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  1. lovelyXcrush09 lovelyXcrush09
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 11:07am UTC
    I opened my english book for the second time all year.
    Five dollars fell out.
    I feel as though I got rewarded for attempting to study. MLIA.

    posted a quote
    October 10, 2009 2:54pm UTC

  3. MissC_x MissC_x
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 10:55am UTC
    You don't have to believe me, But the way I, way I see it
    Next time you point a finger, I might have to bend it back
    Or break it, break it off, Next time you point a finger
    I'll point you to the mirror
    Paramore- Playing God

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. NeverSayNever NeverSayNever
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 10:36am UTC
    I hate Life..

  6. NeverSayNever NeverSayNever
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2009 1:50pm UTC
    Life aint easy;

  7. NeverSayNever NeverSayNever
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2009 1:54pm UTC
    Even if Edward isn't real;;
    I still have Robert Pattinson!

  8. fabulousquotemaker fabulousquotemaker
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 4:38pm UTC
    && I'm Thinking About Wearing Makeup To Sleep,
    ya know... just in case he turns out like Edward,
    and decides to watch me sleep

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. katie7 katie7
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 9:33pm UTC
    in history class,
    my teacher asked
    us what we thought
    was the biggest disaster
    in american history.
    The kid a few seats down
    from me screamed out
    "Hannah Montana".
    My teacher high fived him.

  11. duhitsgansta13 duhitsgansta13
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 3:28pm UTC
    Dear Mr. Santa Claus,
    71 days till Christmas
    &+ that boy down the street
    that i asked for last year
    is still in his room.
    lets work on getting it
    right this year.

  12. conversecutie conversecutie
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 4:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. Undefeated_Undead Undefeated_Undead
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 7:42pm UTC
    I'm emo because I've held a knife.
    I'm nerdy because I get good grades.
    I'm prep because I own pink clothes.
    I'm goth because I don't always wear bright colors.
    I'm jock because I play football.
    I'm popular because someone I don't know knows me.
    Why live in a world of labels?

  14. NeverSayNever NeverSayNever
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2009 12:22pm UTC
    Five cures for hiccups:
    1. Bend down and touch your toes whilst only breathing through your nose.
    2. Hold you breath for 10 seconds.
    3. Jump up and down.
    4. Look at the above.
    5. Look at the one above the above.

  15. katie7 katie7
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 11:06am UTC
    is just like any other day
    at my school.
    people are pretending
    to be who
    they're not.
    kinda mine.. :P

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. ArchieLvr ArchieLvr
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2009 4:37pm UTC
    i'll be your Allie Hamilton
    if you be my Noah Calhoun
    i'll be your Lizzie McGuire
    if you be my Gordo
    i'll be your Miley Stewart
    if you be my Jake Ryan
    i'll be your Cinderella
    if you be my Prince Charming
    i'll be your Candace
    if you be my Jeremy
    i'll be your Amy Guergens
    if you be my Ben Boykewich
    i'll be your Adrianna Tate-Duncan
    if you be my Navid Shirazi
    i'll be your Liberty Van Zandt
    if you be my J.T. Yorke
    i'll be your Lorelai Gilmore
    if you be my Luke Danes
    i'll be your Mia Thermopolis
    if you be my Michael Moscovitz
    i'll be your Cinderella
    if you be my Prince Charming
    i'll be your Bella Swan
    if you be my Edward Cullen
    all mine<33

  18. xixamxme xixamxme
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 11:07am UTC
    everything is okay my tears are starting
    to show and my smile is fading away</3

  19. XoEmmaOx XoEmmaOx
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 11:54am UTC
    & If I had a rose for [everytime] I thought
    Of you, I would be walking through my
    garden f.o.r.e.v.e.r
    200th quote ! ;]

  20. Misz__Bien Misz__Bien
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 11:45am UTC
    Did you ever feel like breaking down?
    you know, that feeling when you lay down on your bed; crying - with you iPod blasting in you ears.. With the feeling like no one cares? when you think: What happened to my world? all those rumours which are being spread about you, or you boyfriend who has dumped you, or your 'bestfriends' who stab you in the back? you know what, sometimes, you need to get rid off some people in your life & the drama that they bring with them. you need to take a step back / just think of what's really important.. So please, don't loose yourself over anthing which is not worth it.


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