Witty Profiles

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  1. SmileGirl SmileGirl
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 9:56pm UTC
    never lie to someone who trusts you.
    never trust someone who lies to you.

  2. SarahForeverxoxo SarahForeverxoxo
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:02pm UTC
    If you're alone
    I'll be your shadow
    If you want to CrY
    I'll be your shoulder
    If you want a HuG
    I'll be your pillow
    If you want to be *HaPpY* I'll be your
    But anytime you need a friend I will just me

  3. hockeyprincess11 hockeyprincess11
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    I want a Witty Best friend...
    A girl or boy.
    I can text anytime(:
    &if you're a girl... it'd be really cool if you liked One Direction? Haha
    Commet If You're Interested<3 (:

  4. bizzlebelles bizzlebelles
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    heyy i am i_will_awake_down_the_line
    isabella rose you are the bestest friend i have ever had. i llove chuu so much and you are sha silly. you are so gorgeously stunningly beautiful that no words can even describe. you are probably the most wisest girl i have ever known and sometimes its annoying about how much i get jealous of you. you are so amazing and perfect and im SO HAPPY THAT YOU HAVE FOUND A GREAT GUY LIKE DALE. you can now physically see that you are loved because if i did i would look so les it wouldnt be funny. you have stood by me even when i dont deserve it and i thank you so much for that. and thankyou so much for the fun we have and the times we have gotten in trouble :') they have been some of the best days of my life. the 3 bestdays of my life have had you involved in them. you were there and that made it even more amazing because i got to share it with my bestfriend. you are like the sister i always wanted. and i never ever want to lose you because you are to amazing to lose. i wants to die old and bestfriends with you laughing about it.
    i love you izzy so muchly beautiful ♥
    love from liv the crazy spastic :p
    Isabella is the sweetest girl ever. I'm glad to call her my best friend, wait... my amazing best friend. :)
    She is amazingly beautiful, she won't be accepting your disapproval.
    She is stunning. Wait, more than that. Stunning to the moon and back, and just everywhere. I love her, No matter where I go, what I do, I will always love her. She takes up a massive place in my heart, And she shall stay there. You will never take her away from me.
    Have those boys been fighting over your beautiful face? ;)
    Love you, Bianca. xxx
    ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    wazzzuuppp dis be therearenoboundaries
    bizzles you are the sweetest girl
    I'm so happy for you and Dale♥ I hope you guys are together forever. you deserve a guy like him
    You me & Liv have some very fun times, singing to pop goes punk songs and just being our casual retarded selves
    You are crazily obsessed with pokemon like claire, which for some reason is funny to me (:
    i swear you could be a profesh singer, you are so talented
    and beautiful.
    and adorable.
    and you actually do look like a cat! *compliment; cats are the cutiest*
    We had this llama searching day in science a while ago and I still have the photos we found haha
    I tried to put one here but it wouldn't work
    I'm so glad we are friends because you are an amazing person with the biggest heart
    I love you lots xoxox
    so, isabella-rose.
    thats a pretty name, btw(((-;
    anyhoo , you're stunning, & i love you.
    i can talk to you , about ANYTHING.
    literally, you're amazing.
    we're still swaping eyes, because mine are ugly a'f. :3
    your quotes like, say everything i want to say, but dont have the confidence to.
    so, thank you for explaining my life . c:
    i can trust with anything, & you can trust me with anything.
    same as bianca.
    you two are sjfizfjs amazing, c:
    i love you , isabella.
    OMG. i just realised, we both have 'rose' in our nameccc:
    anyway, im probably boring you.
    you're beautiful. i love you, c:♥
    - abby rose finlayson. [ abbylovesmatthoran ]
    Hey Isabella,
    (aka, my witty wifey/witty moustache buddy)
    Lol I just had to include that,
    Anyway, I love you Izzy.
    I love the name Isabella-rose.
    Such a beautiful name.
    You're stunning, amazing and beautiful.
    I can talk to you about anything, or vice versa.
    And not a word will be told.
    You have always been there for me.
    I have never talked about you behind your back,
    And I never ever will talk about you behind your back.
    and if I ever did, it would be nothing that would hurt you in any way possible.
    I enjoy being friends with you, and I never want to ruin that,
    You are amazing, Yes I have already said that,
    But I want you to know that.
    And I will keep telling you that,
    I love you so much, Izzy.
    You are beautiful,
    Talk soon.
    Love you, <3 xxx
    - Anna Nicole (Runaway_love)
    girl I haven't talked to you in wayyyy tooo long! I'm so sorry! I never go on witty anymore :( we definitely need to talk sooo much more often than we do now! D: it's a tragedy, really. you need to update me on your craaaazyyyy love life babycakes! (: love you witty bestfriend forever! <3

  5. Livelovemusic11 Livelovemusic11
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    I love people who can make be laugh when I don't even want to smile.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. Crazygirl21 Crazygirl21
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:11pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Alaska Young* Alaska Young*
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:03pm UTC
    I didn't know what "Love at first sight" was..... that was until I met you of course

  9. UndeadJuggalette UndeadJuggalette
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    *talking to my friend*
    Me: Soo, i heard you like me? ;D
    him: Soo... I heard you like me, too...
    Me: Did kayla tell you?
    Him: Nope, you just did. ;D
    Me: ...cleaver....
    so cute<3
    -true story-

  10. GabyMm GabyMm
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:29pm UTC
    play guitars &/or skate <3

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. sunkissedgirls711 sunkissedgirls711
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:46pm UTC
    I don't have a dirty mind,
    I prefer to call it a sexy imagination.

  13. SyddLoohoo SyddLoohoo
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    A decent boy who won't go running around with my friends. a decent boy who won't cause another heart brake. A boy who will text me to say goodnight even though I've allready fallen asleep. A boy who my dad will like. a decent boy who I could be in my sponge bob sweats and he would just laugh and take me to lunch. A decent boy.

  14. Julielool Julielool happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    Someday you'll miss her like she missed you.Someday you'll need her like she needed you.Someday you'll love her,but she wont love you.

  15. crazyinlove69 crazyinlove69
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:46pm UTC
    My eyes have stopped searching because I can honestly say that my heart has finally found exactly what it's been looking for
    Format by twilightgirl995

  16. Angie122395 Angie122395
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:48pm UTC
    have you ever meet someone, and instantly waned to protect them? protect them from the judgmental word that haunts all we say and do? from people that surround them, knowing that if anything happened to them you would feel responsible? even if you aren't friends with them, still you just want to protect them. i wonder does anyone feels that way about me?

  17. Thethingsinevertoldyou Thethingsinevertoldyou
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:48pm UTC
    I'm sorry my insecurities ruin

  18. Ebroughty4 Ebroughty4
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:53pm UTC
    I'll be able to find you in the dark because you're my sunshine

  19. Farnsworthy Farnsworthy
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:56pm UTC
    * Love Is A Bumpy ride.
    Therefore, I'm waiting for my Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet,
    & hold me there; for forever more.*

  20. Skater3313 Skater3313
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 10:56pm UTC
    Love You Like A Love Song....<3


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