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Member Since: 8 Jul 2009 01:05pm

Last Seen: 11 Oct 2010 11:17pm

user id: 82133

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My Name is Kairi Jai.
I'm just your average Animéniac with words to say.

Some of my typing may be
$0M3WH@T C0NFU$!NG...
but you'll get used to it XD

If you don't understand one of my quotes, please say so...
but try to actually think about it first...

If you make fun of anything I say; your comment will be deleted and you will be blocked.

I don't care that you don't care.

OK! A little about me:

I cosplay
I am a manga/animé freak
I love to draw
Love to sing ♪♫♪
I love to be on here just typing whatever comes to mind.
I love English accents♥
I am sad that I don't have one T-T
I like creative faces on the computer, so if you have on I'd love to see it ^-^
I hate spammers.
I miss Naminé ♥♥♥
I'm scared of my family.
I hate people who judge me and others
I am an 'off-beat'
I hate popular people.
I have a thing for redheads xp
Yes I like guys that are 'pretty'
A gay ninja bit me 8D
My friends all think I'm a
ILY Dylan♥

I love you for reading all of this ♥

- Kairi Jai

Follow me on DeviantART:

  1. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 9:22pm UTC
    So what makes you think you can try to ruin this for me?
    Try to make me seem so bad and awful?!
    Well, guess what?! HE DOESN'T BELIEVE YOU!
    Sure, I'm bitchy when he's away,
    Sure, my art isn't as good as a famous person's, but I am not that bad, seeing as I'm 13!
    I realize my singing voice may not be the kind you like, but there's no need to say so.
    All of this is just a waste of your breath, girl!
    He likes me for me! Not who I'll never be!
    So please, just stop trying to break us up!
    You're my friend, are you not?!
    Then why can't you just want me to be happy?
    I've never felt this way before -
    Do you just want all of this to come down on me in an instant?
    Are you jealous? Do YOU like him?
    Well, you should have considered that when I told you I did; I would have let you have him!
    Don't ruin this for me!
    And don't run me out of this friendship either!
    I love you -
    You're one of my closest friends!
    But I don't even know if I can trust you anymore!
    So please
    Stop saying negative stuff about me!
    He understands my flaws!
    So don't tell him he should dump me because of them!
    Just leave us alone.
    sorry, had to vent.
    I couldn't decide rather I should put this under friendship, or break up, but it includes both so I did a draw ;)
    Don't tell me you wasted your time reading it; you're just wasting more time telling me so.

  2. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 8:59pm UTC
    C r y i n g o v e r e v e r y t h i n g -
    yet you all act as though it is for nothing at all

  3. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2009 1:18pm UTC
    ♪♫♪This Is The Fate You've Carved On Me♪♫♪
    ♪♫♪T.h.e. L.a.w. O.f. G.r.a.v.i.t.y.♪♫♪

  4. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 5:21pm UTC
    G R E E N
    March 5th
    Aqua Marine
    because catch all the small things

  5. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 5:16pm UTC
    The other day the quietest student teacher was walking down the halls singing the Mini-wheat theme song...
    I approve of her :)

  6. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 4:30pm UTC
    When I'm away from you, I think about you and
    get butterflies
    feel cold
    almost cry
    that's the way I was before I told you
    you're not there to keep me warm
    I can't seem to get out a real tear
    When I'm with you:
    my stomach is settled
    I go out in at 5o in a T-shirt
    I can't cry
    you make me comfortable
    you keep me warm
    I have no need to
    When I leave you:
    my stomach is cold
    I lose all feeling in my body
    I cry
    I'm empty
    there's nothing TO feel
    I know I'll have to wait 16 hours until I see you again

  7. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 4:10pm UTC
    You took the time to read this? Well, thanks. This means you're one of the few people who care enough to read what's not there. Let me know who you are; you're in my good books. <3

  8. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 4:05pm UTC
    You think I'm crazy because I remember
    -your birthday
    -your favourite colour
    I think you're crazy because you remember
    -my favourite colour
    -that drawing I made forever ago
    -the bizarre request of my friend
    -to fear my parents
    I think I have you beat ;)

  9. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 4:02pm UTC
    They all think I chose him...
    -to feel tall
    -to feel mature
    -because of his body
    -out of boredom
    but really...
    -he's not that much shorter than me
    -I'm the immature one
    -body? I was too lost in his eyes to even notice
    -boredom? Come on! I have a heart!
    Don't make judgments if you don't know for sure

  10. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2009 7:49pm UTC
    I catch you looking at me
    and I think it's rather cute how loving you are
    you stare at me like I've got everything you'll ever need
    I don't stare back
    even though I'd really like to see the amazing red-brown colour of your eyes
    and see straight into your thoughts
    but I wouldn't want you to know I notice this
    just in case you stop

  11. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2009 7:46pm UTC
    Sometimes I just want to crawl up in a corner and watch the world pass by without me in it.
    Just to see if anyone would even notice I'm not there.

  12. KairiJai KairiJai
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2009 7:20pm UTC
    T h a t ' s R i g h t
    S i n c e y o u b e c a m e m i n e
    I no longer wish on every *****STAR*****
    or catch those little fluffy things that float around town
    or throw all of my S.P.A.R.E. C.H.A.N.G.E. into wells
    or pull out eyelashes just to have another shot
    Since you became mine. . .
    M y W i s h e s H a v e A l l C o m e T r u e ! ! !
    But Am I Being Careful Of What I Wish For ?