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SmilesForMiles · 1 decade ago
Hey! I mean I wouldnt say I went on a diet, but i joined track. Just do a sport or just go walking around your subdivision for a half hour. Track really got me in shape. My coach makes us do different things each day, but maybe you should try just running half a mile everyday, (2 laps around the track) and gradually increase to a mile everyday after 2 weeks. If you are not in shape enough to run a mile in two weeks, then just challenge yourself at what ever pace you can go! And every other day, do some sprints. I can do a 400 m at 1:20. Thats really good! and i didnt even do any sports before i joined track! So all I am saying is get moving! It will be hard, and annoying running everyday (trust me- i would never run everyday if i didnt sign up forr track) Get a calendar and right stuff that will get you moving everyday for a half hour. It can be roller blading, bike riding, walking, jogging, jump rope, anything! Stuff that is fun! For food, please dont put yourself on a strict diet! No one wants to do that to themselves! I needed to get in better shape, so i follow this simple rule. If it has more than 5 ingredients in it, Or you cant pronounce it, dont eat it! This helped..of course i would eat something tht didnt follow these rules every once and awhile, but it kept me on track. Now, instead of grabbing for gold fish or chips when i get home, i usually have brocolli and a glass of milk(i love brocolli!! find what u love) or maybe cut up fruit like watermelon, cantalope, strawberries, and grapes with sparkling water. Its amazing what exercise and eating healthy can do! And limit yourself one small treat a day. Then, one every 3 days. Before you know it, you wont have any cravings for junk food anymore! Here are some helpful hints: Chewing gum curves your appetitie! Not everytime, but maybe you are at home and you just had a big after school snack, and want to wait until dinner. Get some gum! You probably werent as hungry as you thought! Last tip, drink a lot of water! Maybe you hate it now- but if you start drinking it regularly, it will become normal! I drink a bottle of water after track, and a few hours before bed. Also, you might think you are hungry, but you just might be thirsty! This trick has really helped for me! besides breakfast, lunch, and dinner, if you think you are hungry, take a few sips of water! most likely is you werent hungry at all! sorry this is long..comment on my profile if you have any questions! good luck!!!

Khaoulaa_* · 1 decade ago
I know one diet that helps you loose weight fast without exercise but its kinda strict , and I tried and it worked for me :)


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