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  1. cutmedeep420 cutmedeep420
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 3:43pm UTC
    Sometimes i feel like no one cares. :/

    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    The cool thing about Luna Lovegood
    is that she has the unbelievably rare quality
    of not giving a damn about what other people think.

  3. emmiemonster420 emmiemonster420
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 4:29pm UTC
    yes, we get it.
    we've all looked at kids and thought they'd be hot one day.
    we get what every girl hates.
    we get those awkward moments.
    we get that fake boys on witty are getting annoying.
    we get it, when you post it 45481974894x. seriously.
    could we have some originality now please?

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. vicctorriaaax vicctorriaaax
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 1:50pm UTC
    My friends make fun of me for it
    But they don't know that every time I eat in public,
    I feel like someone is going to call me fat.
    I don't know what to do.

  6. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 9:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. Butterfliesx Butterfliesx
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:41pm UTC
    Weasley Quotes 6
    Ron: Oh my god,what am I going to do?My wife's all alone down in the dungeon!
    Harry:Ron...you don't have a wife!

  9. Neversaynever1997 Neversaynever1997
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:51pm UTC
    ♥--------------------- ---------
    I'm so sick of,
    Girls thinking they have to be a twig in order to be considered "pretty" or "beautiful". Beauty has NO definition. Size 0 or size 14. It doesn't matter. You are who you are. The girls on the covers of magazines?Yes they are extremely skinny, but that DOESN'T mean you have to be too. I hate how this society thinks there is only 1 way to be to be considered "beautiful". Look at celebrities. Raven Symone? She was so heavy, but people still considered her BEAUTIFUL. She lost weight, but she didn't try to become a twig. I know there are a bunch of quotes about this, but its true. There are no definitions to what "beautiful" is. You are beautiful. You can tell me I'm wrong, you can disagree. But I wont listen. You really are, trust me.
    If you read all this, thank you<3

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. Butterfliesx Butterfliesx
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:34pm UTC
    Weasley Quotes 5
    Ron: Sunshine,daisies,butter mellow...turn
    this stupid,fat rat yellow!

  12. ILuvHockeyYo ILuvHockeyYo
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 12:34pm UTC
    When I was 11!
    I wanted to be : A firewoman. When I grew up xD ♥
    I was scared of: Jeffrey my stalker D:
    One of my favorite TV shows: South Park ♥
    Favorite &&& I'll give you an age. (:

  13. oneofakind oneofakind
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:24pm UTC
    I Don't Check My Notifications,
    I Look At Them As A Sence of Accomplishment

  14. live_laugh_love_life live_laugh_love_life
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:23pm UTC
    The quotes that say,
    fave for ________ comment for ________ are really annoying. ♥

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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