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  1. PrincessHailey PrincessHailey
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2009 11:37pm UTC
    So im just sitting in my room
    reading these love quotes on witty
    and each one gives me butterflies
    because in some way
    each one reminds me of

  2. PrincessHailey PrincessHailey
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 12:14am UTC
    Today, for the first time in about a year I logged back on this site. I read every quote and story that I have ever posted. It kind of made me sad when I read the most personal things I posted, It made me realize how much things change. It makes me sad, but it also makes me smile because I know that when I fall into a difficult time I know things will change, and things WILL get better.
    I wrote mostly quotes of love and how I thought I would never find that, but now I realize that finding that one person that I truely love is not going to happen when Im this young. I have my whole life to find that person. I also remember being scared that I would never get my first kiss, I still haven't but I know now that I just need to be patient, I will find that one guy that sweeps me off my feet and doesn't care that still haven't had my first kiss. In fact he should be happy because then he can say he was the first, and when I find that person, hey who knows, maybe they could be the last as well.
    I also remember crying my heart out at night over the jealousy of all the couples that would walk around my school holding hands and kissing in the hallway, but now I see those same people walking the hallways, alone, or moving on to another guy within weeks, or throwing away everything they have for a guy, and sometimes I still cry, but not in jealousy, i cry because i feel bad for them, they didn't want that, they thought they were in love, but people change, life changes, everything is different.
    So I guess I can say, that although I have never had my first kiss, my first love, my first heartbreak, I've learned a lot about relationships. And If anyone has read this far, the number one thing i want you to know is that Life changes, people change, so don't rush, don't use the 'L' word unless you know for sure that they are right for you, live life for yourself, and never ever settle for less than you are worth, dont sell yourself short, think highly, and achieve greatness. No matter what, you will face changes and there is no stopping that so just go with the flow and never regret a single thing.

  3. insertcreativeusernamehere insertcreativeusernamehere
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2010 8:10pm UTC
    this is me bursting your bubble.
    he's not going to look back one day and say "damn,she really loved me."
    he's going to spend his day messing around on xbox, playing ball with his
    friends, and texting pretty girls. he will not lay in bed, thinking about every
    thing he did wrong, he's going to fall into a dreamless sleep. he won't be
    depressed, he'll be going out to football games and walking around town
    with all his friends. he won't lose his appetite, he'll be gorging himself with
    his favorite food and a side of dr. pepper. you can trick yourself into some
    other fantasy, but the truth of the matter is: he doesn't care about you anymore.

  4. xthatsxlifex xthatsxlifex
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 4:17pm UTC
    long but worth reading
    have you ever looked at her?
    you know, that one heartbroken girl.
    have you ever really looked at her? not just a glance. you have to look at what she really looks like. that's when you'll see the true heartbreak. her tired, lifeless eyes that used to seem so bright and sparkly. the way she keeps her arms wrapped around herself, almost as if she's keeping herself from falling apart. her fake, half smile she keeps just so people won't ask what's the matter. the way her laugh seems to crack every time, because halfway through she remembers that boy. she won't talk about boys much either, because all she can talk about is him, but no one wants to hear it anymore. if you really, truly look at this girl, you'll see it all. you'll realize her spirit has disappeared. she's hanging by a string.
    she's not living,
    she's existing.

  5. hollisterchick4 hollisterchick4 happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 7:08pm UTC
    Remember that game,telephone?
    where you would say one thing at the beginning
    & you'd pass it around to everyone else,
    then at then end,when it came
    back to you, it was completely different?
    funny how that became life,huh? ;♥

  6. lovepinkx86 lovepinkx86
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2010 6:36pm UTC
    Never base your decisions on the advice
    of those who don't have to deal with the results. (♥ )

  7. biebersgirl9 biebersgirl9
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2010 2:54pm UTC
    &it's gonna hurt to see him with her
    he's gonna hold her a little closer, and squeeze her hand a little tighter
    just cause he knows your watching
    don't give him the satisfaction of letting him see you cry, that's letting him win.
    Don't spend your saturday nights at home crying over someone
    who doesn't care about you
    he will be sorry, when he finally sees you with someone' whos not him.
    he'll regret letting you go
    &when you find that new and better guy
    IT'LL ♥ HURT ♥ HIM ♥ TO♥ SEE
    you hold this new guy' a little closer, and his hand a little tighter
    just cause you know he's watching.♥
    redit it.

  8. xxMcGoverrrnxx xxMcGoverrrnxx
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 9:20am UTC
    It doesnt
    Matt er
    Where, when, or why we met.
    What matters is the fact that
    we did. ♥

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. shinexobrighter shinexobrighter
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2010 2:20pm UTC
    is it just
    me or does
    anyone else
    press the
    end button
    times while
    hanging up
    the phone?

  11. Hazel_Eyes_09 Hazel_Eyes_09
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2010 2:36pm UTC
    that moment of panic...
    when you walk out to your bus stop and no one is there yet

  12. Dandelion_Blower22 Dandelion_Blower22
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2010 10:11am UTC
    Ugh your hand writing
    is soooooooooo good! mine is so ugly! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    wait are you serious i hate my handwriting?
    haha ever happen to you?

  13. xocheerleading xocheerleading
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2010 8:18pm UTC
    hi, people of witty.
    i have to ask a big favor of you.
    you see, my unicorn, bob, has higibogo disease.
    but, i dont have enough money to pay for the magic that cures it.
    but, the doctor said if i get a million favorites on a website for teen girls,
    he will do it for free.so please, please help me out.
    i love bob, and cant bare to see him go <3

  14. aleciiax3 aleciiax3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 4:20pm UTC
    Team Edward ; comment.
    Team Jacob ; favorite.
    i just wanna see who's on who's side :)

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. mooorrggaaanx0 mooorrggaaanx0
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 5:22pm UTC
    Fave if you agree
    that Kidz Bop
    ruins every song
    that they sing

  17. xxocheerbabe423 xxocheerbabe423
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 12:06pm UTC
    My boyfriend was hanging out with his friends, and he still wanted to call and say goodnight.
    While we were on the phone on of his friends yelled
    "What happened to 'bros before hoes'?"
    My boyfriend laughed and said
    "She's not a hoe, so she comes first."
    Not Mine - From LGMH♥

  18. i_Rember i_Rember
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 11:10pm UTC
    I Remember
    When Everyone Wanted To Be The Line Leader In Kindergarden.

  19. kissthebubble kissthebubble
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 1:02am UTC
    Favorite This If Youu Love Eminem.(: Comment This If Youu Love Justin bieber..
    OH DAMN.. Readyy Set.... GO!!!! :D

  20. jesse323 jesse323
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2010 11:28pm UTC
    if your a guy highlight this
    now favorite this if your a gril who highlighted this any way
    my quote, but not my idea


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