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Hello Beautiful♥
My name is Stacey Lyn and i have been alive on this crazy, messed up planet for 14 years. Im going into my freshman year of highschool and im pretty excited. Im an adverage girl, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", friends, and family. My parents divorced when i was a lovely 2 months old and i've never heard from my dad since. I live in the wonderful (note the sarcasm) state of Massachusetts.I dance and i have been since i was 2 and a half. I also enjoy playing tennis and badminton, reading and writing. My favorite color is purple and i like the numbers 17 and 21. Random i know, but its true. Cody Simpson and Taylor Swift are my two favorite artists♥ Sometimes i feel like my music is the only thing i can depend on. If i had the choice, i would stay a kid forever. I never want to grow up, but then again, who does? Im a huge dreamer but i always find myself putting me down to keep my heart from being broken. I tend to create senerios in my head that i know will never happen in real life. I get mad at myself for the littlest things and sometimes i wish i could be a better me. Sometimes i just want to dissapear so i wouldnt have to deal with all the drama. Lifes not fair but i sure as hell wish it was. But all we can do is smile, because trust me darling, it looks good on you. So lift your chin and watch those jaws drop. Your beautiful(:
Look me up on Facebook; Stacey Gravel

 Just posted my first chapter on Wattpad.Check it outt(:

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  1. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2011 8:12am UTC
    Forever Yours
    Chapter: 2
    I slid my sundress over my bathing suit, sick of seeing all the bruises. The deep purple-blue color was lightning up, but were still nearly visible under my white sundress. I stepped out of the bathroom. "Ready?" i asked Collin, Jake, and Ali. They nodded and got off the couch. We walked down to the beach, which was actually right behind the hotel. I laid my blanket down on the sand and put up the umbrella. I pulled my book out of my beach bag and began to read. "Nicole, why don't you go in the water with everyone else?" My mother asked. Her short blonde hair and blue eyes glistened in the sun light. "Maybe later." I said looking up from my book. She shrugged. "Okay, the Manson's and your father and i, are going to a bar down the street. Chris is going to stay here." She said. "Mhmmmm," I replied ignoring her. I watched Chris's parents and my parents walk away and Chris run into the water. "Is that a good book?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to a boy about my age. He had light skater brown hair and beautiful yellow-brown eyes. I smiled, "Yeah it is." "Cool." He said laying his towel next to mine. "By the way, im Nate." He continued. "Im Nicole." I said introducing myself. "So, Nicole, why arnt you in the water?" Nate asked me. I shrugged, "I have my reasons." I said. He nodded, accepting my answer. "So, Nate, why arnt you in the water." I fired back at him. He smiled, "Don't worry, ill be in there soon." He said mischievously. I looked at him confused. As if on cue, a little girl probably about 5, came running up and started tugging on Nates arm. She had long brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Natie, pwese come in the water wif me!" She begged. "Alright Emily, ill be there is a sec." Nate replied. He stood up and brushed the sand off himself. "Is she some competition i should know about?" I asked playfully as Emily ran away. He chuckled. "Yeah. Maybe ill see you around?" He asked. "Maybe," I said quietly as he ran to the water.
    Comments? Favs?

  2. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2011 10:20am UTC
    Forever Yours
    Chapter: 1
    I walked into my hotel room in awe. "I call the bed by the window!" my little sister, Allison, called. Her chocolate brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her hair is normally down to her waist, was now down to her chest. She jumped onto her bed and squealed with glee, her bright green eyes open and excited. I put my suitcase down on my bed and walked over to the window. I pulled back the light blue curtains and looked out onto the beach. "Florida's so pretty, Nicole!" Allison said to me. I nodded and looked down at her 13 year old figure. She stood about 5'3", about 3 inches shorter than me. My light golden brown hair was up in a messy bun. I have beautiful hazel eyes that i think are my best feature and im 15 years old. Allison and I were staring out into the beach when there was a knock on our door. "Come in!" i called. In walked Collin and Jake, my brothers. "Hey, do you guys wanna go down to the beach?" Collin asked. "Sure!" Allison replied quickly as she ran to her suitcase and dug for her bathing suit. I looked down at the ground. "I don't know..." I mumbled. Collin and Jake looked at each other. They were twins but looked nothing alike. Collin had shaggy light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Jake had dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Although they didn't look alike they both stood at 5'8" and were 16. Collin rushed over and lifted up my shirt. I had bruised along my rib cage and my spine. They were a dark blue and purple, there was no way i could put on a bathing suit and not have mom and dad notice. "What did that douche bag do to you now!?" Jake exclaimed. I looked down, my eyes full of tears. Collin pulled me into a hug. "You need to break up with him, Nicole." He said sternly. I nodded. I knew i needed to break up with him, but every time i tried he hurt me worse. "Chris is a jerk." Allison piped in. But to make it worse, Chris and his family are on vacation with us!
    Comments? Favs? Should i continue?

  3. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    Dear Witty Readers:
    Im sorry i haven't written in a while. Between school, homework and afterschool things it has been really tough. I will hopefully be starting a new story this weekend and im thinking on calling it either "Forever Yours" Or "Yours Forever" If you have any ideas please let me know! :)

  4. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 9:15am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 37
    Austin's POV:
    I walked into Lexi's room, happy to see her awake. Everyone else had visited her already, but i wanted to see her alone. I walked over to her hospital bed and looked down into her gorgeous eyes. "Austin..." She breathed. I smiled, i loved it when she said my name. I took her hand and squeezed it tight. "I have missed you so much Lexi." I said softly. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. "I know, im so sorry.." She said. "Its okay, baby. But what happened?" I asked. She winced at the memory, it must of been bad. "You don't have to tell me now..." I said reassuring, even though i was dying to know. "Thank you.." She said relived.
    Two years later:
    I walked out of my room and into Lexi's. Her room was bare and all her bags were in the middle of the floor. "Almost ready?" I asked. She nodded. "Almost.." High school was finally over and we were all off to college. I was lucky: Lexi, Dakota, Alex, and Kyle and i were all going to the same college. Lexi picked up her bags and brought them to the car. I opened the trunk and put them in for her. We got in the car and drove off to college. It was going to be weird not rooming with Lexi, but she was sharing a room with Dakota that was right down the hall. After we finished unpacking, Lexi and i walked down to the beach. I held her hand and we dipped our toes into the water. Lexi turned towards me and looked into my eyes. "Austin?" She asked. I looked down at her. "Yes?" She sighed a little. "Do you see a future with me?" She asked serious. I took me a second to answer her. "Yes, i do. I want to be with you forever Lexi. Im never going to leave you." I said softly. She seemed pleased with my answer. "You'll stay with me forever?' She asked with a smile. I looked deeper into her eyes. "Forever." I repeated as i pulled her into a passionate kiss.
    THE END! Comments? Favs?

  5. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 8:54am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 36
    Austin's POV:
    I walked out of my bedroom and looked around the living room. It was practically clean except for the duffel bags on the floors and couch. When i came home with the news on Lexi and everyone started bawling. Kyle told me that they were going to pack up tonight and leave tomorrow if Lexi didn't wake up. Winter vacation was almost over anyways and they would be going home in 2 days or so if it wasn't for Lexi. I sat on the couch feeling depressed. No one was their usually happy self, everyone was just trudging around. Around 5 i cooked dinner. Chicken Parm, because i knew it was Lexi's favorite meal. We all sat in silence as we ate, no one wanted to talk. About half way through dinner the phone rang. I jumped in shock because i was so use to the silence. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello, this is St. Joseph's Hospital, we would like to inform you that your friend Lexi has woken up." The person on the other line said. I nearly dropped the phone. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes." They answered and hung up. I walked back into the dinning room with a huge grin on my face. "LEXI"S AWAKE!" I screamed. Every ones faces grew smiles. We all cheered and screamed. "Should we go see her?" Alexis asked. I shrugged. "I guess that would be okay! They never said we couldn't!" We all piled into the car and headed to the hospital...
    Comments? Favs?

  6. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 8:23am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 35
    Austin's POV:
    I sat by Lexi's bed and held her hand. It was about 11:45am and she has been unconscious for about 3 days now. All of her friends and i have been here every day, hoping and wishing she will be fine and wake up. When i called her dad to inform him that she had been in an accident, all he said was "I hope she gets better." The doctor walked in and put his hand on my shoulder. "Austin, we came to a desition. If she doesn't wake up by tonight, we are going to have to take her off life support. Im sorry." His face looked grim. I looked at him in shock. "Y-your going to take her off life support if she doesn't wake up t-tonight?" I asked. He nodded. "Her conditions are to serious for us to do anything for her if shes unconscious, and if she doesn't get the treatment she needs, she would end up...dying anyways." He said looking sorry. I looked down at Lexi's torn up body. I guess this was the best way... I looked back up at her doctor. "Okay..." I said softly. "Thank you for understanding. Why don't you say your good-byes now?" He asked as he left. I squeezed Lexi's hand tighter. "Lexi, i just wanted to let you know i love you soo much. I wish it didn't have to end like this... You are the most beautiful girl i have ever meant. When ever someone is down you always know how to cheer them up. Im never going to forget you Lexi..." I said quietly. I was secretly wishing she would wake up after i said it, but i knew my luck wasn't that good, and didn't keep my hopes up. I studied her mangled body for the last time. I was going to miss her terribly. I got up and walked out the door, whispering "I love you Lexi" on the way out...
    Comments? Favs? This isn't the end..

  7. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2011 3:04pm UTC
    To all the readers of
    That Girl
    I will be ending my story in the next few chapters. I would like to thank everyone who read my stories and gave me feedback. I would also like to mention some of the authors of the stories i like to read:
    -Thank you:

  8. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2011 11:24am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 34
    Austin's POV:
    "Should we get a DJ?" Tiffany asked. We were sitting in the living room planning Lexi's surprise birthday party. "Yeah, defiantly." Trevor agreed. I was taking a sip of my Mountain Dew when i heard my cell phone ringing. "Hey, do you guys know where i put my cell?" I asked. They all shook their heads no. I got up and walked into the kitchen, the ringing was the loudest there. Ring... Ring... Ring... I searched the kitchen and i finally found it under a bag of chips. The caller ID said Lexi's name. I answered. "Hello?" I asked. There was silence for a second. "Help... Me..." I heard Lexi choke out. "Lexi!? Lexi?! LEXI!" I screamed into the phone. She didn't answer and i could feel my heart pounding a mile a minute. I ran into the living room. "Lexi's in trouble!" I said franticly.
    I watched the monitor by Lexi's bed. Beep... beep... beep... We found Lexi on the side of the highway, her car was tipped onto its side. The police think she might of hit a truck from the other lane and then crashed into the guard rail. They still don't know what caused her to black out while driving, or what could of cut her wrist and leg that deep. They said it could be a knife, but she didn't see anyone, did she? Her wrist was cut up badly and her leg had cuts on it too. She had broken ribs and a concussion from the crash. All in all, she was in terrible condition. I just hope she will make it...
    Comments? Favs?

  9. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2011 8:50am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 33
    Lexi's POV:
    I walked into the living room with an armful of sandwiches. "Who wanted turkey?" I asked holding it up. "Me!" Alexis and Zach cried. I tossed them each a sandwich. When everyone had their sandwiches i sat down on the couch. "Sorry Love, but you gotta get out of here. We are planning your surprise party!" Kyle said. I moaned. "Really?! Cant i just sit here and not listen?" "Nope." He said smiling. "Ugh." I grabbed the keys and put on my jacket. I walked out to the car and hopped in. I decided to drive to the beach. When i got there I put my toes in the water and squished the sand between my fingers. l felt strong arms pick me up and turn me around. I looked up and saw a face that i never wanted to see: Troy. "G-get away from me!" I cried. "Surprised to see me?" he asked. I nodded and looked around, the beach was deserted. "No ones here to protect you babe." He said with an evil grin. "Im not your babe." I said sternly. He took out a knife and held it up. "For now you are." He said. I started to run but he grabbed my arm. I cried as the knife came in contact with my wrist. 'Not again.' i thought to myself. I slipped out of his reach and started to run again. I had to get away. I looked back in time to see him throw the knife. It skimmed my leg and i let out another cry. I looked down at my arm and leg, blood was pouring out. I got to my car and got inside. I put the car in drive and started to drive home. I took out my cell and called Austin. Ring... Ring... Ring... My vision started to get blurry. I hit something hard and felt my car jerk to the side. I hit something else and my car flipped onto its side. I could feel my body crumple under the weight. "Hello?" I heard. Austin had picked up. "Help...me..." i choked out before everything went black...
    Comments? Favs?

  10. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2011 9:23am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2011 5:38pm UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 31
    Lexi's POV:
    I walked inside and stood looking around in awe. "We have this entire place to our self?" I asked breathless. "Except for the workers, but yeah!" Shayna replied. I looked at her and shrieked, jumping up and down. "This is f•cking amazing! I just cant get over the fact that you guys would do this for me!" I said with a huge grin on my face. "Well you always said how cool it would be to have an amusement park to yourself when we were little." Tiffany said. "So now you got your wish!" Brian said. "But today you have to share it with us!" Trevor said putting his arm around me. I looked up at him and hugged him. "I love you guys!" I mumbled into his shirt. "Ready to go get sick on some rides?" Kyle asked me. The day went by really fast. We went on practically every ride! By the time we were done i was wet and tired. "The splash park was so much fun!" Alexis said as we walked back to the car. It was about 7:30 and it was already dark out. We piled back into the car. I sat next to Austin and rested my head on his chest and he stroked my hair. I shut my eyes, just to rest, and before i knew it i was being shaken awake. "Were home sleepy head." Austin said. I smiled and got out. I started to walk up to the house but stopped when i realized only Austin was following me. "Aren't you guys coming?" i asked. They all shook their heads and smiled. "We thought you would like the night to yourself with Austin." Alex said with a smug smiled. I looked up at Austin and he was grinning. "Come on, Love." Austin said guiding me towards the house.
    Comments? Favs?

  12. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 5:53pm UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 30
    Lexi's POV:
    I ran into my room to get changed. I was told to wear a bathing suit so i put on my white and navy Hollister bikini. I put on my white shorts and a dark blue flowy top. I put my hair up and applied my makeup: i was ready to go! I walked into the living room where everyone was standing, waiting for me. "Ready to go, birthday girl?" Alex asked and i nodded. We walked out to the cars and got in. I sat next to Trevor in the back seat. "Put this on." he instructed me, handing me a black blindfold. "Um, okay?" I said as i put it on. The car ride to where ever the hell we were going took about 45 minutes. When we got there Trevor opened up the door for me and i step out, still blind folded. "Can i take this off yet?" I pleaded. "Wait...Okay now!" Austin said. I ripped off my blindfold and saw all my friends: The new and old ones. I looked behind them to see Six Flags. Okay, now i was confused: the parking lot was empty. "Is it closed?" I asked feeling stupid. They all laughed. "No, remember how i told you my uncle worked for and amusement park?" Kyle asked. I nodded and he continued. "Well, he's really high up in the business and so we rented this one out!" He finished. I screeched! "Omigooooosh! No way!" I screamed excitedly. I ran over and gave my friends a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will never forget this! You guys are f•cking awesome!!" I continued. They all laughed. "Are you ready to go have fun?!" Austin asked, putting his arm around me. I nodded and grinned. "Okay lets go!" Kyle said as they lead me inside!
    Comments? Favs? Feedback?

  13. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 9:58am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 29
    Lexi's POV:
    The next morning i woke up early. I looked over at my clock: it read 7:32am. Ehh that's late enough. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. Everyone was on the floor sleeping. "GET THE F•CK UP! ITS MY BIRTHDAAAY!" i screamed as i shook everyone awake. "Where is the snooze button?" mumbled Trevor as he hit my shoulder. I walked over to him and sat on his back. "Oof, get off me fatty!" he stumbled. I shook my head no. "You gotta get up to get me off!" i said giggling. "Fine..." he said wryly. He started to get up and i hooked my arms around his neck. "Bring me to the kitchen! I want fooood!" i said playfully. I felt strong arms around my waist and pull me off Trevor. "Not so fast little girl." Zach said. "First you need your birthday slaps!" Jessica finished with a smile. I groaned. "Really? Don't you think we are a little old for this?" I pleaded, trying to get out of being slapped. Everyone shook their head no. Ever since we were 9 we have been doing birthday slaps. Birthday slaps are when someone slaps you, and you slap back until you get to the number you turn. Im turning 17 so this is going to be painful... "Okay, come here birthday girl." Kyle said preparing to slap me. I trudged over and stood infront of Kyle. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded. "As ready as ill ever be." i said. He nodded. "One..." he said. "Two..." i continued. "Three." he finished as he slapped me. I slapped back and then he slapped me again. "...15...16...17!" Everyone cheered! "Why were you just slapping each other?" Austin asked as he and Alex walked out of their room. We laughed. "Its just something we do on each others birthdays!" i said as i walked over to him. "Ohh.." He said still a little bit confused. "Omigooosh! Its 8 o'clock! We need to get ready!" Alexis screeched. Everyone grabbed their clothes and hurried to get ready. 'Hmm. I wonder where they are taking me.." I wondered as i got ready.
    Comments? Favs? I wanna thank everyone for all the Favs!♥

  14. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2011 8:41am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 28
    Austin's POV:
    Kyle and I walked back into my dorm and put the duffel bags in the living room. "Sooooo... what are we doing tomorrow?" Lexi asked mischievously. Everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor. I walked over and found a spot in between Lexi and Trevor. "I don't know. Why don't you leave and we will figure that out?!" Jessica countered. Lexi sighed, got up, grabbed her jacket and left. Okay, so now i was confused. I pulled out my phone and texted Alex:
    Me: why did Lexi leave?
    Alex: so she doesn't hear the plans for 2morow
    Me: why cant she hear the plans?
    Alex: its her b-day 2morow! your her bf you should know!
    Wow. Now i felt stupid. I shut my phone and put it back in my pocket. I leaned in and joined the conversation. "Okay, i think we should do that." Alexis agreed. "Why don't we invite some of her friends from here too? Im sure they wouldn't mine pitching in." Trevor said. "Why don't you text them now?" Tiffany said to Alex and I. We nodded and pulled out our phones. Lexi was gunna have an amazing birthday!
    Comments? Favs? Sorry its another boring one!

  15. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2011 4:20pm UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 27
    Austin's POV:
    I walked outside with Kyle to grab the rest of their stuff. He lifted up the trunk and we both grabbed the remaining duffel bags. He shut the trunk and started to walk back up the walk way. I needed to know, i had to ask. "Do you like Lexi?" I asked softly. Kyle stopped walking and turned to face me. "Well yeah, of course. Why?" He asked, i could hear the confusion in his voice. I looked down at the ground, slightly embarrassed. "Its just, when you walked in, you kissed her on the lips." Kyle laughed and walked towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Dude. I like Lexi, but as a sister. I would never try to get in between you two. She likes you too much." he said the last part with a grin and a laugh. I smiled. "Plus, if she didn't like you that much she never would of brought up Troy." He said. "He really hurt her didn't he?" i asked quietly. He nodded. "At first it wasn't bad. The first month was fine. By the second month she would come home with bruised arms. It got really bad and soon she would come home with bruised ribs and black eyes. After about a year and a half she wanted to break up with him. Every time she tried he would hurt her more. After that the guys and i got really protective." he said seriously. "That must of been hard to see..." I said. He nodded. "Come on, lets get this stuff inside." Kyle said referring to the duffel bags. We picked them up and headed inside.
    Comments? Favs? Sorry its boring!

  16. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2011 9:59am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 26
    Lexi's POV:
    I looked up at Kyle, his eyes meet mine. I looked away and got sucked back into the memories...
    I looked at Kyle with tears in my eyes. "It could of been worse." I said with a small smile. "Lexi... You can't keep letting him do this too you." He said softly. He put his hand around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I started to cry the second my body connected with his. "I-i know. B-but i have al-already tried br-breaking up with him. H-he just hurts me w-worse." i stuttered. Kyle picked me up and brought me over to his bed. He put me down and then slid under the covers with me. "Shhhh, it will be okay. Shhhh." He said soothingly. I tilted my head so i was looking up at him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you." I said. He smiled. "I love you too."
    Comments? Favs?

  17. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2011 9:09am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 25
    Austin's POV:
    "Whoa, wait a sec. You two are dating and you live in the same dorm?!" Trevor asked. "Way to go!" he continued, giving me a high-five. "Get your hands off of her." Kyle said sternly. "Why?" I asked. "Kyle, calm down. Austin's not like that." Lexi begged. "Like what?" I asked. "Like Troy." Zach said. "Who's that?" I asked confused. "Lexi's boyfriend before Jason." Zach continued. "...so?" I asked, confused even more. "He use to abuse her." Kyle said coldly. I stood there in shock.
    Lexi's POV:
    "He use to abuse her." Kyle said. I looked at the ground, the memories were rushing back...
    "Troy stop!" i begged. He slapped me across the cheek again, this time drawing blood. "Listen to me b•tch!" He screamed at me. The door was shut and the music downstairs was blasting. No one could hear him screaming. He kissed my cheek and the smell of alcohol filled the room. He started to unlatch my bra but i hit his hand away. He slapped me harder. He took off my bra and finished getting undressed. "Give me a bj." he said when he was done. I shook my head no and he kneed me in the stomach. "Do it b•tch." When Troy let me go i ran out of the house. I needed to talk to Kyle, i needed to feel protected. No one but my friends knew Troy abused me so when ever he did i would talk to them. I ran to the back of Kyle's house and knocked on the window. It was 1 in the morning so he was probably sleeping, but i didn't care. The window opened up and Kyle pulled me in. He had gotten use to me coming by late at night. "What did he do to you?" Kyle asked softly. I looked in the mirror. I had bruises around my eye and bloody nose. I lifted up my shirt and saw my bruised ribs and cut-up arms. It wasn't nearly as bad as last time...
    Comments? Favs?
    I look

  18. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2011 3:27pm UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 24
    Lexi's POV:
    Kyle and i separate as Austin and Alex come over. Austin puts his arm around my waist and pulled me tight. Alex stood on the other side of me. "Austin, Alex: this is Kyle, Jessica, Zach, Tiffany, Trevor and Alexis. Guys: this is Austin and Alex, my roommates." I said. Kyle, Trevor and Zach stiffen. "You have two guys as roommates?" Zach questioned stepping forward and I nodded. He towered over me with his 6'7" frame. His short black hair and bright green eyes sparkled with concern. "They better have been nice to you. I don't wanna beat some sh•t my first day out here." Trevor said with a laugh. He stood 6'3", short blonde hair and brown eyes. "Oh, come on guys. You don't have to threaten every guy we meet. Give the guys a chance." Jessica begged. Her long brown hair reached her waist like mine did, and her blue eyes gleamed. "Loosen up guys." Alexis said. She had short red/blonde hair that reached her shoulders and light brown eyes. "Yeah, listen to Alex!" Tiffany said, agreeing with Alexis. She had dirty blonde hair that was shoulder length and light brown eyes. The guys loosened up and backed off. "Why is your arm around Lexi's waist?" Kyle questioned with concern. "Shes my girlfriend." Austin said calmly.
    Comments? Favs? Sorry its boring but i had to describe the characters!!

  19. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2011 12:45pm UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 23
    Lexi's POV:
    I sat on the couch in Austin arms, Alex sat beside us. We were watching Phineus and Ferb when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and a huge grin spread across my face. "OMIGOOOOSH! I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE HERE!" I screamed. There stood Jessica, Kyle, Zach, Trevor. Tiffany, and Alexis! Kyle moved to the front of the 'group', leaned down, and kissed me softly on the lips. I looked up at his 6'5" frame. His dark brown skater hair nearly reached his hazel eyes. I loved him in a brotherly kind of way! "Hey Idiot!" i said with a smile. "Hey Stupid." He said as he pulled me into a bear hug. Everyone in our 'group' is in a pair. Kyle is my beeeest friend, Zach is Jessica's, Trevor is Tiffany's, and Jason is Alexis. Kyle pulled away as Austin and Alex walked over.
    Comments? Favs? Sorry its another short one!

  20. Storys4Life Storys4Life
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2011 9:17am UTC
    That Girl: Chapter 22 Part 2
    Lexi's POV:
    I opened my phone and read the text from Jessica:
    Jessica: Leeeeeeeeexi! :)
    Me: Jeeeessica! :)
    Jessica: soo. winter break is next week...
    Me: omigooosh i knooow!
    Jessica: so we are coming up to visit you!!
    Me: really? who's we?
    Jessica: Me, Kyle, Zach, Trevor, Tiffany, and Alexis!!
    Jessica: yeah so can we stay in your dorm?
    Me: fer suuure! ill see what i can doo :) i gotta go tho, byee loove
    Jessica: bye hun
    I closed my phone and looked at Austin. I smiled. "Soo who was that?" He asked curious. "My friend Jessica!! She and some of my friends are coming up for winter break!" I screamed. Austin smiled too. "Cool, where are they staying?" He asked. I looked down shyly. "Here...." I said. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. Alex walked into the living room. "Hey. I wanna join!" Alex said. I laughed and opened my arm. He slid in, making sure not to hurt me. "Alex. Is it okay if some of my friends stay here during winter break?" I asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He chuckled. "Are they girls?" He asked concerned. I nodded my head. "Hell yeah!" He said. We all laughed and pulled each other into a big group hug.
    Comments? Favs? I would like to thank all the people who read and favorite my stories. It really means alot to me! ♥


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