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  1. abiigaiil abiigaiil
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2012 9:36pm UTC
    I bet I know you.
    You're a teenage girl, anywhere from 11 to 18. You're in Middle school or High school, but secretly all you want is to go back to Kindergarten. You love rain, deep conversations with your friends, and you flip your pillow to the cold side. You have a crush on a boy, who you think about every minute of every day. You think you love him. You take showers, not to get clean, but because you need to think. You use Facebook a lot, but Witty is your real home. Your legs are crossed and your computers on your lap, your sitting with a hair tie on your wrist and your left hand on your face. You're not the most popular girl in your grade but honestly you don't care. You love Taylor Swift and you have at least one song that describes your life. There's one girl that you dsperately wish you could look like, even if it's a celebrity or a girl in your school, even though you're beautiful. &Right now, you're scrolling through these Witty quotes, reading this one and nodding, even though the one thing that's on your mind is...

  2. abiigaiil abiigaiil
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    Beauty Tip #1
    Want whiter teeth?
    Step 1: Brush your teeth with regular toothpaste
    Step 2: Mash up 1 strawberry in a bowl
    Step 3: Add 1 tablespoon og Baking soda in the mixture
    Step 4: brush teeth with mixture w/ toothbrush
    Step 5: Leave on teeth for 2 minutes
    Step 6: Spit out all
    Step 7: Brush teeth wirh regular toothpaste and enjoy your white teeth
    It works, I tried it with my sister but warning! It taste bad DO NOT SWALLOW.

  3. abiigaiil abiigaiil
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    How I got out of doing the dishes
    My mom: Do the dishes
    Me: *I place a sock on counter*
    My mom: What's this? Why is it here? *hands me the sock*
    My mom: wait what?
    Me: *runs to room*
    (Harry Potter if you where wondering)


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