy at the mall, his name was Andy. They both like each other but apparently, one likes the other more. But which one? Christine gets over Andy really fast and goes through guys really fast. then she has to chose between chicks or dicks.
    The minute Noel talked to Brad she thought he was the one. Brad was acting stalkerish but only her friends noticed. Noel wouldnt take her friends advice and snuck around behind there backs with Brad.
    Lara thought that she met the perfect guy named Matt. But it turns out the "perfect" guy is just a jerk. Matt ended up just using Lara to make out with her. it was too late for her to figure out what she was getting into with him.
    Mia was the perfect student, never cursed, and always listened to her parents. That was the way it went until she met Ryan. She started to daydream in class and curse off her parents. Ryan may be shy but could not be taken off of Mia's mind.
    This is how it all went.
    **Christine, Kayla, and Mia are at the mall**
    Kayla: look at those guys.
    *there is 4 guys*
    Mia: they're hot.
    Christine: *laugh* yeah.
    Kayla: i like the short ones hair.
    Mia: i think that they're coming over.
    Andy: hey
    Kayla: hey
    *walking out playing hard to get*
    Christine: they aren't coming out.
    Kayla: guess not.
    Mia: i see them
    Kayla: where?
    Mia: over there. they're coming.
    ** guys walk past them not noticing them.**
    Kayla: uhm okay?
    Christine: they keep looking at us.
    Kayla: i know.
    Christine: they are walking over here. once again.
    Andy: hey guys.
    Kayla and Mia: hey.
    Andy: where you guys from?
    Mia: hillside. how bout you?
    Andy: kicklaw. you guys are in 8th right?
    Kayla: yeah. you are too right?
    Andy: alright.. good. yeah.
    Christine: do you guys have girl friends?
    Andy: nope.
    Jake: *silent for a couple second* no.
    Rick: nah.
    Bobby: no.
    Andy: you guys all single?
    Kayla: yeah.
    Rick: andy, my moms here.
    Andy: alright.. we gotta go.. can i have your numbers ?
    Kayla: sure.
    *kayla, christina, and mia give them there numbers*
    *the guys say bye and leave*
    Kayla: they were actually really hot. i want the short one.
    Christine: i want the tall one.
    Mia: uhm.. then idk.
    *kayla and christine gets a text from jake and andy both*
    Kayla: they texted me.
    Christine: same.
    Mia: they didnt text me.
    *andy stops texting christine and jake stops texting kayla*
    Kayla: now only andy is talking to me.
    Christine: yeah.. now only jake is talking to me.
    *kayla, christine, and mia leave the mall*

  2. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2009 11:23pm UTC
    Teenage Akward Stages
    Part Two
    **Kayla, Christine,and Emma were at the mall again hanging out with Jake, Andy, Bobby**
    *Andy, Christine, and Kayla talking*
    Andy: okay.. Kayla would you make out with Jake?
    Kayla: i don't know..
    Christine: Kayla, just do it.
    Kayla: alright.. i guess.
    Andy: alright.. go.
    Kayla: the guy has to make the first move.
    Andy: yeah.. wow.
    *Jake comes over, Andy and Christine leave*
    Jake: wanna go outside?
    Kayla: sure.
    ** they walk outside and now inside...**
    Everyone: OOOOOOHH
    Bobby: are they doing it yet?
    Andy: i dont know i cant see.
    Christine: i want to know if they are. Andy go the door and look.
    Andy: okay. Emma give me your jacket im going to wear it and pretend im a girl and go outside and see.
    Emma: okay. here. go pretend your on the phone or something.
    Andy: alright. (puts on the jacket and does a runway walk)
    *Kayla and Jake start to walk back in*
    Jake: look at Andy.
    Kayla: *laughs*
    *Jake lets go of Kayla's hand and tackles Andy*
    **after hanging out for a few hours, they all go outside**
    **Kayla pulls Christine off to the corner**
    Kayla: Christine, i have to ask you something?
    Kayla: Would you make out with Andy?
    Christine: uhm...I dont know....
    Kayla: please Christine! we are best friends! and we would have both made out the same night for the first time!
    Christine: fine! okay i will.
    Kayla: okay ill go tell Jake you said yes. STAY!
    ** Kayla walks away and Christine is waiting in the corner. Andy starts walking up to her and you hear their friends in the background**
    Andy: hey...
    Christine: hey.
    Andy: well do you want to?
    Christine: sure....
    Kayla: woah lets go get it.
    Emma: yeah!
    Kayla: **quietly** dont watch them!
    Emma: ehw why would i want to watch that!?!
    Andy: ok.
    **Andy leans in and so does Christine. Bobby was trying to watch.**
    Kayla: Bobby! stop watching!
    **Emma turns around and sees them**
    Emma: woah.
    **they start to walk back**
    Bobby: well did they?
    Emma: yes!
    to be continued...

  3. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 1:22am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2009 3:18am UTC
    Teenage Akward Stages
    ** Christine, Lara, Kayla, Noel, and Emma enter the movies and buy their tickets and Kayla had to go to the
    bathroom and Emma and Noel went in to take their seats. Christine and Lara went in after they bought snacks**
    **Christine and Lara looking for their friends.**
    Lara: wheres Emma and Noel?
    Christine: i dont know.
    Andy: HEY GUYS!
    Lara: who are they?
    Christine: uhm Lara thats Bobby, Andy, and Jake.
    Bobby: yeah hey.
    ** the girls didnt know the kicklaw guys were there.**
    Emma: oh, i see lara and christine.
    Noel: they are talking to the guys ?
    Emma: when did they get here ?
    Noel: i dont know. lets go over.
    ** the two girls walk over and the guys motion them to sit with them. so they do.**
    **Jake goes over to Christine**
    Jake:*whispers*would you make out with bobby?
    Christine: what?
    Jake:*whispers* would you make out with bobby?!
    Christine: sure. (thinking he said andy)
    **kayla comes in not knowing that the guys were there**
    Kayla: when did they get here ?
    Emma: i dont know.
    Jake: come sit here. (to Kayla)
    Kayla: alright. (sitting down)
    Jake: lets move over.. into the corner.
    Kayla: okay.
    Jake: would Christine hook up with Bobby ?
    Kayla: uhm.. im not sure. ill ask.
    Jake: i already did.
    Kayla: oh..
    **trailers start**
    Jake: (biting his lip) i read in a magazine when you bite your lip it means you wanna hook up ?
    Kayla: i didnt know that.. *laughs*
    **conversation between Emma, Noel, Andy, Jake, Bobby and Kayla**
    Jake: Andy, would you care if he made out with Christine ?
    Andy: no... (being a good friend, because Bobby has never made out before)
    Kayla: i can get her too.
    Emma: do you want me to ask if she will ? and get her too ?
    Jake: yeah.
    Emma: alright.
    Bobby: should i just go in for it ?
    Noel: yeah.
    Kayla: yeah, but wait until Emma asks.
    Emma: i'll ask now.
    Andy: okay.
    **everyone stops talking**
    Emma: Christine would you?
    Christine: i dont want to.....
    Emma: oh...
    Lara: i thought you said you would?
    Christine: i thought he said Andy.
    **Andy moved to the row in front of all the girls because he claimed he has no friends.**
    ** Once the movie starts...Jake and Kayla start to do something.....and there is alot of distractions throughout the movie. Everyones so loud and Lara and Christine want to talk and actually watch the movie so they move a few rows ahead.**


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