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Member Since: 14 Dec 2010 06:34pm

Last Seen: 23 Nov 2012 10:53pm

user id: 139731

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so this is me.
  i won't take control
  Mary ; things I ♥.  
the beach. pink.   sparkles. summer. boys. music. uggs. mascara. nailpolish. bracelets. smoothies. gum. raspberries. stars. perfume. bubbles. rhinestones. being tan.  reading. shopping. pictures. starbucks.  turtles. tumbling. cheering. heels. sequins. dressing up. temple run.  sharpies. rain. s'mores.  ice cream.
dare to dream. // ♥ ♥
quotescommentsfollowersfavoritesfollow me?block me?MY TUMBLR! layout credit
and here is to the heartbreakers, 
who are so good at hiding all the evidence. status;never regret something that made you smile. (1/17/12 4:19 PM)
The name's mary. Just your indescribable high schooler. Without my friends, I'd be lost.  Nicole, Lauren, Kelsey, and Ashley are the best ones I could ever have. Special shoutout to Lauren. First friend ever. ♥ I also love my insane family. Not too small; not too big. So many good times, hehe. I'm a cheerleader & i love it. Go ahead and judge me; 99% of the time, you're gonna have the wrong idea. stereotypes are childish; cheer suits me more than anything and i feel like myself when I do it. Maddie Gardner is my athletic role model. I'm also a gymnast, and swimmer. I love to dance too:) I'm pretty good at school stuff, but i hate it. i believe in God. if you don't, that's okay. I'm kind of a troublemaker, but i'm happy, outgoing, and optimistic. I love making people smile. I always smile myself, no matter what's wrong. If you let people believe they can bring you down, they'll know to try. I like to fit in; yet I want to stand out. I like to talk. I underestimate myself a lot. i've been called pretty, but I don't really believe it. I hate when people think less of me for associating with someone THEY don't like. I talk to whoever I want. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I love music; Mac Miller, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Ke$ha.
This is my life. I seem like the most boring girl you'll ever meet; but I can't be summed up in blank words. Get to know me by leaving me a comment on my page or something. You'll be glad you did:) My 204 followers make my world. Thanks for visiting; I love you; & happy Wittying. Stay gorgeous. And most importantly, love life. 

  1. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2011 6:53pm UTC
    CHAPTER 18
    Even though it was a Sunday, the library was open.
    I had set foot in a library about one other time in my life, so I was really confused as to how to find things and where they were located.
    "Okay, so what exactly are we looking for in here again?" I asked Lauren.
    It had been her idea.
    "Books," she said simply.
    "How are books going to help us?" I questioned.
    "We're gonna research one on how to solve a crime."
    "Are you crazy?" I snorted. "That's gonna be impossible."
    "You'd be surprised!" Lauren said defensively.
    She led me over to a section that said, Fiction and Nonfiction Crime.
    Lauren picked up a book that said,
    "How to Bust a Person Out of Jail, and other Stories of Success."
    "Hmm." I said.
    Lauren thumbed through. "Look!" she exclaimed.
    "The title of the Section is, 'How to Locate a Missing Person.'" She read aloud from the page.
    "'If the person you are trying to locate has vanished without a trace, well, you're kind of hopeless. But if you were with them that previous day/night, or something happened between them and someone else that would give them a motive., then it could be relatively easy.Think hard. Read on for what to do when you have a theory.'"
    I gasped. "Lauren! That makes perfect sense! Remember what I said last night? How I thought Emma is the culprit? She HAS to be; it totally fits with this! Who's the author anyway? This is LEGIT."
    "Alright, Mia, hold your horses. So, Emma could have done it. But how would she have pulled it off? True, she wasn't at the party when Braydon left. But that doesn't give us proof."
    "Well does she even have an ALIBI?" I asked.
    "The only way to find out is to ask her who she with/where she was."
    "But how do we do that without arousing her suspicion?" I threw in some detective words.
    "We can get Kendall to. That girl's as dumb as a doorknob," Lauren said.
    "Sounds EXCELLENT."
    "Alright," Lauren said, slamming the book closed. "Time for the next step of investigation. Next stop: The Mahoneys."
    "What do you want?" Kendall snapped, as she flung open the door.
    Lauren and I jumped back in surprise.
    "Woah, Kendall. Calm down," Lauren said. "We used to be friends, remember?"
    Kendall just snorted.
    "Just let ask like two questions," I pleaded.
    "Make it quick," she said.
    "Okay. Where did Emma go after she left the party on Friday?"
    Kendall responded immediately, as if it had been planned.
    "How the hell would I know?"
    "Because you're her best friend," I said.
    Kendall glared at me. "So I'd automatically know?"
    "We're not saying that, it's just-" Lauren started.
    "I don't care, Lauren! I DO NOT CARE. I have never even given the time of day to Braydon O'Laughlin, so it doesn't matter to me that you're off looking for him and investigating ME!"
    "Kendall... we never said anything about that."
    Her eyes widened, as if realizing a mistake.
    "I'm sorry.. I just.. overreacted. Okay. I don't know where Emma went. I have to go. Bye," she said quickly, and shut the door.
    "Well that went well," I said sarcastically.
    "Actually, it did," Lauren said.
    "What do you mean?" I asked, as we cut across lawns to get back to my house.
    "What I mean is, did you see how Kendall acted when we asked her about that? She acted almost... guilty."
    I finally realized what Lauren was implying. She wasn't saying that Emma did it; she wasn't even saying that Kendall helped Emma; Lauren was saying...
    "KENDALL did it?" I said in amazement.
    Wait, how could this even be??
    And Lauren slowly nodded her head.
    Thanks for reading chapter 18! Feedback PLEASE. Only about 5 or 6 more chapters, I'm thinking. So hang in there!
    Sorry this chapter SUCKED.

  2. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2011 1:24am UTC
    CHAPTER 17
    This wasn't something random.
    It happened for a reason.
    I was pretty sure that the reason was me. I couldn't accuse Kendall, because she had led Braydon into the woods, but they came right back out. They hadn't gone out of view. Emma wasn't even at the party. I was considering her the most.
    But wait a minute. That means, she doesn't even have an alibi. This could either be good or bad, but I wasn't really one for detective work. I called Lauren and asked her to come over again. Thankfully, she was free.
    "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked.
    "Better. But it's because my mind is now occupied."
    "Oh really? With what?" Lauren seemed confused.
    "Well..we're gonna find Braydon." I stated, determined.
    "How are we even supposed to START with that? Mia, I hate to say this to you, but Braydon got taken. Okay? It wasn't by someone we knew. Everyone was either at the party or home in their beds."
    "But we don't know that," I said.
    Lauren sighed. "I guess we don't. But it doesn't matter. This is beyond our control; let the police deal with it," she said.
    "I can't give it up. Laur, this is the one thing I need to do. So please, help me. Are you in?"
    "I guess," she said skeptically.
    "Great!" I exclaimed.
    "So, where exactly are we starting?"
    "Two words. Emma. Cerrall."
    Lauren just looked at me.
    "What?" I said.
    "Do you really think that Emma is capable of that? I know I said she was loony, but I don't think she's THAT crazy. I mean, he was just a stupid boy to her," Lauren said.
    "Okay, true. But did you ever think that there's more involved? Maybe this is something against me.. not Braydon."
    "You're right.. that makes sense!" Lauren said. "Excellent."
    I smiled. "So we'll start our investigation tomorrow," I said formally.
    "Of course, Detective Hartley. Lauren and Mia, are on the case."
    We laughed, but we knew this wasn't a joke.
    We were seriously going to do this. For me, and for Braydon.
    Thanks for reading chapter 17! I know it was really short, it was just kind of a filler. Feedback and some suggestions would be nice? Thanks so much girls, I love all my readers:)

  3. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 2:41pm UTC
    CHAPTER 16
    The reporter's words played back in my mind a dozen times.
    'Braydon O'Laughlin...reported missing..'
    How could this even be POSSIBLE?
    I didn't even know what to think. No one was even in the woods with him. This was one of the safest neighborhoods in the area. Braydon could protect himself, right? Besides, the walk through the woods was only like 2 minutes, then you were in front of houses. How could no one have seen him? Nothing made sense. So what the hell had happened?
    I couldn't even move. I was frozen to the couch. Lauren wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. She had tears in her eyes, too.
    "It's okay, Mia. They'll find him; don't worry. I can't believe something like this could happen.. to one of us.. it just never seemed possible."
    I sniffled. "Thanks. It's just.. you know... I.. I-"
    "You loved him?" Lauren whispered.
    I nodded my head. "I liked him a lot. You and him were all I had. He made me feel so much like...myself."
    "It's okay. There, there," Lauren said.
    "Did you girls hear about the boy who went missing last night? He went to your school; just read about in it in the paper," my dad said, barging into the room.
    This caused me to burst into tears for the second time that morning. Lauren had to explain everything to him. My dad may have found it awkward, but he nodded and said,
    "I see. Well, it's okay, Mimi," using his old nickname for me; "they'll find him."
    "I hope so."
    At noon, it hit me that I had completely missed my tryout for Zero Gravity. It was supposed to have been at 9 AM; Lauren was going to come with me. We totally forgot. That made me upset too, but I proactively called the studio and asked for Leighanne.
    "Hi, Leighanne, this is Mia Hartley. I'm SO, SO sorry that I missed my tryout this morning. I hope that it wasn't an inconveinence to you. I always honor my commitments, but this morning I found out that an extremely close friend of mine has gone missing, so that kind of threw a wrench into my day. I hope I can get a second chance."
    "Oh, honey! It's okay! Don't worry about it; I heard about that too, so tragic. I hope he's found soon. And as for the tryout, you can make it up. No big deal. Let's see what I got.. Hmm. Can you make Monday at 5?"
    "Yes," I said eagerly.
    "Perfect. See you then, darling. And Mia, everything will be okay."
    "Thanks, Leighanne," I said genuinely. We hung up.
    I went back to my sadness. Around 4 in the afternoon, there was a knock on my door.
    "Mia!" My mom called up.
    "What?" I mumbled.
    "Yes?" I called back.
    "Someone is here to see you. Please come downstairs into the living room."
    My heart raced. Who was it?
    I walked downstairs and saw a casually dressed man.
    "Hello Mia. I'm Detective Matthew Pernell. I'm investigating the disappearance of Braydon O'Laughlin," he said, shaking my hand firmly.
    "Nice to meet you," I gulped.
    We sat down, and he pulled out a small tape recorder and a notepad.
    "Now, from my understanding, you and Braydon had a very... close.. relationship?"
    "Yes," I said.
    "Would you have any information pertaining to how he disappeared? Were you at this 'beach party' on Friday night, last night, which started approximately 21 hours ago?"
    "Yes," I said. "Nothing out of the ordinary happened though. I mean, lots of people were there, and he got into a small fight with one guy, but nothing else happened."
    "What is the name of the boy he was fighting with?"
    "Daniel what?" He pressed.
    "Daniel.." I racked my brain. "Daniel.. Laylen."
    "Good, good."
    "But, Daniel didn't do anything. When Braydon left, he left by himself. No one was with him and no one followed him."
    "Very well, then. I think you have answered all of my questions, Miss Hartley. Thank you very much. And here's my card, if you would like to supply more information or just give me a call about the case."
    "Thanks, Detective Pernell."
    What was happening? Why was I, possibly along with other students, being investigated? I didn't even know who else they had talked to. But I finally realized that I couldn't sit around and do nothing. The police might be on the case, but there was something I could do as well.
    Thanks for reading chapter 16 everyone! PLEASE, FEEDBACK. :)
    Next chapter out soon.

  4. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 4:30pm UTC
    CHAPTER 15
    I watched Braydon and Kendall walk into the woods, but they came out as quickly as they had gone. Braydon hadn't even calmed down.
    "You know what, Kendall? Just forget it; I don't even trust you. Leave me alone," Braydon shouted at her.
    Kendall looked hurt.
    "Fine!" She shot back.
    Kendall stomped over to the bonfire and sat down by herself. Braydon looked around, and we locked eyes. The angry look in those beautiful blue eyes settled down, like a stormy ocean suddenly ceasing. He walked over to me, gave me a hug, and told me:
    "I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
    "Promise?" I said.
    "Promise. I'll always be here for you," he replied as he kissed me on the cheek.
    Instead of walking down the beach, Braydon decided to cut through the woods to get home. That way he would be walking on the sidewalk in front of the houses. I watched him disappear into the murky darkness of the trees.
    "Well, this wasn't a bad party after all, considering that outburst Braydon had," Daniel said.
    "Shut up, man. You started it. I mean, look at you; you're so freaking drunk;" Logan said.
    "Guys! Just stop it! What even happened?" I asked, before Daniel could reply.
    They just stared at me. Okay, well I guess my question wouldn't get answered. I could ask Braydon in the morning. I looked around at everyone. Some people were talking in hushed tones or taking more sips of alcohol, but many people had already gone home. Lauren and I had decided that she would spend the night, so I called out to her.
    "Hey Lauren, ready to go?"
    She practically jumped up.
    "Ready as I'll EVER be," she said.
    So we got up and left the party without a single goodbye to anyone.
    I stood in front of my mirror in my pajamas, brushing my hair.
    "I just don't get it. Everything was going fine until Braydon and Daniel got into that stupid fight! What were they even fighting over?!" I demanded.
    Lauren shrugged. "Who knows. That was one of the lamest parties ever, anyways. And I'm sure you and Braydon can talk tomorrow," she said with a smile.
    "I guess you're right! Everything's gonna be fine. But I also thought it was weird how Emma just left while I was gone. Where'd she go?"
    "To be honest, I didn't even see her leave," Lauren said.
    "Weird," I mused.
    "Definitely weird. But that girl's always seemed a little loopy."
    We ended the night with a big bowl of ice cream, watching Harry Potter feeling like nerds, and gossiping about people at school. The night had turned out to be pretty fun.
    It was late in the morning when we got up, and my mom wasn't even home.
    "Dad, where's Mom?" I asked, as Lauren and I walked into the family room. The TV was turned to the local news.
    "At the gym," he said, without looking up from the newspaper. Lauren and I stood there awkwardly for a few moments, but then he got up to make himself some coffee. I grabbed the remote and was just about to change the channel when a 'Breaking News' symbol flashed across the screen. A reporter was standing in front of what appeared to be...
    Braydon's house. My stomach dropped to the floor. What possibly could have happened? Her voice came in:
    "...and here's a report from our local town, coming to you live. Here we stand in front of the home of 16-year-old Braydon O'Laughlin, who was reported missing earlier this morning. He had gone to a party on the beach here in this subdivision, and never came home. There are no identified suspects, and the attendees of the party are supposedly being interviewed later this evening. If you have any information on this boy, please report it as soon as possible. Everything is being done to locate him. I'm Anna King, signing off."
    I looked at Lauren in shock, and started to cry.
    Thanks for reading chapter 15 everyone! Hope you liked it! Feedback would be lovely:)

  5. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 4:06pm UTC
    "Who's there?"
    "Daisy who?"
    "Daisy me rollin', they hatin'."
    format credit: Jade672

  6. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2011 6:00pm UTC
    the TWO guys in my school that think i'm attractive,
    must be visually impaired.
    format by: tylerr

  7. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2011 5:31pm UTC
    CHAPTER 14
    "Hey Mia!" he shouted with a grin.
    "Hi Braydon!" I sang out.
    Lauren punched my arm.
    "Stop it," I giggled.
    As we arrived, Braydon gave me a short, friendly hug. There were a few girls and guys scattered around the area.
    "Mia, I want you to meet my friends."
    I was introduced to Daniel, a tall, arrogant-looking guy, and Logan, whom I found to be adorable, and then a guy named Connor. I immediately remembered Kendall's conversation with me when I had gone to her house. This was the guy she wanted to 'hook up' with. Interesting.
    "Hey, nice to meet all of you," I said. I recgonized the other girls and one of the guys who were in their own little group, but I didn't bother saying hi. Lauren and I walked over to some coolers. I opened one and saw beer. I quickly shut it. I didn't want to get into that kind of stuff, so I opened the next one and grabbed a bottle of water. I inspected it, but I pulled Braydon to the side.
    "Braydon? Is this water..um..is there..?"
    He laughed.
    "It's okay. I brought the water. Perfectly fine. And by the way, I think it's cute that you're concerned for yourself."
    I smiled. The party finally got going as more people arrived. Hardly anyone even noticed when Kendall and Emma got there. I found myself laughing at that.
    Dancing, singing, eating, drinking, and even swimming. The party was a hit; it was less boring that I had begun to think! After the sun had set, Logan and Daniel started a bonfire. People gathered around on logs and in the sand. Beer came out, and I wondered who had brought it all, and how they got possession of it. I was offered a bottle multiple times, but I refused. Braydon was drinking, which worried me, but he only had one bottle. Kendall, it seemed, was drunk. She had to have had at least 3 bottles.. Eventually, her and Connor ran off into the woods. Well, she got her wish. Braydon sat next to me, making casual conversation. Emma wasn't even looking our way; she was deep in conversation with some random boy. Others were preoccupied as well.
    Braydon stood up slowly.
    "Mia. Let's go."
    He nodded his head in the direction of the "woods." He offered me his hand; I took it and he pulled me up. He held onto my hand and we disappeared into the darkness. We became more quiet and almost ran right into Kendall and Connor.
    Ew, I thought.
    It looked like he was eating her face. Braydon noticed them and started to laugh. We rushed off and found a small clearing between bushes. We lay down on our backs. I stared up at the stars.
    "Pretty, huh?" He asked.
    "Mhm." I said.
    "So Mia, the whole with Emma. I never really liked her that much, I was stupid. I'm so glad I ended it with her. She doesn't even seem upset. But do you wanna know the truth on why I stopped caring about her?"
    "Yeah," I said, smiling.
    "It's because I like you, Mia. You're all I care about."
    "Braydon, I like you too," I confessed.
    We sat up at the same time.
    His smile was a mile wide.
    "So.. I'm really bad at this stuff. But, do you wanna go out with me? I know it's been a really short amount of time since me and Emma broke up, but that was an awful relationship."
    "No.. you're perfect." I smiled. "Yes. I would love to go out with you."
    "Yay," he said, sounding like a little kid. "Do you wanna do something this weekend then?"
    "That'd be amazing," I told him. We sat in a comfortable silence. I fiddled with my hair, and I kind of wished he would kiss me again. Then, as if reading my mind, he gently cupped my face in my hands and leaned in. He kissed me softly, slowly, and sweetly. I kissed him back and felt myself smiling. It was the perfect moment.
    We went back to beach, hand in hand, and found Kendall and Connor passed out on each other. Emma had disappeared. Everyone looked tired, and I wondered how late it was. Braydon took another beer. I wanted to tell him to stop, but I refrained. Daniel looked very drunk. I figured I shouldn't be hanging out with this kind of crowd, but it was too late. I sat there with my thoughts, with my knees drawn in and my arms around them. I felt so.. happy.
    My state of peace was broken by Daniel's shouts. I saw him yelling at Braydon, but I didn't even know what they were arguing about. Kendall was woken up by this. I focused on her, and it suddenly looked like a realization hit her.
    "You guys! Stop fighting! Braydon! Let's go! I'll calm you down," she said.
    "No," he spat. "I'm not going anywhere with you, Kendall."
    She lightly grabbed his arm. "Come on, you can come back to Mia later," she said, giving me a death stare for whatever reason.
    "Ugh. Kendall. Let's go, Mia," he called out.
    I got up and started to follow them. Kendall protested and led Braydon away. Something was off about this, and I had every instinct to follow them. I don't know why the hell I didn't, because what happened next, practically ruined me.
    Thanks for reading chapter 14 peopleee! Sorry it was so long but I hope you liked it! I'm thinking that there'll be 5 or 6 more chapters left! Please leave comments on the quote or on my profile on what you think! Thanks for the feedback and reads! :)

  8. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 10:40pm UTC
    Admit it;
    you have stolen at least
    o n e c o s m e t i c i t e m
    from your mother.

  9. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 4:39pm UTC
    CHAPTER 13
    I woke up the next morning with butterflies in my stomach.
    It was Friday. The day of the party.
    I got out of bed and straightened my wavy hair. I put on minimal makeup, just foundation, bronzer, and mascara. I could get all pretty before the party. I threw on jean shorts, flip-flops, and a black cami under my favorite hoodie from PINK. I was ready to go.
    I got on the bus and sat next to Kendall for the first time since Wednesday. She hadn't said a word to me since the break-up of Braydon and Emma, and still refused to speak. But as we pulled into school, she finally asked,
    "So, you're still going to the beach party?"
    "Yeah," I told her.
    "Hmm. Have fun with that," Kendall sneered.
    Woah, I thought. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.
    "I will! See you there!" I said enthusiastically. I wondered if Kendall still planned to hook up with that guy she had told me about the first day we hung out. It seemed like months ago, but it had only been a few weeks. The school was buzzing with news of the party. Rumor had it that there was only going to be a maximum of 30 kids there, the popular of the popular. I didn't include myself in that statement, but I'd been previously invited by Kendall so.. it looked like I was going. At lunch, I sat with Lauren and Avery. Emma and Kendall sat together and spoke in hushed tones. It was odd for everyone, not seeing the clique of the 5 most popular girls together. Amazing how things that seem like they'll last forever can change in a matter of minutes and days.
    "Ughh! I can't figure out what to wear!" Lauren wailed.
    She and I were standing in my room, and it was already 4:50. The beach party started at 6, and neither of us had made any progress in clothes, hair, or makeup. Shorts, dresses, and tops were haphazardly thrown over chairs and in piles on the floor, and there were trails of shoes leading out from my closet. My straightener and curling iron were heating up, and all my makeup was out on my dresser. Of course we could be late to the party, but we wanted to be ready.
    "Here, I'll help you," I said. "I don't know what to wear either!"
    "Should we go casual?" Lauren asked. "Like, no sundresses, right?"
    "Hmm," I thought. "Yeah. Casual."
    I put on my favorite pair of jean shorts, dark wash with embroidered, embellished pockets. Lauren followed my lead and put on a pair of jean shorts as well. Hers were regular wash and had a few rhinestone details.
    "Alright, shirts next."
    I went into my closet and dug out an old favorite of mine. It was a light purple-colored shirt, cinched at the waist. It had short-sleeves, but they were loose, and flowing. I put it on over a black lace tank, and paired it with my silver gladiator shoes. I looked in the mirror.
    "How's this?" I asked Lauren. She turned around.
    "What?! That's perfect! I'm so jealous; you look adorable!"
    "Thanks," I said, smiling. "Here, let's pick something out for you!"
    I went into my closet and picked out a ruffled, satin-y tank. It was dark blue and made her eyes pop beautifully. She put it on.
    "I love it! Thank you!" She changed into light wash jean shorts. We did our makeup next. I did a purpley smoky eye, and liquid liner on the top lid, and Lauren put full liquid liner on the top, which I'd never seen on her. It looked amazing. She really was pretty; I was jealous. Then I loosely curled my long hair, and she straightened her perpetually wavy blonde locks. We took a few last looks in the mirror and were finally ready. We looked gorgeous.
    "Are you nervous?" Lauren asked.
    "For what?" I said.
    "You know. Braydon," Lauren said. She smiled. "It's okay, Mia. You like him. No big deal. He likes you back, everyone can tell. He and Emma were an awful couple in the first place. Good luck," she said.
    I smiled, then hugged her. "Thanks, Laur."
    My mother took a few pictures of us and watched us walk down the beach towards Kendall's house. I had told her the party was there so she wouldn't ask questions. As soon as she went back inside, Lauren and I dashed away from Kendall's house over to the abandoned one. There was a small bonfire going and a few people had already arrived. As we approached, my smile widened into a grin as I saw who was waiting for me.
    Thanks for reading chapter 13 everyone! This one was kind of boring, but next chapter some action comes in. Lol. I know I don't do a good job of describing clothes or outfits. It might sound awkard, but just picture it how it SHOULD look. Thanks for the feedback and reads! :)
    This is a fictional story.

  10. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 3:58pm UTC
    asking a friend for advice,
    then n o t l i k i n g
    what they tell you to do.

  11. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2011 6:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2011 4:28pm UTC
    It seems like
    every day, there's like 1028943 more guys on Witty. With quotes on Top Quotes. Weird.
    format by Marissa123

  13. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 10:43pm UTC
    she's wanted by many,
    loved by lots,
    & hated by a few.
    but when it comes down to it, boy,
    a l l s h e w a n t s i s
    format credit: DamnnTaylerx

  14. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 4:35pm UTC

    Disney taught me to never stop believing in my dreams.
    Harry Potter taught me that love and friendship dominates all kinds of evil.
    Narnia taught me that we must all grow up and leave our childhood behind, but we must never forget it.
    PERCY JACKSON taught me that there's a hero in every one of us.
    Glee taught me that no matter how different we are, there's always one thing we have in common.

  15. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 11:19am UTC
    CHAPTER 11
    The next day started off as normal as ever. I got on the bus with Kendall and everything seemed fine. We chatted a little bit and when I got to school, I saw Emma and Avery in the hallway. They both waved at me, and I waved back, but I was still so mad over what Emma had said to me. In biology Lauren and I became lab partners. She was honestly the nicest one out the 'popular' group. She told me that she was a dancer too, and gave me the name of her studio.
    "It's called Zero Gravity Dance Studio. They have classes and company dance, and other competitive teams. It's soo fun. You should like, definitely go there with me!"
    "Thanks a bunch, Lauren! I'll look into it," I told her, because I would.
    "Great," she smiled.
    We were all sitting at our lunch table, talking and laughing: Emma, Avery, Kendall, Lauren, and me. It was all normal. Then the rest of the lunch period and the mood of the atmosphere changed so fast. I watched as Braydon slowly got up from his table, where he sat with his friends, and walk over to our table. He stood by Emma and crouched down. He kept his voice low, but the whole cafeteria was watching the most gorgeous guy and the most popular girl.
    "Emma," he whispered, "I have to talk to you about something."
    "Sure, baby," Emma cooed.
    "Listen, Emma, this thing between me and you, it's just not working out."
    "What do you mean?" Emma didn't get it, and she was still smiling.
    "I mean, I'm breaking up with you."
    Braydon glanced over quickly at...ME, and he looked away.
    Emma's smile faded extremly fast. I waited for tears, or for her to get up and run away, or act in maybe some sort of mature way. Her bluish-green eyes were ablaze. I could tell she was mad.
    "WHAT?!" Emma screeched.
    "Emma, I'm sorry." Braydon got up and walked away.
    By now the entire cafeteria had gone silent, and Emma quickly quieted down.
    "I CANNOT believe this. Why would he possibly want to break up with me? What did I even do wro-" she stopped. Slowly, deliberately, she lifted her eyes to look at me. "YOU."
    "What? Me? What have I ever done?" I asked.
    "Shut up, Mia! SHUT UP!" Emma was yelling again. "I know that you two have been seeing each other! I told you to stay away from him! You didn't listen! Gosh, what is your problem? I'm done with you, Mia. Leave the table!" She demanded.
    "But I.." I was at a loss for words.
    So I picked up my tray, stood up, and looked around. I made eye contact with a girl with pretty dark brown hair and brown eyes. She actually starting scooching over to make room for me. I sat down by her just as the bell rang. "Thank you." I smiled.
    "Sure," she said. "I'm Victoria."
    "Mia." I said.
    We parted ways, and I went to my locker. I couldn't believe this. Emma had just basically kicked me out of their group. I was left with virtually no friends, so I didn't know what to do. Braydon was all I had, but could Emma take him away from me too? I didn't know, but he was all I could hold on to at this point.
    Thanks for reading chapter 11 you guys! Hope you liked? Feedback would be great! :)
    This is a fictional story.

  16. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 10:18am UTC
    CHAPTER 10
    I had missed my bus. Emma had kept me in the bathroom too long. I'd been in there alone for 10 minutes now, crying and then cleaning myself up. I walked home, because I pretty much knew the way. It took me about a half hour, but I was fine. My parents weren't home, so they wouldn't know how late I'd been. It was around 4:15 when I heard a knock at my door. I ignored it and stayed at my spot on the couch watching TV. It was probably just someone selling crap we don't need. But the knocking persisted. I got up, and peeked out one of the windows that were on either side of the door. It was Braydon. I flung the door open and hugged him.
    "What's wrong, Mia?"
    "Come inside," I said.
    I led him to the family room and turned off the TV. We sat on the couch.
    "Today at school, Emma confronted me. She told me how she knew that we've been hanging out and stuff like that, but she doesn't know about.. uh.. Monday night. She told me to stay away from you, and threatened that if I don't, she'll basically take everything away from me. I just don't know what to do."
    Braydon shook his head. "That BIT-" He cut himself off, and hugged me. We sat in silence, with our arms around each other, for a long time.
    "What did you say to her?" He finally asked me.
    "Hardly anything. But Braydon, she thinks I'm jealous. She thinks I like you."
    "Do you?" He asked softly.
    I hesitated. "Yes," I said quietly.
    He smiled ear to ear.
    "Good," he said. "I have to go, my mom's gonna wonder where I am. Ugh."
    "So what should I do?" I asked pleadingly.
    "Wait till tomorrow. I have a plan. Everything will work itself out. Meet me in our new spot tomorrow night at 7."
    I led him to the door. I was so happy he'd come here.
    "Well.. 'bye Braydon." I smiled a little.
    He reached over and tilted my chin up.
    "Hey, don't worry. Bye, Mia," he said. Then he shut the door behind him.
    What in the world was he going to do to make everything okay? I thought, and thought about it some more. I gasped out loud when I realized his plan. He wouldn't do THAT, would he? I guess I'd have to wait and see.
    Thanks for reading chapter 1O you guys! Feedback would be great! :)
    This is a fictional story.

  17. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 10:03am UTC
    "Mia. Bathroom. NOW."
    I spun around from my locker to face Emma. School had just ended, and I was getting my things together. I gulped. She couldn't know, could she?
    It was Wednesday. I hadn't seen Braydon since Monday night. I played it cool.
    "Okay, let me just finish getting my books togeth--"
    Emma glared at me.
    "NOW," she demanded.
    I followed her down the hall into the empty girls' bathroom. She stood in the mirror and fluffed her hair, checked out her appearance, and faced me. Emma looked at me with a cold, hard stare for a long time.
    "So, Emma, what's going on?" I smiled.
    "Don't play dumb with me, Mia," she spat. "What's 'going on' is that you have a thing for Braydon; I just know it. I see the way you practically gaze at him during lunchtime, and how you say to him in the halls. Plus, Kendall saw you twice at the pier last week. Things are adding up. This is your last warning, Mia. I told you to stay away from him. I expect you to listen to me, because I'm sure you wouldn't want anything happening to ruin your only place of friends in this entire school. I can tell you're lonely, Mia. BRAYDON keeps you happy; I see it. Well, it's time for US to make you happy. If you weren't so difficult, you'd be having a blast with the most popular girls in school right now."
    My heart stopped. How could she tell? Was it really that obvious? What have I gotten myself INTO? Braydon has even KISSED me, for goodness' sake!
    "I don't know what you're talking about," I decided to say.
    Stupid of you to say that, I thought in my head. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
    "Mia. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. I just want to know the reason why you like him so much. Is it because he's one of the hottest guys at school? It is because he likes me? Are you trying to make my life miserable, or something?" Suddenly, Emma gasped.
    "I know why. Aww, poor thing. You envy me, don't you? Tell me, Mia, hunny, are you jealous?" Emma smiled a smile that was full of fake concern.
    "What? I- No! No. I'm not jealous."
    Emma's grin spread even wider.
    "Whatever you say. But remember, the party's in two days. I'll be watching whatever you do and whatever you say. Also remember, this was your last warning. I think you know the consequences that can happen if you ignore me." Then, without another word, Emma turned on her heel and left the bathroom. I leaned on the sink, wondering how everything could have tumbled down so quickly, and found myself crying.
    Thanks for reading chapter 9 everyone! This one was a little short! Feedback is appreciated!
    This is a fictional story.

  18. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 8:48pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 7:08pm UTC
    The school day passed by all too quickly. I didn't want to go to Emma's house at all. I considered faking sickness, but on second thought, I decided it was best not to. Emma surely knew about me and Braydon, and she would have known I was lying right away. Her brother, a senior in high school, drove all of us back to their house in their family's Cadillac Escalade. Emma sat in the front with him, and Kendall, Lauren, Avery, and I all piled in the backseat. He didn't talk at all, and left right after we got to their house, in a different part of the town. It looked more like a mansion. It had gates, a security system, and was all brick and stone, but I was pleased to see that my old house back in New York had been bigger.
    "Okay girls, let's bring our stuff inside!" Emma said.
    We lugged our bags and pillows into the house and down into the basement, where there was a small theater room and sealed-off room in which there was a hot tub and sauna. We put our stuff in the middle of the basement, by the huge plasma flatscreen TV.
    "So, I was thinking, we have some pizza, with fat-free and organic ingredients. Then we can go in the hot tub. Don't worry about swimsuits, I have you guys covered." Emma started.
    We all noticed 4 bikinis hanging on a rack near the hot-tub room. I wondered how she had known our sizes.
    "Then," she continued, "we'll watch a movie? And we'll go from there."
    Everyone nodded in agreement. Things went smoothly throughout the night. I was really surprised. In the hot tub, Avery suggested we play 'Truth or Dare'.
    "What you think this is, Avery, 7th grade?" Emma sneered.
    Avery sank down into the hot tub.
    "God, I was kidding! We can play later if it means THAT much to you." Emma said.
    "Okay, girls! I'm SO wrinkly. Let's watch a movie!"
    There were suggestions for a variety of movies, but we settled on Mean Girls. A classic. It was one of my favorite movies. I had always watched it with my friends back in New York. Then I put that thought behind me. I was having a great time with everyone here. These were my new friends. The only thing standing in the way was... Braydon.
    Kendall had fallen asleep during the movie, and Emma shook her awake. The rest of us formed a circle with our pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags and put our heads in the center, gossiping about girls at school, the latest hook-ups, break-ups, and even celebrities. I was having a great time, giggling with Lauren, who I found I had the most in common with, talking with Avery, and taking pictures with Emma and Kendall.
    "Kay, guys, let's get serious here. Truth or Dare." Emma said with a devilish smile. "Here, someone can start with me."
    "Okay, Em, truth or dare?" Kendall said, giggling.
    "Truth, of course." Emma said with a toss of her thick blonde hair.
    "When was the last time you and Braydon made out?" Kendall asked.
    "Really, Kendall, you couldn't think of anything better? Gosh, stupid question." But then Emma laughed and said "Last night; he came over."
    "Oooooh!" Everyone said in unison. They went around the circle, (everyone picking truth, I noticed,) and suddenly I was the only one left. Kendall's turn to ask, again.
    "Truth or dare.... Mia?"
    I smiled, but everyone was looking at me.
    "I'll go with.. truth?" I followed their lead.
    "Excellent choice," said Kendall. "So, who. do. you, like?" She tapped her finger to her chin.
    I had seen it coming.
    "Oh, nobody," I said with a laugh, too quickly.
    "Are you suuuure?" Kendall said.
    I snuck a quick glance at Emma. Her blue-green eyes were narrowed, and she was staring right at me.
    "Positive," I told her.
    Suddenly, Emma spoke.
    "I'm soooo tired, let's go to bed, girls."
    Kendall started to protest, but Emma shook her head. Then Emma said,
    "Oh my gosh, I totally left my toothbrush upstairs. Can someone come with me to get it? I seriously cannot go without brushing."
    No one spoke.
    "Okay, Mia, let's go."
    My heart pounded. We walked up the stairs and got to her room. It was huge, and painted a deep pink. She had a king-size bed, and the other colors in her room were black and silver. She went into her bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush. But we didn't leave.
    "So, um, Mia.. if you like someone, you can tell me. It's not like I'd ever tell anyone, you know that, right? You're like, my best friend."
    "I know, Emma, but honestly, I don't. If I did, I'd tell you." I gave a fake smile.
    Emma just looked at me. There was a long silence. Finally, she broke it.
    "Alright, look. Kendall told me that she saw you and Braydon at that pier in your guys' neighborhood. I know you didn't do anything, but just so you know, he's mine. And if you do anything with him, you're gonna be dead. Do I make myself clear?"
    "Uh--uh--of course," I stuttered.
    "Good," she said, flashing me a smile that I'd never seen on her before.
    It scared me a little.
    "Let's go," Emma said, and left the room without saying another word, leaving me standing there wondering what I was going to do.
    Thanks for reading chapter 7 everybody! I'M SORRY THIS WAS SUCH A LONG CHAPTER! Bear with me here! Feedback would nice as well! :)
    This is a fictional story.

  20. GymnastBabee97 GymnastBabee97
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 6:34pm UTC
    I got home, still worried. My mom didn't question me this time. I went straight up to my room, and flopped onto my bed. I looked at a picture of Gina and me sitting on my bedside table. We were hugging in the photo. It had been snowing that day, and a few snowflakes were in our hair and our designer jackets. I loved that picture, and I wondered if I'd ever find a friend as good as Gina down here in Florida. I sighed, and decided to listen to music. I blared Taylor Swift's 'Fifteen', one of my all-time favorite songs.
    I woke up and my clock read 9:30 P.M. I had fallen asleep. It was a good thing I didn't have homework. I looked up and saw my phone on my dresser. I put my iPod away and grabbed the phone. I found Braydon's number in my contact list. I sent a quick 'Hey' and put my phone down quickly. Almost immediately, he responded.
    'Hi:)'. I was annoyed with the fact that I had butterflies.
    'What's up?' I sent.
    'Nm, chillin. Hby?'
    'Haha same! :)' was my reply. We had a casual conversation for a while.
    But the next text made my heart skip a beat.
    'Sooooo.. do u like anyone?'
    I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't up and tell him that I liked him, because what if he didn't like me? Or he told Emma? Or he thought that was weird?
    'Yep' was all I sent.
    'Who?' He replied, not even a minute later.
    'I can't tell..' I replied.
    'Come on, you can trust me!'
    But can I? I thought. No, because you're the one I like.
    'gtg, my phone's dying! talk to you soon?' I had to end this conversation.
    'Sure. Bye'
    Was it possible that he was mad at me? I didn't know, but at this point I was too exhausted to care. Besides, I had other things on my mind, like what Kendall would choose to say to me on the bus tomorrow. My eyes fluttered closed as I fell asleep, just as my phone beeped. I willed myself to check it.
    The text was from Emma. I was confused. Emma barely talked to me, even though she was kind of supposed to be my 'leader', in a way.
    'Hey girl! sorry it's late, wanna come over after school 2morrow? Sleepover w/ the girls at my house:) bring ur stuff!'
    I couldn't say no. Emma was the one in charge.
    'i'd love to! see you tomorrow!'
    I was SO not looking forward to the next day.
    The next morning, Friday, I got on the bus and sat next to Kendall, as usual.
    "Heyyy Mia!" she chirped.
    "Hi, Kendall!" I was just as cheerful.
    "So, aren't you glad it's Friday? One more week till the big beach party!"
    "Oh yeah, I can't wait!" I smiled.
    "So how was your day yesterday?" She asked.
    It seemed like a normal question, but I was suspicious. I decided to play dumb. "Oh you know, the norm. Boring classes, annoying teachers, the gross cafeteria food. What about yours?"
    "No, after school, silly!" Kendall said.
    "Oh, um.. fine I guess. I didn't do much, except going for a walk on the beach." I couldn't lie to her. That would get me into more trouble.
    "Really? Did you, I don't know, talk to anyone specific on the beach?"
    "No, no one specific." I said.
    "Funny. I could have sworn that as I was just relaxing on my own porch last night, I saw you talking to Braydon Hampton on the pier. Braydon, as in, Emma's boyfriend? Emma, as in, the girl who could make your life miserable?" I gulped. She had seen everything.
    "Kendall, look, it's not what you thi--" She cut me off.
    "Mia, I don't know what you're doing messing around with that boy, but you might want to cut it out. Unless you want Emma to screw you over, then I'd stay away from him." Kendall said matter-of-factly. She turned away, and I knew this conversation was over. I also knew that I was dreading the sleepover that was to come.
    Thanks for reading chapter 6 everybody! Feedback would be appreciated!. :)
    This is a fictional story.


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