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bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
And that's like pretty rare for me to admit that because sometimes I really really really dislike Witty just because how it works; if you're popular, even the lamest quotes get favourited and a lot of the times people are popular by promising to follow back and then there's that whole oh hey you're a hot guy i'll follow you and favourite your quotes because you're hot and i'm a straight girl and hey you get where this is going ;)
Detox weekend is the equivalent of placing a paper bag over people's heads and just cutting out a place for eyes, a nose and a mouth and being able to be judge and judge people solely based on who they are [or in this case what quotes they post]
It's just so fantastic <3


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
So I know detox weekend was like ages ago but I never got around to saying how absolutely awesome it was~! Like I know it's not something you'll do often anymore because the site views went like way down and of course your main goal would be to get as many people as possible to join this site but detox weekend really was like, brilliant <3
And that's like pretty rare for me to admit that because sometimes I really really really dislike Witty just because how it works; if you're popular, even the lamest quotes get favourited and a lot of the times people are popular by promising to follow back and then there's that whole oh hey you're a hot guy i'll follow you and favourite your quotes because you're hot and i'm a straight girl and hey you get where this is going ;)
Detox weekend is the equivalent of placing a paper bag over people's heads and just cutting out a place for eyes, a nose and a mouth and being able to be judge and judge people solely based on who they are [or in this case what quotes they post]
It's just so fantastic <3


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
Hey Veronica ~
How's life?
Dude I'm probably the nerdiest kid you know now xP
Debate + mathletes + tumblr = me x)
Plus I'm trying to teach myself C and C++ by the end of the summer

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
So I watched your cover of "Once Upon a December"
I think it was good, for a first video, but in the future, first of all, you should try to have music like instrumentals in the background. Or can you play the piano/guitar? Something. Also if you're actually trying to get people to watch your video, you want to pick a more well known song.

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
lol no one does that

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
you know what else sucks is
when edward saved bella from a car crash he dragged her by the hood of her sweatshirt across a parking lot

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
So I guess you're the new subject of controversy on Witty ;)
ahhhh brings back memories of witty back then~

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
gosh gurl did anyone ever tell you your page is really hard to type comments in? xP
don't. cut. why. would you cut. does it make you feel better? there are healthy alternatives; please. don't. cut.
i know telling you that won't help but really there's only so much i can do over ~le internet
okay, so you're insecure. there are ways to raise your self confidence, you know? or maybe you don't know because you think people have scarred you irrevocably for life but that. is. not. true. i know it because i've been through it and you.. can. do it to.
"i haven't been eating as much as i used to" - you do realize there are ways to lose weight? you complain (and i'm sorry, i know i sound rude but anorexia and bulimia and just are not okay in my book) about being what, in your eyes, is overweight, but if you don't like it then you should TRY to change it. healthy food like whole grains and fruits and vegs and stuff like that + daily exercise is really all you need~


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
when i went to manhattan i had limited money so i bought the doll instead~~
lol you. are damn obsessed with harry potter~
t'was me last year~
I mean, not that I'm not a potter fan, but last year i was legit obsessed~
now i'm just part of the fandom~

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
kay cool~

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
si senora i know my comment was a bit rude~
it just annoys the out of me when people make fun of (as my friend refers to them) "moobs"
like girls be bout how people should stop commenting on weight and then backhandedly make fun of moobs~ and

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
lol wut~

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
Yes. Everyone breaks promises. It happens. lol omg you know what happens to me? Every time I tell a friend a legitimate secret, I always find out they told at least 3 other people. So I never tell anyone anything anymore. It's not really trust issues, it's just easier not to deal with unnecessary drama.
Okay, you seem pretty stubborn and unwilling to move on. Which is fine, perfectly fine. I'm pretty stubborn too. So you know what? Just go with it. Like you said, he'll probably come around, you know? But...just...caution yourself a little. I know he used to be your bffffl~~ or something, but you do realize by doing all this shazz~ he did break his promise, yeah? And, the sad thing is that no matter what anyone promises, if they break a promise then they will always be capable of breaking another promise. So...be careful.
I have to stress this; DON'T let him be your EVERYTHING. Try to gain some independence from him. Even if it's one section of your life, keep it a secret or at least keep him out of it, alright? Because the moment he walks out of your life again--the moment you lose everything--again.
I mean, tbqh, your fight will probably only last another month or too, and you're not the type to like, cut, are you? (Please tell me you're not....)
Do you cut? Because if you do then I can't let you be stubborn and I'd have to type up like 50,000 more paragraphs on how to find alternatives to cutting. Which I'd be happy to do. But like...yeah.
Yay~! Honours roll students = SO BOSS ;D
lol well actually, we don't have honour rolls in my high school...I actually don't know why. I'm in this like really weird school. Like honestly, we don't even have cheerleaders. Which actually, I don't mind, because the stereotypical bitchy blonde cheerleaders scare the crap out of me.


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
I'm not telling you what you should do...
but alright~

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
So what are you doing with Nutella?
But I'm sorry. If you want to know, I have weight insecurities, too. So anyway my friend just introduced Nutella to me, right? I'd never had it before and everything. And I was like...this isn't as good as she promised me >.<
And then it turns out it has a shitload of calories. And I'm on a healthy diet right now, so. I dumped the jar of Nutella I bought.

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
well then she deserved it you know? regardless of whether she is his girlfriend, if someone's talking about you you gotta stand up for yourself. which you did. so like, yeah! *high fives you over the internet*
did you explain this to your ex?
and im just suggesting this but maybe it's just easier to leave it as it is? i mean it's easier to get over someone if they're angry at you/ignore you, cuz then they tend to leave you alone you know? just throwing that out there
but like if you explained this to him and he was like "idgaf you do not at my girlfriend" then i mean come on. i know you really like this guy but you were defending yourself. if he can't understand/accept that then honestly screw him. he honestly isn't worth your time.
lol but me talking about this isn't really going to help. okay look. so this is killing you? then it seems like this guy was a really big source of your happiness. so you know what you gotta do now? you gotta find something new to get into. is there any sport you really like? get into some kind of like sport group or something. winter season is coming up dude. i know like it might be like ugh no i don't want to bother but honestly succeeding at something really helps bring up your mood.
i mean lol this is pretty sad but you know what brings me up? good grades (lol yeah really sad but come on? so i like getting good grades so what bro?)
throw yourself into an activity. and if that activity doesn't work for you, try for something else. just keep applying yourself because i promise you everyone and anyone has so much potential and you are not an exception. its just that the majority of our generation just likes slacking off or wasting their energy on (no offense) boyfriend/girlfriend drama or like smoking and some like that. and once you really start succeeding and living at your full potential, i promise you will be so much happier. plus one day you'll just realize like, hey, wow, i haven't thought about him in such a long time! and by then he'll prob have forgiven you anyway so like, its all chill~
ohmygod another essay. lol yeah okay i really like writing x)


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
okay, yeah, that sucks. best friend turned into boyfriend into ex. like i mean, when you two broke up you probably lost your friendship as well yeah?
but...yeah. just remember that everything happens for a reason, you know? and i know you miss him, and this probably won't help but i'm going to be quite honest when i say you're probably going to miss him for a pretty long time because like yeah, the whole losing best friend on top of boyfriend thing, but it. gets. better. and if you two were meant to be together, then one day, you two will be together again, so no worries~ like hakuna mattata or however you spell that lion king phrase.
and if you two weren't meant to be together, then one day someone else will walk into your life and he'll make you happy okay? and you'll realize why you and your (ex) best friend didn't work out~
and when you say you bitched out his girlfriend, did you like do it intentionally because you were like jealous or something like that? or did you just do it just because you really don't like his girlfriend, not because she's dating your ex or because she's like actually a ? if you did it because you actually hate her, then fine. you're allowed to hate who you want to, and if your ex wants to be mad at you like, come at me bro. you're allowed to have opinions. and if you did it because you were jealous, well, then first of all do you understand that maybe your ' out' was a little out of place? i know you still miss your ex, but you can't vent out all your anger on this poor little new girlfriend, yeah? so just apologize to her, say you were in a bit of a crap mood that day and stuff.
lol omg this is a essay
but anyway
hold your head up high gurl~
stay strong


bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
What's your tumblr url? :D

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
Oh god please don't be one of the Witty 'guys' who signs every damn quote with their name....

bickering_sidekicks · 1 decade ago
Woah...hell of a username o.O


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