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  1. eyeluvyeww eyeluvyeww
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 8:05pm UTC
    Just the New Girl.
    Author Note: Kind of boring, but I know for fact it will get better! :) Thanks for all the support, if you read it... please like it so I can know how many people are actually reading them. THANKS! :)
    I woke up the next day with a manger headache.
    Ehh what happened last night?
    I got up, took a shower and got ready for the day.
    I decided today would be the day where I would unpack all my stuff and get settled in to my new house.
    About an hour or so through unpacking I realized I didn't have my phone.
    I search all over the place for it, and still couldn't find it.
    I must have left it at Nicks.
    Part of me needed to go over to Nicks to get my phone, but the other part of me didn't,
    since I know he hates me.
    I decided to go over there anyways, because I had a few
    questions about school.
    I walked over to his house, and rang the doorbell.
    Nick's little sister, Kara, came running to the door.
    "Hey Kara, is Nick home?" I asked.
    "Yes, one second. Come on in", she smiled.
    I stepped into their gorgeous dreamy house and waited at the door.
    I heard Kara upstairs getting Nick.
    "Nick!" Kara shouted from the outside of his shut bedroom door.
    "What do you want? I'm sleeping", he replied back to her.
    "Some one is here to see you", she sweetly spoke back.
    I heard him open his door and start walking down the hallway.
    "Who is here?" Nick asked Kara.
    "Carter", she told him.
    "Uhh", I heard him groan with anger.
    I knew this was a bad idea, I don't know why he hates me; but he does.
    "Yes, Carter?" He said walking down the stairs coming towards me.
    "Yeah hi Nick. Umm, have you seen my phone anywhere? It's no where around my place", I nervously said to him.
    "No I haven't, sorry", he said seeming annoyed.
    "Do you think I could look in your car?"
    We walked out to his car. I opened the passenger door and started looking.
    He just stood there and watched, of course he didn't bother to help.
    "I don't see it, thanks for letting me look though", I said to him.
    "Um yeah, no problem."
    I turned around and started walking back to my house. When he called back out to me.
    "Carter, wait!"
    I turned around, "yes?"
    "Could you have left it at the apartment?" he asked.
    "Possibly, yes!"
    "I'll get my keys", he flashed a smile.
    Wow, I thought to myself. He was actually being nice for once.
    As we drove to his apartment I thought this would be a perfect chance to ask him about school.
    "Hey, I have a question", I said.
    "Yes, go ahead."
    "What time does school start?" I asked.
    "Okay cool, thanks!"
    "Would you like a ride?" He asked.
    Did he really just ask if I wanted a ride?
    A hot jock, probably one of the hottest kids in school,
    asking if I want a ride.
    Duh, I do.
    "Yes that would be awesome, thanks Nick!" I smiled at him.
    "Mhmm, no problem Carter", he smiled back.
    We finally got to the apartment.
    I walked into the back bedroom, where I took a shower the night before.
    I saw my phone sitting on the bathroom counter.
    Yes, I thought to myself.
    "I found it!" I told Nick, smiling.
    "Great, I'm glad."
    We got back in his car and drove to his house.
    I got out of his car and started walking back across the street to my house.
    "Carter!" Nick shouted at me.
    "Give me your number, and I'll text you tomorrow morning
    when I'm about to leave."
    I walked over to Nick and put my number in his phone.
    "Thank you!" I smiled at him.
    And with that, we went our own directions.

  2. eyeluvyeww eyeluvyeww
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 1:26pm UTC
    Just the New Girl.
    It was kind of weird in the car with Nick, I mean my first day here and I already hooked up with someone.
    "Did you have fun?" Nick asked as we pulled out of the drive way.
    "Yeah it was alright", I said back slurring my words.
    I was still drunk, so drunk.
    "And what about you?" I asked in return.
    "It was fine."
    We didn't talk after that, so I reached over and turned up the music.
    I started dancing and singing in my seat.
    Nick reached over and turned it off, "You are still so drunk!"
    "Shh", I softly said. "No I'm not."
    "Yes you are."
    I flirtatiously pushed his arm. He looked at me really confused, like, did she just touch me?
    Then I remembered how he didn't even want me here in the first place.
    We sat in silence as I stared out the window.
    I noticed that we weren't going home, we were going to the city.
    "Uhh, where are you taking me?" I asked Nick confused.
    "You think I can bring you home looking like this?"
    I flipped down the visor and studied myself in the mirror.
    My eyeliner and mascara was smudged everywhere, and my hair was a tangled mess.
    We pulled into a parking garage and Nick got out of the car.
    I followed right along.
    "Where are we going?"
    "To our apartment!" Nick replied.
    We took the elevator up to the 6th floor. He guided me into their apartment.
    It was beautiful, just like their house.
    They were probably the richest family I have ever met.
    "Here is a towel", Nick handed me a soft fluffy towel. "The bathroom is in that room to the right."
    I went into the room and took off my clothes, then into the bathroom and took a hot shower.
    When I was done I went back to the room to get dressed.
    All of a sudden the door swung open.
    I turned around to see Nick standing in the door way,
    staring straight at me.
    My heart began to race, I could feel my face turning red.
    He was looking at me in my towel.
    "Uh-uh sorry Ca-Carter", Nick stumbled back out of the room and shut the door behind him.
    I took a deep breath, and continued to get ready.
    When I was done, I went to go find Nick so we could leave.
    I found him sleeping on the couch.
    Oh gosh, I thought to myself. What do I do?
    I looked at the clock it said 1:43am, we are supposed
    to be home in 17 min.
    I walked over to Nick and lightly tapped his shoulder.
    He bounced up really fast, "Sorry, ready?"
    "Yeah", I softly said back.
    I followed him back to the car. Got in, and drove home.
    When we got to Nicks house, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.
    I ended up falling asleep on my floor that night, since my bed wasn't unpacked yet.

  3. kattiecool3 kattiecool3
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    I am sorry that you didn't listen to me after I told you before you left that I am never having you back in my life again. I am sorry that you hurt me and came crawling back. This is not my fault at all, this is all on you. As for me, I couldn't care less in the world what happens to you.You have already done enough such as stabbing me and done enough to my heart.
    You have broke me in ways I did not know was possible. I will be fine as long as you don't come anywhere near me and interfer with my feelings.
    You made it clear that me and my heart was to be no where near you.

  4. MarissaX33 MarissaX33
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    To-do List
    3.Back to sleep

  5. eyeluvyeww eyeluvyeww
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 10:35am UTC
    Just the New Girl.
    Author Note: Sorry, I haven't been posting a lot. I'm going to start posting one chapter everyday, promise! :)
    This was like a huge freaking house party.
    It seemed like there were 500 kids here. People all over
    inside and outside drinking and smoking.
    All I could think was, act cool Carter, act cool. You got this,
    you know how to party!
    Nick started walking inside the house and I followed him not to far behind.
    He walked over to a group of people, I walked up and stood beside him. Everyone greeted Nick, then looked and turned to me.
    "Guys, this is Ca-Ca-uhh", Nick stumbled as he forgot my name.
    "I'm Carter" I said, trying to laugh it off.
    "She is new here, she moved into the house across the street
    from me", Nick added.
    Everyone greeted me.
    Nick went off talking to some blonde girl. I just stood there awkwardly trying to make small talk.
    A really cute dark hair, tanned skin guy came over to me.
    "Hey Carter, want to grab a drink?" He asked me in a flirty tone.
    "I'd love to."
    As we walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink, we passed half naked girls grinding all over other guys.
    "I'm Mike, I'm a senior with Nick at Ocean View High."
    He handed me a beer.
    "Oh nice, so I will be seeing you around?" I asked, smiling.
    "Oh yes you will!" he winked at me.
    I thought to myself, I am never going to make it through this night.
    I looked down at my beer, and brought it to my lips.
    I downed it in about 30 seconds.
    "Damn you know how to drink", Mike said to me handing me another beer.
    "Yeah, I really knew how to get down back where I'm from", I lied trying to make it seem like I really did know how to party.
    "I better being seeing you get down tonight!"
    I looked at my 2nd beer and chugged it in about another 30 seconds.
    "Oh I def will!" I flirted back to him.
    I grabbed myself another beer, this was my 3rd
    while he was still on his 1st.
    I decided I was going to drink this one slowly, I didn't want to get completely wasted at my first party here.
    "Want to go dance?" Mike asked.
    Oh gosh there goes my plan, I'm going to need another drink.
    I downed my third drink, feeling a little tipsy.
    "I would love too", I said back to him. I grabbed my
    4th beer and walked off with mike.
    We started dancing were everyone else was dancing.
    His hands were all over my body, and on my hips. I grinded on him.
    My vision began to get blurry, but I remember everything
    that was happening.
    I saw that blonde girl Nick was with grinding all over him.
    Nick glanced over in my direction, and we made awkward eye contact.
    I reached over and grabbed a 5th beer. Yes, a 5th. Gosh, tomorrow is going to suck.
    Nick was staring at me, as I grinded all over Mike.
    Things got awkward, I turned around so I didn't have to look at him.
    Mike took this as a sign that I wanted to make out.
    I was so drunk, I couldn't stop myself.
    We made out, and the next thing I know, he took my hand and was guiding me into a back bedroom.
    He flirtatiously pushed me on the couch and sat down.
    We stared making out again, his hands exploring my body.
    It seemed like forever but it was probably only 20 min.
    When the blonde girl busted into the room.
    "Nick! Is this her?" She yelled out the door.
    Nick walked into the room and looked at me,
    "Uhh yeah!" He said back to her.
    "Dude Carter, Nick has been looking all over for you", the blonde girl said rolling her eyes.
    "We have to go," Nick said to me.
    I got up and looked down at myself. My shorts were unbuttoned and my shirt was wrinkled up and I could tell my hair was a mess.
    I nodded my head and followed Nick out of the room.
    "Bye Carter! See you at school on Monday!" Mike yelled to me, as I walked out of the room and continued following Nick to his car.


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