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yellowgirl245 · 1 decade ago
Crazyxforxluv posted the SAME exact quote as you. Same fade, font, colors, EVERYTHING. here's the link.http://www.wittyprofiles.com/quotes/1822798you better get at her! hahaha.

peaceinpieces · 1 decade ago
KAYSO: i know i already posted this on your other account, shuffle_dang, but i'm posting it here because it's already disappeared beneath heaps of comments.

sign in and delete it, comment me back saying you have no idea what i'm talking about, do whatever you want. but here it is again. more people need to see it.

(for random people reading this, it's a comment to shuffle_dang from yesterday. but keep reading; they're the same person.)


alright, you ready for this?

i've been stalking you. (muahaha >:] )

first of all, good job. you're actually a little bit sneakier with this whole 'fake' thing than anyone else so far. you started out with something besides the classic "HI! I'm ___ and i'm a guy!" you started with something that would cause controversy, but would also tell everyone you're a guy. something you'd get attention for.
you also made a little friend. Riley_Heartbreaker.
i also can't prove your picture is fake from TinEye.

so, good job.
...well, sort of.
you forgot some things.

1) your first quote, posted 17 minutes after creating your account, shows that you went straight to adding a quote (you didn't spend time looking at other quotes), learned how to do fades, and how to make a black background, all in 17 minutes. unless a person holding a new account has been on witty before, it takes more than 17 minutes to even find the 'source' button and figure out what it does. you've been on witty before, so you knew how to do it... but you've been here (or currently are here) as another person, either as a normal girl, just like the rest of us, or maybe another fake account.

2) your second quote. hey! it's also for attention! interesting... do i see a pattern?

3) your third quote. "HI! I'm ___ and i'm a guy!" exactly what i mentioned earlier. and, of course, your fourth quote. people are bound to wonder "why's this person got so many followers?" ...so they go to your page, and wa-la! you've succeeded in calling MORE attention to yourself.

4) moving on to "Riley". she's already proven to be fake. i love it how you act so offended. (most guys don't sound like you did when they're off, actually.) YOU'RE THE SAME PERSON. but then again, it's all for attention. i doubt you were planning on her being busted, but look! it gives you even MORE attention! anyway... on to proof.
a) your profiles. they're the same. all the way down to the source code. if you were real people and had tried to make them look the same, you would've either given each other the coding or tried to copy the looks. trying to copy would result in small differences. you didn't give each other the coding, and there are no differences between the formats in the profiles.
b) timing. you created her account right after making your third quote. 8 minutes after, in fact. you talked from 3:40am to 7am... california time. but you're not from california, are you? even though you told everyone you were. you're from australia. and it's more like 5:40pm to 9pm there.

oh! more proof you're from australia:
- your third quote. you said: "if you have a MAJOUR crush on a boy.." actually, we spell it "major" in the united states.
- "year 11" is an australian term. in the US, it's either 11th grade or junior year.
- you talked to "Riley"

one more thing: your first quote is just rude. i don't care if you're a guy, a girl, or a baby dinosaur. you have a valid point, but not when you talk like this: "And for you to disrespect us like that, and make out like it's all our folt is discusting." THAT kind of talk is disrespect for human beings and their presence on earth.

anyway, i bet i could go on forever. but i won't. i'll just talk a little more....

You may be asking "why's it such a big deal that i have a fake account?" Here's my answer:

There are thousands of girls on this site. yes, everyone wants attention. and you got it. but there's some things wrong with your method of getting attention. Your method involves lying and tricking people. The other girls on this site are putting their thoughts out in quotes and hoping people will favorite them so they see they're not alone and/or so they get some attention. (that sounds bad, but it's true.) they're working hard and being honest. morally, it's wrong for you to be faking.
witty is really a place where users can escape the drama and reality of facebook, myspace, and/or real life. you (and many others) are abusing the purpose of this site.
It's also wrong if you consider the thoughts and feelings of other people. now, this may not be true for everybody, but i remember several months ago when i saw the first guy i had ever seen on witty. it didn't even occur to me that he could be fake, but my self-esteem plunged downward. i don't remember even talking to him, but just the fact that i saw a guy on witty made me really self-conscious. other people may feel like that, too. different people may immediately hit up a 'guy' (like they did fer you; notice how you have a million comments). they see a chance, because it's the internet, and the 'guy' can't judge them. however, it's unhealthy for girls to rely on internet relationships. it's unhealthy, and it's dangerous.

anyway, i hope to see you around. on your real account, you know. and i hope you don't hold this against me, because i won't be holding it against you. we're all here for ourselves, but through that we learn how to be here for others.

oh, wait! i left one thing out. i find it hilarious that there's a toilet in your profile pic. :]

(listen, i didn't want this to put you in a bad mood or to make you mad. just so we're clear. i'm not here to you off, i promise.)

softballismygame8 · 1 decade ago
Waitt So Thats Not Even You?????

xoneeloveex18 · 1 decade ago
i dont k what really happened but nobody on this website knows you really so theres nothing to be self consious about. and if you are self consious just dont put a picture.

Sugarcanebaby · 1 decade ago
You Should Really Change Ur Main Profile Picture Though Because Your Pretty Much Stealing Someones Pictures Which Is Illegal...I Dont Hate U Btw But What U Did Was Wrong.

aubreyyy · 1 decade ago
he must of not been sweet enough for you to tell him the truth... i believe you lied to yourself since you're the same person. in cali, we don't say we're in year 11, so you should've changed your australian slang for your other page (ryan)

CrazyxForxLuv happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
OMFG, dissing your own boyfriend?
Being a fake?
Using other peoples pictures and claming they're yours?
Gaaawsh, you're low dude.


shuffle_dang · 1 decade ago




foreverryourrss · 1 decade ago

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
riley i get that we talked all night and got to know each other but did you really just like fuccck over my best friend? thats low.

GossipGirl22 · 1 decade ago
yur absolutely gorgeous!! glad to hear yu've got a nice love life (:

shuffle_dang · 1 decade ago
I clicked on those 4 pictures and it led me to a page of other pictures, one was a picture saying: (c) Jaywaaah or somethng.
Are you me over? This must be a fake account.
I can't believe you!
Tell me the truth!


softballismygame8 · 1 decade ago

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
iveee done that before and i just find allll assholesss.

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
then where the helllllL is he and why wont he tell me how he feels?

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
thanks riley but i kinda give up

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
ive been single for a year and a half i dont think so.

OperationBeautiful · 1 decade ago
That's what I'm here for. :)

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
nopee :'(
ive been single forever D:

muhchellex3 · 1 decade ago
it'll be ok.
at least you have someone to love
and someone that will love you back


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