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kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Yeahh it made me happy even though they are only like 25 cents at our bookstore but it still made me happy!:) i really hope so!
ohhh that stinkss! im really sorry! well thats dumb! i hate it when parents do that!
yeah drama is dumb! its smart that you are staying out of it! i would too! our school isn't that fun... just study hall ;) haha and thats only because of one person who makes it fun lol. haha he is really sweet! but today not much happened... we sat outside, he asked to borrow my laptop and then he was watching videos on it haha... but we sat next to each other on the deck so that was good. he pushes me a lot haha its funny tho. and sometimes he tries hanging out with my group of friends which is fun:) but yeah anyways then our study hall teacher was all grumpy today cuz shes prego and so she came outside and yelled at us cuz we were being loud and so she made us come inside and sit in assigned seats. but luckily Ty sits 2 seats away from me and so i still kinda talked to him, but she like wouldn't let us talk. so he kept like messing around with me and peeking up from his sweatshirt when i wasn't looking and then when i looked at him he would "hide" lol it was cute:)
soooo hows life?

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
haha thanks! i wishhhh! yeah it was awkard, but not that bad... i wanted to tell him so bad but i just couldn't!
Yeah haha i wanna go to a haunted house, but all my friends are scardy cats so ive never been to one before! :(
i hate friend drama! i just try to avoid it as much as possible because it usually is just for dumb reasons and it can break up other friendships too.
hahaha aww well its cute that you went and supported him:) aw he should ask you soon! and why are you grounded?! :o you dont have to tell me if you really dont want to but im just curious
its ok i like your rambles lol!:) more interesting than my lifee!
ok so my story is kinda short today but its nice:)
Soooo at lunch i got a carmel apple sucker from our bookstore and i was sitting with my friends. i hadn't eaten my sucker yet so Ty came up and stole it from me and ran away so i jumped up and ran after him and i was chasing him for like 30 seconds cuz i realized he was way too speedy for me and so i went back to my friends with a grumpy face and no sucker. so i sat back down and was like... "i'll just get it back during study hall" and then like 2 minutes later Ty came back and handed me my sucker back and i took it. then he handed me a second one and i was likeee "whaaat?" and then he was like "Keep it." and i was like "awh thanks Ty but where did you get a second one from? and dont you want it?" and he was like "No its for you! and i found it" and i was like "ohhh... thanks?" and he was like "im jokingg! i bought it" and so i was like "are you sure you dont want it?!" and he was like "Yup you keep it" so yeah that made me really happy:) my day was made. but in study hall he didn't talk to me as much as he normally does... but he still did. probably cuz i was talking to my other guy friend Paul so he was talking to this other girl Emma who has a boyfriend. i hate her. but whateverr! how was your day!?:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
no its ok, really!!!! i just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about me cuz i love talking to youuu! aww thats a bummer... :( but will you go on just a regular date soon then?
hahahahahahaa YESSS i used to LOVE footy pjs and i still would if i had a pair! and penguinsssss are so cuteee :D ohhh that stinks :P a bunch of people in my school took that today but i didn't want to haha so im not!
OhMyGosh TY!:) ok well yes i guess you could say we've made progress! so the past 3 days we have been talking about girls/guys haha so on monday he dragged me outside in the freezing cold and was likeee "soo who do you likee? that awkward questionn haha..." and im like "no one! for real though" and hes like "come on there has to be someone!" and im likeee "Nope!" and then Jennifer comes out and hes like "Who does Kelsey like?" and she doesn't know i like Ty so shes like "She honestly doesn't like anyone. she used to like this kid named Zack but now Claire likes him and she doesn't anymore." then i was likkee yessss! this is why i dont tell people at school! and then she left because it was too cold and then he was talking about how he would never date a girl taller than him (which we're the same height) and then he was like " i kinddaaaaaaa like Sienna- i know she doesn't have the best past, but shes cute and really nice" and yeahh.. shes kinda a from what i know but i dont know much so i didnt judge. then he was like "i wouldn't date her though because i think Will likes her." and then he talked about he thought my really good friend sami was hot but he wouldn't date her because shes stuck up...which is true. and then he got back to the subject of how he wouldnt date anyone taller and then he was like "thats why i kinda like Sienna and ---ohhh im not gonna say that one because it would be REALLY awkward for you..... but you already know." and i was likeeee whatttt? i was thinking sami because that would be kinda awkward but he hadnt been so hesistant to talk about her before so i was just confused of who he was talking about so i just gave him a confused look and he was like "sami" and im like "ohhh gotcha... yeahh awkward haha" and then i was like ugh but he could be lying and just almost said me instead but asdlfkskd. idk. and so he was talking about that with me for the whole week we had study hall. and yesterday he sat by our group of friends at lunch. and today he was like "i de-friended Sami on facebook because she was a jerk and then she re-friended me." and so yeahhh idk she said she thinks ty is like a freak or something idk but then why would she re-add him? whatever he keeps saying how he def wouldnt date her anywaays. but i just really hope he does like me too... and today he was like "i do think someone else likes me though" and i didn't say anything more about that cuz i was scared haha
sooo thats my update about Ty! i had a half day today and no school the rest of the week because of teacher meetings and confrences so i wont get to see him the rest of the week :( but its ok... i think i can survive haha
i forgive youu! dont worry about it! love youuuu!

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
hey what happened to youuuu?! :( i wanna know more about you and Nolan! did you guys have your double date yet? ;)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Yeah ive had a total of 5 tests this week... it sucks so i haven't been on a super ton either. aw im sorry:(
oh wow! so your brothers are like way older than or at least the married one lol. yeah just let those haters hate because it dont matter as long as you are happy which im sure you are more than just happy!:) i would be lol. aww anything new with Nolan? talking to him a lot this week? see im just so happyyy! ok yeah i think im making some progress with Ty, but im still not sure because he kinda flirts with a lot of girls. but lets see... i'll tell you any story i think of from this week:) sorry if this gets long but i have a lot which is good!
Ok Monday i sat and did my chem homework with Ty...Tuesday i had to talk to claire in the bathroom because she was having some issues during study hall so i couldn't hang out with him but he was like yelling at me for leaving lol. He was like "just stay here!" and im like "I can'tt!" she was having a really bad day was just crying so i had to help her. and then wednesday....that was yesterday and also the best day this week. ok so alll day we were like pushing each other into walls and people whenever we would see each other in the hallway but it wasn't like mean pushing haha it was joking and friendly and flirty pushing hahaha... he would just come up behind me and like yank my backback so i would turn around and he would just hold on to me:) and then study hall came around and then Paul (this other kid in my study hall) came up to me and was like...can you help me with math? and i was like sure! and then Ty was like "NO!" and literally dragged me outside! it was hilarious but it was freezing outside and so he was like should we stay here or should we take a walk? and i was like... "walk its freezing out here" so we walked through the hallways like always and went to our favorite teacher's room. Ms. Slotsema showed us this new lamp she got and it was like this sphere thing with a little ball in the middle and then it sent off like eletric current things and so when you touched it, it would have this little line thingy where you touched it. its kinda hard to explain but we discovered that if you touch the lamp and something metal with the other hand, you would get a shock. so Ms Slotsema had this idea. She was like "Ok now Ty, put your hand on the lamp. and then Kelsey you grab Ty's hand" so i did hehe:) and then she was like "ok now kelsey you touch the metal and see if you feel a shock" and so i did and i did feel a shock;) it was funn haha and it made me happy that we got to hold hands even though i know it wasnt like that haha. still made me happy. and then we went back to our study hall room and talked for a little while with my friend Jennifer. so yeah that was yesterday. Today we studied chemistry together since we have a test tomorrow so yup. that was today. and thats about it. actually it probably wasn't as exciting as i mad that sound. but its fun cuz like yesterday he linked arms with me on our walk and then started spinning in a circle...cute right? im just happy now! ok this is getting long enough soooo yeah keep me updated about Nolan and i wanna know all about this double date when it happens!

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Awww that is so adorable/perfect! i knew this was going to happen because it was so obvious he liked you!! now hopefully the same thing happens for me...but idk. Aw thats good for you guys' first date because then it isn't as weird. it would be fun as a double date:) haha your swearing is excused cuz if my brother was being a douche, i would also call him a douche lol. i dont mind it:) haha just be like leave me alone haters. do they have gfs? cuz then you make fun of them. and if they dont, then be like you're just jealous i can get one and you cant! :) thats what i would do lol.
Yes me tooo!! :) Hunter Hayes is amazinggg. he was singing storm warning haha and he said he like wanted but storm warning was just catchier and funner to sing. i hope so :P well im in spanish- the hour after study hall and it wasn't a bad study hall...it just wouldve been better if we didn't have a sub. she was Ridiculous. like we couldn't go outside so we both made excuses to leave and i actually had to do what i said i was gonna do because she made me bring a note back. but yeah so we just walked through the halls and then he had to leave earlier than me so it wouldn't be obvious and then we came back and looked through movies on netflix cuz he wanted to watch a movie lol but then i just did my hw. and then he just kept leaning on me throughout the whole studyhall and then we started to arm-wrestle and then the study hall sub yelled at us and was like "this is not a gym, its study hall!" and we're just like annoyed. so after class we arm wrestled and i think i won but he was like "i was about to break your wrist and i didn't wanna do that!" so yeah that was his lame excuse lol..but actually i think he is stronger than me but im not gonna admitt it:) Yup so how was school with Nolan today!?? im so excited for you guys! keep me updated! im so excited to hear more!!!:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
I miss you tooo!! thats goodd! AWWWW IM SO HAPPY!!!! I KNEW IT! IM LIKE CRYING :') how are you not dead?!!! AWWWWWWWWWW IM LITERALLY SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! i can't even get over thiss!! alskdjflks thats amazing! haha Ty's good..but i really am not sure if he likes me or not and its frustrating! i dont remember the last thing i told you but last week was a really good week in general with him. he talks to me all the time and i told you about the Hunter Hayes thing a few comments ago right? ok well the other day i was walking to cheer after school with my friend claire and he was at the opposite end of the hallway and there was like a bijillion people in between us but he yelled my name and i turn aroud and hes trying to catch up to us then he finally does and claire is about to yell at him for not calling her name and then he starts singing a Hunter Hayes song and it just made me really happy. then he was like..."im gonna follow you guys" and i had to change for cheer so i was like "into the bathroom? hahaha" and hes like "Ohhhhh nope! haha sorryyy!" but he walked with us up until the bathroom. and idk yeah thats really all i can think of but theres always tomorrow so i will let you know:) OH and Wednesday he told me i looked nice:) hehe it made me happy!:)))

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Heyyy!!! what happened to youuu!!? i miss youuuu!!! <3 hows nolan? ;D haha i need to talk to youuu cuz i just miss you!

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
haha its totally fine! I didn't even go on witty yesterday because i was soooo busy with homework and cheer. so yeah no worries!!
NOLAN IS ADORABLE. well he is just so sweet! he stole your sun glassessss!! <3 i love ittt! maybe he'll ask you to homecoming ;) who knows! i think he should! he'd be stupid not to! Gosh you guys would be perfect!
Im sorry about all your friend stuff.... i hate that. my friends over-react a lot too and its soo annoying and i'm just like im sorry if i did something wrong but i can't change things so cry me a river and build yourself a stinking bridge and get over it!!! haha well yeah some people are just soo childish in those kinds of situations and it just like... what grade are we in? preschool? nope. i hope things get better with her though:)
AND IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! you got his numberrrrrrr!!!!! i dont have Tys number :/ thats a bummer. but yeah i hope you guys text a lot now!!! haha study hall was greatttttt. but idk i just feel like he flirts with a lot of girls besides me. yesterday we were talking about winking hahaha and he took something of mine (cant remember what haha) and then i tried to get it back and so i kept reaching across him and hes like "If you really wanted to hold my hand you couldve just let me know! haha you dont have to hit on me that much" haha so yeah cuz all i was doing was reaching for my thing but he was just joking around but i enjoyed it!:) and then me and Jenn were sitting next to each other and hes likee "Jenniferrr! move over!" and shes like "you can sit on that side!" (she was talking about on her other side) and then he was like "that sides dirty and i wanna sit by Kelsey" (cuz we were outside haha) and soo yeahhhh i feel pretty special:) but idk he says stuff like that a lot. and do you know who Hunter Hayes is? hes a famous country singer and Ty keeps claiming that Hunter is his 2nd cousin cuz Ty's last name is Hayes and i dont know whether to believe him or not because they both look actually reallyyyy alike and they are both cute and they have the same last name so idk! :) i hope soo hahaha well yup that was my study hall the past 2 days:) i hope Nolan keeps texting you so i can hear more!

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
yeah well i think that yesterday's study hall made up for the dumb day i had Thursday! yesterday was soooooo fun! So Ty, Jenn (my friend) and I all just were getting annoyed with all the people outside so we just left to this one really fun teachers room cuz she didnt have a class. so Ms. Slotsema just let us chill in her room. there was these little plastic caps we found and we were throwing them across the room as frisbees and at each other...it was sooooo fun. and then we doodled on her chalk board cuz she has really pretty chalk and then we were just singing and laughing and having a hell of a good time! it made me soo happy. and then Ty was just like...."we should do this everyday:)" and i totally agreed with him because that was the best study hall. anywaysss i honestly think he could like you and that you have a chance with him. that is soo cute...a twitter fight ;) <3 it would've made my day too, honey!:) yeah you should just make your friend not walk with you haha or if she does then when she is walking really fast, walk slower and stay with Nolan and talk to him ;) i love venting to each other back and forth and i feel like we are in the same situation right now so its pretty cool:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
yeah i think you told me about that story but idk... he might like you c: ok but im in study hall at this very moment. ummmm Ty isn't really talking to me. hes talking to this other girl in our grade...its frustrating. Hes just helping her with her homework i guess but its still annoying. and at the beginning of class we walked to his locker together and it was fun but then this girl whos in his math class was like "can you help me with the hw?" so now im over here sitting by myself. its sad. i dont really like this. i dont really think he likes me...he probably just sees me as a best friend. im frustrated. k thanks for listening to my vents! i actually love you! :)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
awww i think he might like you but he might be thinking the same thing as you...he could be worried about the whole "friend-zone" thing. but thats soo cute that he was a super long way to go to class with you!!! :) and haha i actally like it when you walk with your friends and guys and stuff and then theres a day when your friend isn't there cuz it just makes everything better!:) haha last year when i liked this other guy (hes kinda a man tho), we would pass each other everyday in the halls on our way to 2nd hour but my friend was always there and then one day she wasn't, so he came up behind me and gave me the biggest hug and it was so cute. but yeah hes a jerk actually so dont let his cuteness fool you! anyways im glad you had a good day yesterday and congrats on winning your tennis match!!!:) study hall was kinda another normal-ish day but i had to study for a spanish quiz the next hour and so Ty helped me with that. he was quizzing me and making joke with my spanish words and it was just funny haha but thanks for making me feel a little more confident that i might have a chance with him. i just dont know, i reallyyy hope so!:) and you better keep me updated about Nolan!!:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
haha yeahhh:) aww i really hope everything turns out good between you and him and i hope he likes you!:) something is gonna happen.. i can just feel it! study hall was reallyyy good yesterday and pretty good today. yesterday he was being soo cute and couldnt even handle it. i was laughing like the whole study hall! ok well i was sitting on the ground and he comes up and leans up against my back so we are sitting back to back and we sat like that for a little while. then he was trying to do gymnastics and he kept threatening to do a front flip off of this little deck and then i was like noooooo your gonna diee!! i just liked that he was trying to do cheer and he wouldn't stop haha but anyways today he wasn't as fun and crazy because there was a bunch of people outside with us today and we were actually kinda doing hw. so yeah but we still talked a lot. yeah he just makes me happy and really hope that he likes me:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
yeah i know:) and i will! haha like every day if you want haha but you probs dont wanna hear about him thatt much. and you keep me updated on nolan! ;) let me know if anything happens! when is your homecoming?

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Yeah once you get into the friend zone its dumb! anywayss that is really weird, but does that give a little hope maybe? the way i see it is that his friend knows something you dont ;) i think if anything its a good thing! but yeah thats confusing. my homecoming was really great!! danced hard, had fun!:) i loved it soo much and i cant wait til the next dance!! Ty (the guy i was telling you about) was there with my friend and we hung out a majority of the night so that was fun. i actually cant wait for study hall tomorrow cuz hes in my study hall class and so i wanna talk to him:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Yeah i totally understand! its so annoying when you get into the friend zone and i reallyyyy hope that doesn't happen with Ty. I think that "friends" would just make the best couple ever though because it would make it so easy...they would be easy to talk to and tell everything, you would trust them, and you would be comfortable around them. so why is it so difficult like that?

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
yeah that sounds weird and frustrating! I'm sorry though..i dont really have a whole lot of ideas... i guess just be flirty but not like superrrr but kinda try to give him a hint that you like him...but then like idk. im not even sure if that made sense. i guess just go along with whatever he does and if you guys just continue staying friends, it wasnt meant to be and who knows, maybe he will end up liking you!:)

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
haha thats kinda what ive been doing. if hes trying to make me jealous, its working but idk why he would do that! so how are you and Nolan? :) still not gonna get your hopes up im assuming

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
yeah i know:) ok but for real... we talked ALL study hall today and were walking in the halls..just us and it doesn't make sense to me! why does he want to go to the dance with claire if they barely talk!?

kewlss35 · 1 decade ago
Awww you did!!! <3
i think he does like you though...for real. i dont know a lot about him but to me it sounds like he does. if he would take the long way, just to talk to you.... yeah:) wait what is his name?!
and maybe. me and my friend are going in 2 different groups because she has a date and i dont but we will probably hang out when we are actually at the dance:)


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