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  1. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    Today My Boyfriend
    Had My iPod...
    And after he gave it back, He said:
    "Hey, do you like your background?"
    When I looked, It was a note from him that said:
    "Dear Shannon, This is Austin, the boy who loves you,
    I'm sitting in Bio and thinking of you (like always)
    and I just thought I would write this note to let you know
    how muchI love you and how beautiful you are, so yes, I love
    you and you are gorgeous, I am also setting this as your background
    so you remember.
    Love, Austin.♥"
    I thought it was the sweetest thing...♥

  2. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 7:27pm UTC
    "I've just been searching
    Up and down the halls, trying to find beautiful girls,
    Then I realized you're the only one I notice"♥

  3. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 12:37pm UTC
    "She doesn't even COMPARE
    to you, I mean, She's pretty, but you are a beautiful girl, covered
    in beauty and then finished off with a final detailed layer of beauty,
    shannon you are my DEFINITION of beauty." ♥

  4. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 4:05pm UTC
    "Even on your worst days,
    you're still the most beautiful girl in the world." ♥

  5. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2011 7:16pm UTC
    "I'm... Bored"
    "I can think of a few more words to describe you,
    beautiful, smart, HILARIOUS, irresistible, shall I continue?" ♥

  6. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 4:03pm UTC
    My Boyfriend has an iPhone.
    Therefore, he doesn't have a signature for his texts.
    But, at the end of every message, he puts:
    "I love Shannon♥"

  7. Ic3y_h0t Ic3y_h0t
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 3:54pm UTC
    "I don't CARE about any of that stuff.
    I love us being us, I don't sit in my room thinking, 'Damn, I wish she would
    spread her legs.' I sit in my room thinking how lucky I am to have a girlfriend
    like you" ♥


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