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  1. wishforyou156 wishforyou156
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 10:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. PhoebeLikeRawr PhoebeLikeRawr
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 2:08pm UTC

    I'm about to start crying.

  3. Enchanted_x Enchanted_x
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 2:04pm UTC
    ( d o y o u p r o m i s e t o b e t h e r e t o c a t c h m e ? ♥ )

  4. BethanyA BethanyA
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 2:05pm UTC
    OMG!!!! The freaking Taylor Swift concert is on MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  5. justinfan justinfan
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 2:06pm UTC
    There's Gonna Be Times
    When People Tell You
    You Cant Live Your Dreams
    But This Is What I Say

  6. Kevinforever21 Kevinforever21
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 1:57pm UTC
    you know ur in love when the hradent thing to do is say goodbye ♥

  7. BethanyA BethanyA
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 1:58pm UTC
    Where would we be without technology?

  8. RoarImaVampire RoarImaVampire
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 1:59pm UTC
    i may not be you i know im not a perfect person
    but neither are you, so stop judging just for one minute. if everyone was the same life would be extremely

  9. indyanataylor indyanataylor
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 1:59pm UTC
    What is Heartbroken??
    Is it lying on the bathroom
    floor trying yerr damnedest
    To BREATHE while
    Simultaneously wondering why
    It went wrong; How are you gonna pretend
    Like everything is alright and
    What the hell are you going to
    do bout that hole in yerr
    Yha that’s it.

  10. fenwickgirls fenwickgirls
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2011 7:10pm UTC
    is anyone else still writing 2010 on their papers?
    i am

  11. ToWriteLoveOnHerArms84 ToWriteLoveOnHerArms84
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2010 8:09pm UTC
    When we are stressed we eat ice cream, cake, chocolate, and sweets. Well you want to know why? Because stressed spelt backwards is desserts<3

  12. ToWriteLoveOnHerArms84 ToWriteLoveOnHerArms84
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2010 5:34pm UTC
    Her make-up runs down her cheeks . Blood is dripping from her wrists .
    She doesn't have a clue what to do . She put the knife to her neck .
    She thinks this is the right time to end her life right now .
    She thinks about the memories they shared , all the times they had .
    Well guess what , she just committed suicide because of him .
    He watches the news . See's his ex girlfriend dead , in her room .
    The one they both cried together in . He see's the blood that's dripping
    off her wrist . He then realizes the knife and the slit on her throat .
    He grabs a shoe string and now he thinks it's his time to end his own life ,
    for her . Before he does , he see's the news people picking up a note , it was for him .
    The note said , "Baby, I always loved you, I always will . I just thought it was my time to
    die . You broke my heart . But I held back the tears, and acted like nothing was wrong,
    I threw my fake smile on my face just so people didn't ask me what was wrong."
    That was the last thing . The TV went off . He put the shoe sting around his neck ,
    as tight as it will go so he can't breathe . He thought she was over him .
    He tied the string and then he grabbed a knife , he carved her name
    into his arm and leg . He committed suicide because of her .
    They both committed suicide because : The girl got her heart broken
    by the boy . She thought he didn't love her still .
    He committed suicide because he thought she would never be his again .
    He didn't think she loved him still .
    They both loved each other so much . They both killed each other for one
    another .
    all mine .

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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